The story begins with a scientist, Dr. Yorkshire Bell, noting that dinosaurs flourished and became extinct when they advanced beyond their ability to adapt to change. Giant mammals, such as the saber-toothed tiger and the mammoth, came and went the same way
In a certain star system, there is a small planet called the Onsen Planet. The entire surface is covered in hot springs, and the ones who manage them are the 4 Santa Monica siblings.
After establishing contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, it was found that humans were the only race to develop various sports. The number of alien sports fans grew dramatically, and the most fanatic of them regularly harass stadiums for taking part in a game, or demanding a good show, etc. Finally a treaty was settled, ruling all interferences towards other planets' cultures illegal. Rabbit Force, a group of rabbit-themed henshin girls, became responsible for enforcing the treaty and capturing any offenders.
This is Masashi Kishimoto's manga, Karakuri. He create it before Naruto. And it was collected in Naruto: The Official Premium Fanbook. In order to combat a deadly virus, an implant was made that is transplanted into a human being's nervous system. Unfortunately, this implant technology was also used by the less scrupulous to create human weapons, blood-red eyed creatures referred to as "Roido". To cope with this threat the defense agency has created the Karakuri unit, an elite unit whose human members are monitored by small talking animals. As Kiru the karakuri goes to visit his friends Koten and Koron while on leave, he's going to learn that there are no days off against the Roido! [tethysdust]
From HimaHimaSeijin Scans: Two of the most badass groups of magical girls join forces to defeat Walpurgis Night with the power of friendship! And planet-destroying lasers.
Taken from Anime News Network: Beautiful People is a manga comprised of six profound and thought-provoking short stories. It includes a tale of a vampire who raises a child as her own, a story of a young man who copes with an alcoholic father amongst other problems with the help of an online friend and four others short stories.
The hero is Dr. Kishiwada, a brilliant but demented scientist, who creates bizarre mechas, battles the forces of evil, or just mucks about. There are many parodies of B-grade sci-fi movies and of TV. Crazy, slick, and very funny.