Mochizuki\'s high school life suddenly took an interesting turn when he reunited with his childhood friend, Tsukimi Kawaru, whom he had a crush on since they were in elementary. Through a coincidence accident, he found out that Kawaru is actually a wolf girl, who couldn\'t control herself around him. Because Kawaru broke her promise of keeping herself in check, her sister, Utsuru, decided to pull her back home, but Mochizuki didn\'t like that idea and he came up with a solution to allow Kawaru to continue attending high school while keeping her identity a secret...
Do you have any \"fangs\"――?
The Great Demon Lord travels to the Human Realm in order to take it over. However, her long and hard journey leaves her needing to relax at the Chigiri Bathhouse!!
Suze and her childhood friend, Lulu, visit the renowned Bianca Aquarium. However, the latter ends up disappearing without a trace. Determined to find Lulu, Suzu wanders through the fearful aquarium. Suddenly, she is attacked by a mysterious woman who names herself \"Retro\" The aquarium director\'s wife, \"Chris\", lends Suze her hand in escaping the facility. The girl who\'s been continuously trapped within the aquarium, \"Kitty\". The only hint to escaping... is to become a creature of the aquarium. Suze must unravel the mysteries behind these women――― and discover the identity of the traitor... (From the official site)
Yoshio Yoshida, a company employee who enjoys going to con cafes, hears a rumor from a familiar con café girl about a \"con café with a strange atmosphere\" that has opened in his neighborhood. Yoshida, intrigued, visits, and finds three unmotivated and peculiar con café girls in a store with a strange concept. They are actually real demons, dwarves and elfs.
Tang Ran is a sunny and cheerful little fox. In order to graduate from the monster school, she transformed into a human college student and wanted to seduce a human to fall in love with her. However, what she didn\'t know was that the cold-hearted human female professor she fell in love with, Su Qingci, was actually...? A lie requires countless other lies to cover it up. To make the other person fall in love with them first, the fox will always tell \"lies\".