Manga adaptation of 1995. Five hundred years ago, Rudolf von Goldenbaum united the disparate governments of humankind and established a mighty human empire, a tribute to his own greatness that stretched across the galaxy. Demanding loyalty and discipline, Rudolf created an order designed to long outlast his own rule; but all human works fade in time. Today, the decaying empire faces the threat of the Free Planets Alliance, and military leaders on both sides jockey for power in the face of a seemingly inevitable conflict. On the side of the empire, the young general Reinhard von Lohengramm sees war as opportunity, and the empire as soft clay ready for his own sculpting. On the side of the alliance, would-be historian Yang Wen-li would like nothing better than to live out his days in peace - but times of war have little use for men who waste their days studying the mistakes of the past. Circumstances will make heroes and villains of both these men, as they write new history one blood-splattered page at a time.
After countless regressions, Persepe finally conquers all five male protagonists in a harrowing reverse harem game. Just when she thinks she’s free, a message appears: *Secret Mode unlocked! Find the true male lead to escape.* Hope reignites — she only needs to woo the real protagonist to return to her original world. But there’s one problem... "So… who’s the real male lead?" With no clear answers and hidden challenges, Persepe must navigate shifting alliances, cryptic clues, and her own growing feelings. Can she uncover the truth and finally break free? Or will she remain trapped in the game forever?
Following a momentous battle against giants for the fate of the world, Ronan emerges victorious as the last man standing of the imperial army. As he laments this hollow victory with his dying commander, Grand Marshal Adeshan, they quickly learn that the war is far from over and an overwhelming force of giants descends from the heavens. Fearing the worst, yet seeing hope in the courageous Ronan, Adeshan uses her last time slip to send him back to the past, so that he can enroll in the prestigious Phileon Academy and become the strongest swordsman the empire has ever seen!
[OFFICIAL SUMMARY FROM MANGAPLAZA]I was your average late-twenties gamer girl - and now I'm Chloe, highborn daughter of a count?! This time around I'm definitely going to find happiness! Except... I just caught my fiance right in the middle of cheating on me. Sometimes you have to roll with the punches, I guess. But when did the super handsome Duke Gilliam Loewe get here, and why is he getting down on one knee...?!From the carriage, to the theater, to the bedroom... this charming duke is melting my heart with every heated, yet tender, caress.
The mighty crimson star of the supreme ruler has appeared! The child who receives the energy of this star would grow to become the supreme leader and also become the legendary star that will rule over the world! Cheon Ryuyeong, someone who grew from a lowly position to the highest position! “I don’t know… just how much more I’m capable of as well.” “It’s because I haven’t experienced my own limits before.” Baek Yoonhoe, who tries to become the supreme ruler at all means! “The only place for me is Murim anyway.” “Since I’m going to be in Murim, it’s not a bad idea for me to become the supreme ruler.” Dok Goseol, an unrivaled female martial master who’s both beautiful and strong! “There’s no rule that the owner of the Supreme Ruler Castle has to be a man.” “Therefore, I have a chance at it too.” Poongwoon, who has a suspicious past and unknown martial art capabilities! “No one knows.” “The strength of the martial arts that are hidden in me.” There can only be one Supreme Ruler! The intense aspirations and love that takes place while fighting for that one position and numerous last-minute schemes and betrayals. Who will become the owner of the Supreme Ruler’s Castle? The story of those people who will bring turbulence into the world is about to start.Star of the OverlordThe King’s StarThe Star of a Supreme RulerThe Star of an AutocratThe Supreme Ruler’s Star覇王の星覇王星패왕의 별
Ordinary university student Lin Xian and the campus' Prince Charming Yan Yu Sen are of two different worlds that will never collide, yet one day, they met each other unknowingly. Until an unexpected encounter, Lin Xian found out that this so-called Prince Charming had another side that no one ever knew about. Just which side is his true self? Lin Xian's originally undisturbed campus life has begun...
Through the course of unlikely coincidences, a man and woman meet again and again in three different lives. 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High school boy Koguchi Torao sees Mogusa Minori, a quiet, reserved girl in his class, walk into the restaurant run by his family and order an unbelievable amount of food, and even more surprisingly, sees that she keeps unagi pie (a sweet biscuit made with powdered eel) in her wallet?!The story revolves around Koguchi and Mogusa's meetings in daily life and Koguchi's observations of Mogusa's unbelievable (and quite eccentric) eating habits.
The spring fountain town of miracle that heals anything, Polka. In the hometown of memories, with my dear parents, there was a figure of a half-elf girl who swore to become my female slave. Repeating such a memorable talk every time he drinks alcohol, 25 years old Andy Smeyson is a former blacksmith’s apprentice and an innocent crossbow soldier. Andy is surrounded by nice companions and competent and sexy bosses, which is different from what he had thought when he was a child, but this was a cozy life. When the half-elf girl suddenly appeared in front of him, he will jump into a furious destiny. Andy, who is weak but courageous and clever will meet a lot of different race ladies such as elves, half elves, dark elves, loli dwarves, dragon girls, beast girls and make them his female slaves one after another. The horny adventure started from a half elf girl who doesn’t stop liking him will eventually become a legend ──.
“Fate, save my unborn child…!” These are the last words of Princess Hinael as she plummets to her death at the hands of Count Chetaire, her unfaithful husband. Little does Hinael know that destiny will grant her a second chance, as she awakens two years in the past, shortly before her marriage. With her knowledge of what’s to come, Hinael attempts to rewrite the stars for herself and her future child. And what better way to achieve her ambitions than to court her kingdom’s former enemy, the dark and stern Prince Lutz of the Empire of Triekas?
Jiang Feng becomes a disciple of the knight-errant Fu Shan. After Fu Shan gets assassinated, Jiang Feng vows to avenge his master. During his quest for vengeance, Jiang Feng is rescued by Fu Qinghuan, a highly skilled swordsman. The two seem to get along, but it's not until Jiang Feng realizes who Qinghuan truly is...
Gu Lan traveled through fantasy novels and became a supporting scholar. There is also a beautiful and beautiful little wife. I wanted to live in peace and stability, relying on the plot of the original book to avoid all kinds of wall hangings, and stay with my wife for the rest of my life. However, the text reading system was loaded! As long as you read and copy books, you can extract your cultivation, become holy and become a god! Because he was too invincible, Gu Lan ran over the big villain casually when he went out, and the sons and daughters of luck from all walks of life scrambled to recognize the master! While his strength is taking off, his official career is also going smoothly!