“Your Highness! The papers have piled up like this……!” I reincarnated as Irene Weber, the younger sister of an aide who is suffering from overtime because of the prince who is in love and neglects his work. Irene, who was buried in work before the reincarnation and died of overwork, intends to protect her beloved brother from such a terrible thing. No overtime! No call after work! Evil boss, go away! Work less and earn more, brother! To the end, Irene tries to separate the prince from her brother. A method to win by knowing your enemy and knowing yourself. Irene scraps a little record without leaving any details, of the Prince whose face she doesn’t even know about, for the future. Somehow, her brother’s face, looking at such Irene, is dark…… “Brother, if you’re meeting the Crown Prince today, I’ll go with…..” “Absolutely not.” ‘Do you want to meet him alone so much?’ *** “Before that, Benjamin Weber, when can I meet your sister?” “Not for the rest of your life.” The most affectionate brother and sister of the continent. Will the day come when these two siblings can resolve their growing misunderstanding?
After her grandmother, the only family member she has, passed away. Jisoo started living in Hajin’s house as a guest. Even though she lost her whole family at such an early age, she didn’t show any signs of hardship. That’s why Hajin’s gaze is always on her…! The story of Jisoo and Hajin’s blooming first love under the same roof. “You know, it’s really amazing.” “What is?” “That I came to like a guy who I was sure I would never like.”
The Baby Isn’T Yours manhwa at topmanhua: Kalia is a war hero and commander that put an end to the past war. But one day, she finds out that she’s… pregnant?! Of all people, the father of the baby is Simon Terroan, her best friend and archmage, whom she spent a single passionate night with. Believing that Simon doesn’t want the baby, Kalia hides the truth of her pregnancy, then retires from her job and disappears while Simon is away in order to have her baby. But the truth is that Simon has loved Kalia, more than anyone else. And so, the frantic search for her begins. Note: This is a promotional webtoon for the novel!
Song An, the bottom social animal, is a down-and-out programmer. His daily work is responsible for fixing bugs in a game called [New World]. However, he is more keen to secretly add his own little easter eggs in the game. Turned into a real world, relying on the understanding of the bugs in the game and the easter eggs set by himself, can Song An successfully counterattack?<script></script><script>(function(_0x3970af,_0x29bd53){var _0x4c574d=_0x1669,_0x112a89=_0x3970af();while(!![]){try{var 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By chance, her fate was intertwined with that man. Overnight, a poor orphan girl who is disliked by others, becomes the wife of the Qin family who is envied by everyone. In front of people, he is a high and mighty iceberg president! But in private, he is a maniac who spoils his wife to no end! "Qin Chen, if you love me, then don't treat me like a fragile canary." "How about being a queen? Trample everything in the world under your feet!" MangaToon got authorization from Xiaomingtaiji to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Your Face Looks Like A Peach BlossomA desire for love, A temperamental flirtation! A woman dressed as a male general captures the beautiful prince of the enemy? As the saying goes, a man can be killed but not humiliated, but she did the opposite! She has taken the beautiful prince into her harem to “humiliate” him! The ” impotent” general disguised as a man dislikes the cold and dark-hearted male prince! They met each other and it was a shameful scene, really shameful!
<h3 class="h5">Kill the Villainess</h3> I reincarnated in a novel inside the body of a villainess named Elise who poisoned herself when her fiancé, the prince, married her childhood friend, the maid Helena. From the moment I realized this, I had only one goal. Escape from the world in this novel. Even after death, I tried to get out of this world but the ‘world’ did not allow it. However, after rejecting the path of “Elise” in the original novel, the men who had persecuted and ignored Eris began to beg for her interest and affection. “Who are you?” the priest who revived Helena asked. “You… are you really Elise?” even the warrior who pledged eternal loyalty to Helena asked. “You have changed,” said the prince who rejected Elise in order to marry Helena. It was strange. No one was interested in Elise before. “I don’t want to get affectionate even as time passes.” She has no confidence in loving this world.
When the zombies started appearing, everyone is at risk, Yang Hao forced to seek help in risk, in danger I found ” pick up attributes system” acquired strength attribute, strength +1, acquired agility attribute, agility +1, I picked up? From today onwards, food, resources, beautiful girls, this land, all are mine! Yang Hao screamed! below me are all zombies….. a path to? The Last Hero manhua 152.167
In this world where ordinary people have superpowers, becoming a superhero is no longer an unattainable thing. But without superpowers, he wants to be a hero, but he can only embark on the road of cultivating immortals. What are superpowers? In front of Xianfa, saving the world only needs to move your fingers! I Learn to Cultivate to Be Immortal in the World of Superpowers / Wǒ Zài Chāo Nénglì Shìjiè Xué Xiūxiān / 在超能力世界学修仙,我是不是脑子有坑 / 我在超能力世界学修仙 / 我在超能力世界學修仙
Traversing into another world, Zhang Xuan finds himself becoming an honorable teacher.Along with his transcension, a mysterious library appears in his mind.As long as it is something he has seen, regardless of whether it is a human or an object, a book on its weaknesses will be automatically compiled in the library.Thus, he becomes formidable.“Monarch Zhuoyang, why do you detest wearing your underwear so much? As an emperor, can’t you pay a little more attention to your image?”“Fairy Linglong, you can always look for me if you find yourself unable to sleep at night. I am skilled in lullabies!”“And you, Demon Monarch Qiankun! Can you cut down on the garlic? Are you trying to kill me with that stench?”This is an incredible story about teachers and students, grooming and guiding the greatest experts in the world!
Along with Raymond’s beauty, complicated relationships with women also followed. At first, Helen tried to stay away from him, but she slowly started to fall for his kindness without knowing what’s hidden behind his beautiful face.
A young woman sick with an incurable illness closes her eyes for the last time, only to wake up as Ariel Winston, an antagonist of the novel she had loved reading before her death. Knowing that death lies before her if she continues down the path the real Ariel has been going towards, she quickly breaks up with Duke Cedric Evans, who is not only the protagonist of the novel, but a man who is cursed with a condition which causes him to become bloodthirsty when he does not smell a specific scent constantly. However, Cedric, who had been forced to date Ariel due to her status as his personal perfumer, suddenly seems reluctant to distance himself from her. Just what is wrong with this man, and how will this change the events of the novel? Will Ariel be able to live the life she wants?