Romance - Page 37

Romance manga highlights the relationships between characters, from sweet beginnings to emotional climaxes. This genre is perfect for readers who enjoy love stories filled with drama and passion.

24213 results

A Girl Whose Dark Circles In Her Eyes Disappear As The Story Progresses.

A girl whose dark circles in her eyes disappear as the story progresses manga,


A Girls

Through the land over the sea, search all over the world you can find out one, a dead ringer for you. But they, both living in the crowd of 6 billion people, never meet as long as attracted each other... Kazao is happy with his life on Mirai ("Future") Island. Sure, his parents abandoned him after he was born, leaving him to be raised at the orphanage-like facility, but his life is comfortable and has his friends, especially the lovely Eiko, the girl he loves. One night, however, he has a horrible nightmare where he sees himself die in a motorcycle accident. After that, everything changes. The next day, his parents are miraculously "found" and he is torn from his idyllic life and Eiko's side to be thrust into a world he knows only from television shows and school assignments. Dropped unceremoniously in the middle of a city with only a sketchy map for guidance, Kazao is saved from wandering aimlessly in search of his new home by the cute and forward Yuu, who turns out to be in his class at his new school as well. Despite his best efforts to accept his parents' sudden return and Yuu's friendly overtures, Kazao can't shake the feeling that things aren't quite right. Nor can he forget Eiko. Why did his parents wait sixteen years to call him back? And why is the piano the only used piece of furniture in his parents' new house? The mysteries begin to pile one atop the other as the lies fall apart in this intriguing story of future possibilities and innocent romance.


A God's Invitation to Eat

The God of Rain is finally able to go on vacation, and for three years at that! With the dreams of an independent life, he goes to the mortal realm.One night, a neighbor collapses on his doorstep in danger of starvation. With no other choice, he lets her eat his dinner. That should've been the end of it. However, because of the neighbour's kindness, the two become quickly acquainted.In the end, the neighbour discovers the Rain God's identity, and her life becomes a little more magical...


A Golden Fate That Transcends Time

Ensnared in a dark ploy by both her stepmother and half-sister, Eris was forced to marry the useless and pathetic Gellert. Her married life was rife with difficulties, yet she endured the insults and agony to raise her beloved son, Luka. But when her husband’s carelessness led to Luka’s death, Gellert tried to comfort Eris by saying, “We’re still young. We can have more children.” Devastated by his words, Eris prayed to the heavens, begging to have her son back. Moved by her plight, the Golden Dragon manifested his powers to bring Eris back to the day when this all started. Eris was determined to have her revenge against her stepmother, her half-sister, and her ex-husband, but… “Do the rumors about us upset you?” Teodore Lehinal, a Duke that Eris had never even spoken to in her last life, seemed to have taken a sudden interest in her…


A Good Remedy to the Whole Country

Alternative Name: Betting On You, Good Medicine Jianghu, , Liangyao Jianghu, A Good Remedy to the Whole Country, Good medicine rivers and lakesLe Luyan, the son of a terminally ill aristocratic family, decided to travel around the world at the end of his life.But he finds out that a chivalrous man named Muran whose blood is actually a medicine that can heal himself.A dandy prodigal son with a vicious disease in his body, a poisonous man, a hero of the rivers and lakes who drinks blood as a good medicine and has an immortal body.Stepped into the rivers and lakes together in the open and secret struggles surrounding the panacea "Linglong Pill".


A Good-Natured Craftsman Leisurely Travels Through Another World

Ryoichi Ishikawa, a young man who lost his father, who was his only relative, also decided to close the electrical shop that he and his father had been working on.From a strange matter, I choose to transfer to another world by my own will.It was supposed to be the second life of a leisurely trip, but I can not leave the person in need.We solve many worries by making full use of the cheat skills given by God and the skills of craftsmen.Sometime around, friends with one or two habits gathered…! ?The journey of a good-natured craftsman in another world begins here!


A Grand Ambition

The most handsome man, Junho, appears in front of Yoonsu, the president of a tailor shop, whose dream is to dress the world's handsomest men in suits. Please be my model!!!


A Guest Carried By The Waves

Andrew, a charming servant in a grand Irish estate, is known for his playful charisma and flirtations. When Nora Greenwood, a quiet and enigmatic guest, arrives, she becomes the subject of a wager among the servants: can Andrew seduce her? What starts as a game quickly unravels when Andrew discovers that Nora is far from the timid woman he expected. Beneath her reserved demeanor lies a sharp wit and a surprising strength that turns his lighthearted challenge into something far more complicated. As their encounters spark a clash of minds and hearts, Andrew must confront the unexpected: has he finally met his match, or is he the one being played?


A Guide to Proper Dating

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A Guide to the Reality of Villain Extras

Read Manhwa A Guide to the Reality of Villain Extras / A Guide to the Villains Extras / Villain Extra’s F2P Guide / UCHIHA_KIKI A Guide to the Reality of Villain Extras, Villain Extra’s Reality Guide, A Guide to the Villains Extras, Villain Extra’s F2P Guide, at manhwawebsiteAs soon as I earned 2.2 billion in coins, I was possessed by a villainous extra in a game I enjoyed.”As soon as I earned 2.2 billion in coins, I was possessed by a villainous extra in a game I enjoyed.”On the day I hit the jackpot with coins, I was possessed by a game I enjoyed the day before.In order to avoid being used by the villainess in the early part of the game and killed, I betray the villainess Cleorah’, but I was killed.When I returned to the day I was first possessed, I gained the ability to use the 2.2 billion I earned in coins in the real world at the in-game cash shop.If I use the enormous cash of 2.2 billion to buy real money, will I be able to survive until the end in this life?Maybe you like ! “A Guide to the Reality of Villain Extras Manhwa” is alternative: 악역 엑스트라의 현질 가이드


A Gyaru and Otaku who have entered a school where they will have to dropout if they cannot get a lover!

A Gyaru and Otaku who have entered a school where they will have to dropout if they cannot get a lover! summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Gyaru and Otaku who have entered a school where they will have to dropout if they cannot get a lover!. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


A Gyaru Childhood Friend Likes It Here

Coming back to the childhood town, an unexpected meeting with a childhood friend who has grown up... Unfamiliar.
