1) The Turquoise Morning .A well known photographer named Jed Knox acquires a one-sided love from his time in a foreign country. Because the target of his crush, Sahab, said he would never love another since his wife died, Jed would never tell of his feelings. Oh but how Jed wished Sahab would love him even a little bit and that he could have Sahab's soul in his hands. Although ifrits (genies, etc) are magical wish givers in story, what could happen if they were real? 2) It's Time for Goodbye It is the morning after and the student finally notices that the lover's room is exceptionally sparse. 3) LOVE-ING A guy tells his friend that he's gay and in love with him, but his friend is surprised and leaves. 4) Playboy! He has had it. His lover won't make love to him and refuses to stop seeing other women. 5) The Eyes of the Rose are Bombs The prince-like Hansumi has an effect on everyone around him, except Mitsuda. 6) Aah Boyfriend Suzuki can't stop fantasizing about his friend. 7) Garden of Despair Isuka is still trying to come to terms with his feelings for his friend. 8) The Eyes of the Rose are Blind Continuation of chapter 5. 9) Garden of Desire Continuation of chapter 7. 10) Bad Boy Continuation of chapter 4. 11) Go Go Boyfriend Continuation of chapter 6. 12) Postscript
.Seo Yoon Seul, who's lived a perfect life so far, becomes a wreck when he starts having nightmares of a boy whom he coldly rejected when he was a student. The nightmares get even worse when he reunites with Kang Joon. Following his advice on becoming a good person to avoid nightmares, Yoon Seul approaches him to win his favor.
[Translated by Mosh Scans]"It's okay. It'll be okay."On November 8th, Shinwoo, who is holding on to life by a thread, is saved by Han's warm words.Afterwards, Han pursues Shinwoo, and the two quickly become close. However..."You get tired of toys you've played with for a while."For reasons unknown, the two grow apart, and just like that, 13 years pass. The two meet again as members of society, but for some reason, Han doesn't even remember Shinwoo..."Who is he?"Slowly, Han remembers what happened with Shinwoo, realizes all of his habits are related to him, and figures out why he forgot him."I only realized it today, but I think I like you a lot."He tries expressing his affection for Shinwoo in earnest, but the wary Shinwoo does not open his heart easily. Han, worried about Shinwoo's overly pessimistic attitude, learns about Shinwoo's past- which he hadn't even cared about before...Can their clock start again?+
Yuri, one of the school's most handsome guys, and Jaerim, one of the school's ugliest, collide!...or don't they...Can't understand what's going on between these two! It's Out of Control!! Original Webtoon Official English Translation
Despite his endless enthusiasm and flashy style, Koshiro just can't seem to get a girlfriend or even a date. To make things worse, the cute girls that ignore him all go flocking to aloof Kirihara who glides through life effortlessly and unaffected. In fact, the only thing that Kirihara seems to take enjoyment in is watching Koshiro's failures. Why do these opposites keep getting thrown together or is it more than just coincidence...
A series of oneshots. Contents: • AV Boys- College student Kouta needs to make money fast! His family borrowed alot of money and ran off, leaving him with the debt. When his senpai Sonomura gets him a job as a gay AV actor, Kouta decides to only work until his debts are paid. But the money is really good, and working with Sonomura is getting more and more comfortable... • My Love Castle- Masaomi's father has gone on vacation with his lover and left Masaomi to manage his love hotel, something he has no experience at. With handsome manager Tsushima helping out with his "hands on" approach, things will be fine. Right? • I Love You More Than I Can Imagine!!- Keizou's family owns a liquor store and one day during a delivery he picks up a beautiful young student. Keizou's never been interested in guys before, but something about the high school boy sparks his imagination and now he can't get him out of his head! Will Keizou get a chance to make his dreams a reality? • The One Who Loves You Deeply- Sex shop owner Miyatsuki knows there's something familiar about the beautiful young man who comes looking for a job. But the harder he tries to place Jyunta, the more it slips away from him, and each day is one closer to Jyunta taking on customers, an idea which bothers Miyatsuki alot. • Me and My Beloved Sensei - Nagaoka has his dream job, being an assistant to his favorite mangaka, Chigaya Senri. But Chigaya seems to be a bit of a recluse and unusual - incorporating running and weight lifting into the daily lessons. But who is really doing the teaching? And why does a mangaka own a black bondage suit? • The Courage I Get From Loving You?- Isawa thought visiting the hot spring would be boring, but beautiful (underage) part-time worker Shitsuki catches his eye, and Isawa finds himself unable to resist the lure of the innocent student. • Love Trial-Kousuke has spent three years in an unrequited love for his friend Sonokawa Yukihi. Without the courage to confess, Kousuke is afraid that they'll graduate without Yukihi ever knowing his feelings. But a class trip stay with aggressive upperclassmen, revealing clothing, and huddling in small spaces may make it impossible for Kousuke to keep his cool! • Love Trial - After That- A beautiful sunny day brings out the beast in Kousuke.
From The Moon in a Box: Before Minari knew he was gay, he convinced himself he was incapable of falling in love. Having spent the last five years settling for just sex with a friend from high school, he surprises himself by falling in love with and impetuously confessing to an acquaintance, Shinkawa. But will Minari's fragile ego be able to withstand the fear and uncertainty of a real love relationship?
From Echochi Scans: Iwai Arata was recommended by his professor to work part-time under a rather eccentric mycologist, Murota. The mycologist seemed hard to approach at first. But slowly as he got used to Iwai's presence, he became friendlier in his own way, showing Iwai a whole new world and giving him guidance with life. Though every day was fun and exciting, a sense of unease began to creep into Iwai's heart
Summary: The stage is a modern school that fosters female officers, "Girl's Only Army School". A girl, Indou Shinobu, who came out from the countryside, meets Kagami a high-class senior student. Contrary to her high-handed attitude, Kagami occasionally shows kindness to Indou.
.From Chocoreito TeamWhich one do you prefer to cherish, the one you broke up with nine years ago or the new lover who has come to your heart?
Saotome family also known as the family full of Fudanshi. From the single dad to his two sons, BL runs in their blood.
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