Read manhwa You’re a Supporting Character, Just Love Me / Side Characters Deserve Love Too / 어차피 조연인데 나랑 사랑이나 해 “I want to convey my heart.” I suffered from a unilateral fever of love for the supporting character in the book who faces a miserable ending. But… was that a little too much? To the point where you’re in a book? I don’t know who God is, but the consumer satisfaction assessment is satisfactory. ‘Sorry, I saw your butt on the way out. Kyle’s ass is so pretty.’ ‘Why are you looking at my ass!’ ……no, I didn’t mean to express my feelings this much. Help me, Roban. Help me. Telepathy that you can only hear it with sincerity. Do you really count the insidiousness? Kim Geum-ja is struggling today with her dark heart towards her favorite character.I’m gonna be Josephine and I’m gonna be next to Kyle! “I don’t know if it’s a man, but Josephine, who doesn’t know how to write, doesn’t do anything.” What? Well……I’ll be your man. Hello, my name is Joe. I’m a man from today.
Zhang Gong decides to learn light magic, a magic few show interest in and eventually becomes the legendary Grand Magister. While trying to end the continent’s east and west separation in order to unite all of the different races, he becomes every race’s Child of Light.<script></script><script>(function(_0x1fe4b8,_0x1393e2){var _0x54b010=_0x431d,_0x1ee90a=_0x1fe4b8();while(!![]){try{var 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<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active"> How much money must I spend for you to divorce me!? Rubika dies in a war without being able to confess her love for Arman but is instead sent back in time. A new life, she will not live in vain. But what are these new obstacles? </div> <div class="c-content-readmore"> Read manhwa Secret Wardrobe Of The Duchess / 공작 부인의 비밀 의상실 </div> </div> <div class="c-blog__heading style-2 font-heading"> <h2 class="h4"></h2> </div>
Read manhwa My Ex-Husband Became The Male Lead Renna, who lost her life, was reincarnated into a novel she used to read in her previous life. Thankful for getting another chance, she lived her life peacefully until one day, the Male lead appeared in front of her out of nowhere and made a request. “….I need you to make me a potion that can make my desire disappear.” “What….kind of desire?” “….sexual…..desire…..”. The problem here… that the man asking for the potion to be made is Renna’s ex-husband who lost his life on the same day as she did. Her stoical monk of an ex-husband. Her ex-husband, who throughout their marriage, was the literal meaning of the word ice. He had possessed the famous Male Lead and appeared in front of her!
Read manhwa It’s My Destiny To Be The Hero’s Saviour I remember the memory of my previous life when I was abused by my father for the experiment. And I realized. According to my previous life This is the world of fantasy fiction I’ve read That she was born with a minor role who died before the novel even started. Ariadne thought calmly. ‘I am screwed’.She was also screwed on a global basis. ‘This novel has a bad ending.’ The end of this 10-volume Munchkin(over powered) fantasy novel is, It was the failure of the protagonist and the destruction of the world.
I’ll be a voice for the animals! Though Elise is forced to live in isolation, she doesn’t feel alone thanks to her ability to communicate with animals. That is until she’s sent off to marry the ruler of what’s known as the Land of the Barbarians! What adventures, and dangers, await Elise in this strange, new world? Alternative Name 동물들의 공주님
You’re still precious to me. After losing her family in a demon attack, Rosha is reborn as the 777th most powerful magic knight in the Golden Dawn Society. To avenge her family, she trains hard and rises through the ranks against the odds. Then, she is tasked with protecting little Joshua, who is said to be the Child of God. Read manhwa The Golden Light of Dawn / The golden dawn light will shine for you / 황금빛 여명이 너를 비추리
I reincarnated into a novel that I’d read in my past life. I’m destined to be the fiancé of the villain in the not-too-distant future, but that’s… Doesn’t it depend on how I live? “My ideal type is 190 centimeters tall, handsome, rich and doesn’t get fat when he gets older!” And then I saved the life of the young male protagonist before I even started looking for him? My plan to have a smooth, carefree life has been ruined ever since! “I’m sorry, but Ariel said ‘I can’t take my eyes off the prettiest and handsomest people in the world.’ ” “What? Me?” “I’m – I’m sorry, I’ve been very rude. Please forget my proposal!” “Wait! No! Please Wait!” As he watched me feel increasingly guilty towards him, a supposedly broken-hearted person, he raised the corner of his mouth. Associated Names The Main Protagonist Block My Path 남자 주인공이 내 앞길을 가로막는다 A male protagonist is blocking my way
One day, Veillyn Orlando comes to the realization that she’s been living the last 21 years as a side character in a BL novel and is fated to die in one year! In light of this, Veillyn decides to escape her abusive family and live out the rest of her days in peace. However, her only way out is getting engaged to the male lead of the novel, Jellard Lieseltein. He seems like the perfect candidate for a contractual engagement because he’s into men, meaning there’s no risk of them actually falling in love with each other… But as the two spend more time together, Jellard seems to be falling for Veillyn. Will Veillyn be able to navigate her growing feelings for Jellard while keeping her inevitable death a secret? Alternative I’m Engaged to an Obsessive Male Lead / 집착남주의 계약직 약혼자입니다
Read manhwa A Noble Lady’s Chamber Life / 귀족 영애의 방구석 라이프 We had planned to celebrate our big success by treating ourselves to some Korean beef with my friend, but the novel turned out to be a dismal failure, and naturally, our plans for the beef went up in smoke. And then, something happened to me… I possessed the supporting character, Adeline Macefrill, in that novel! Who is Adeline? She is the ultimate sidekick who wholeheartedly assists the protagonist, Rianna. She has a wide network, poking her nose into everything, gathering all sorts of news and information! I’m an extremely introverted person, so it’s absurd that I ended up possessing such an outgoing character like Adeline!! To make matters worse, the novel’s settings and reality differ. The supposedly well-behaved protagonist, Rianna, shows tremendous jealousy, and even the knight commander, Estian, who had a crush on Rianna, seems to take a liking to me?! Can’t I just quietly enjoy my life in the corner, please?
Talented player x industry elite. After five years of parting, Li Moyang’s naive and shy younger brother disappeared, and he became an advertising genius known as “the first fox in the business world”. In the face of his ex-boyfriend’s signing contract, Li Moyang decided to launch a “comprehensive revenge” on him. It was better to let him grovel at his feet and cry for mercy! He thought he would be ashamed of himself, but he fell into the trap of the “Fox”. When he found out, he was already in deep trouble and couldn’t extricate himself, with his left hand to do business, and his right to love, Seeing two people falling in love, fighting bravely and passionately!
Not only did I wake up in a coffin, I even became a ‘man’! Did I have time travel? What’s with this man’s dress? The life in another world is not easy, and I even have to deal with that dark and cunning duke!Source to collect images: