Isekai - Page 2

Isekai manga revolves around characters who are transported to another world, often one filled with fantasy, magic, and epic adventures. The protagonist typically navigates the challenges of this new world, sometimes gaining special powers or becoming a hero.

1522 results

Become the Lord of Cthulhu

The main character, Su Qi, dies and crosses over to Los Angeles and becomes a high school student. Due to his otherworldly muse, he finds himself surrounded by a variety of spirits and demons. In order to survive and not be eaten by the spirits or have a mental breakdown, the hero embarks on a journey of becoming a god and exploring the mysterious world of the Cthulhu Islands.


Cultivating the supreme dantian

he gets transferred to a new world in the body of waste son of a god, he gets a system that gives him tasks and rewards… he gets transferred to a new world in the body of waste son of a god, he gets a system that gives him tasks and rewards…


The Cannon Fodder Princess Wants To Last

Read Manhwa Princess Cannon Fodder Wants To Last / 炮灰公主想苟到最后 On The Way To Escape The Marriage, The Heroine Fell Into The Lake Due To A Miscalculation Of A Math Problem, And Passed Through To The Former Princess Mu Yunkai Who Was Being Hunted Down. As Long As The System Settings Are Full, You Can Return To The Original World And Live Again! I Thought This As A Journey Full Of Happiness With Beautiful Men, But Why Do All Of Them Want… To Kill Her?


Billion World Invasion

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I Became The Lousy Side Top

"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Seo Jaewoo wakes up to find himself in the world of a BL novel. But he isn’t just any random person. He’s actually the lousy side top character who’s meant to torment the main bottom, Yoo Hyeonjin. What’s worse is that by the novel’s conclusion, all of Jaewoo’s despicable actions catch up to him, and he is killed by the story’s crazy main top and Hyeonjin’s love interest, Choi Mujin. In order to avoid his death, Jaewoo decides to change his original role and get on Hyeonjin’s good side. His method: lure him in with food, of course! While his tactic proves effective and he slowly befriends Hyeonjin, that doesn’t become the only major change to the plot. After an unexpected encounter with Mujin, Jaewoo’s position as the “lousy side top” gets completely flipped upside down… I Become a Boring Supporting Top Character. I Became the Lousy Side Top I Become the Boring Second Male Lead. 찌질한 서브공이 되었습니다 찌질한 서브공이 되었습니다.


Versatile Sword Cultivator

Read Versatile Sword Cultivator Manga – Versatile Sword Cultivator Manhwa Online Free At Hot Manhua The summary of the comic Versatile Sword Cultivator: In a time when online games merge with reality, the number one magic cultivator in and the peak player in the Enlightened Realm, Lin Jichen, died when he was betrayed by his lover and his good friend. However, the Heavens did not abandon him, and Lin Jichen was reborn back to the day before the server of goes live. After gaining another life, he cast aside magic and followed the sword, carving out a future for himself and rewriting his destiny! When the game merges with reality, he’ll be standing above the rest! “Versatile Sword Cultivator” is also known as: 全職劍修 The comic Versatile Sword Cultivator belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Chinese, Comedy, Magical, Manhua, overpower “Top Manhwa, Battwo, HariManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANHWA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANHWA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom


Leveling Up, By Only Eating!

The main character is stricken by a rare condition that affects only two people in the entire world, bulimic deficiency. He organizes his daily meals to survive, but his hope of survival grows dimmer as the days go by. He consults a doctor, who suggests playing the Alternate Reality Game ‘Athens’, where he can eat as must as he wants without gaining any weight. He plays the game to save his life and grow in strength by doing nothing but eating! A Gourmet Fantasy Life!


Circumstances of Switching Bodies

Read Manhwa Circumstances of Switching Bodies Online For Free On ZinManga Circumstances of Switching Bodies Novel also known as “Yoon-Dal (윤달),달꽃,윤달,푸릭,푸릭 / 달꽃”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2021. The story was written by Yoon-Dal (윤달),달꽃,윤달,푸릭,푸릭 / 달꽃 and illustrations by 달꽃,윤달,푸릭,푸릭 / 달꽃 The content of the comic Circumstances of Switching Bodies: The prince was cursed of switching bodies with the woman he spent the night with, and I became the daughter of the duke who could not solve the curse. Tempted to solve the curse, I seduced him indifferently and spent the night with him. I gave him the antidote, so I stopped paying attention to him… “Princess, you’re leaving me because you weren’t satisfied that night.” “…” “Once more. I’ll satisfy you this time.” To make matters worse, the curse has not been lifted and our bodies have switched frequently without notice. There’s only one way back to our original bodies, which is to desire each other’s bodies. Circumstances of Changing Bodies The comic Circumstances of Switching Bodies belongs to the Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Gender Bender, Isekai, Manhwa, Manhwa Hot, Romance, Shoujo, Webtoons MangaZin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience. You can Read Manga recommendation Beauty and the Beasts I Became the Male Lead’s Adopted Daughter


There’s a Witch in the Emperor’s Bedroom

Read manga There’s a Witch in the Emperor’s Bedroom / The Bedroom-en-Witch of the Emperor Isabella, an orphan, is adopted by a noble family, only to endure unjust violence from her new family every day. When she reaches her limit, she seizes an opportunity to escape the mansion. However, as she flees, she is harassed by vagrants and finds herself in mortal danger. Just as she instinctively braces for death, the witch’s power within her awakens. Though she manages to escape the peril, she is caught in the act by her sister’s fiancé, the Grand Duke Genos. Expecting to be taken back to the mansion, Isabella braces herself, but instead, Genos proposes a contract marriage, saying, “Lend me your witch’s power, and in return, I’ll help you with your revenge.” A dramatic comeback from the brink! The cruel revenge of two people united for vengeance begins here…! “There’s a Witch in the Emperor’s Bedroom Manga” is sames name: 復讐のためサイコ大公様と結婚します 황제의 침실엔 마녀가 산다


My Harem Is Entirely Female Demon Villains

Read manhua My Harem Is Entirely Female Demon Villains / Hậu Cung Của Ta Toàn Là Ma Nữ Phản Diện / Mi Harem de Reinas Demonio / My Harem Consists Entirely of Female Demon Villains / Ngã Đích Hậu Cung Toàn Thị Phản Phái Ma Nữ / Ta Hậu Cung Tất Cả Đều Là Vai Ác Ma Nữ / 我的后宫全是反派魔女 I, the earthling “hero” of this story, crossed over into another world based on a video game and suddenly appeared in a villainous female demon’s bed when I arrived. If not for the fact that I had married all the villains in the game before crossing over, I’d have been killed pretty quickly. Now, the villains keep pestering me, asking me to help them rule the world, and vying for my hand in marriage. What am I supposed to do? I’ll await your answers online! It’s urgent!


How To Stop A Tyrant From Being Decadent

How to Stop a Tyrant from Being Decadentn contrast to her past life in Korea, the storybook world Rayne Haatz inhabits is full of wondersthink dreamy powers, nobles inspired by card suits, and anthromorphs. There's just one issue her destiny in this world is to die! Luckily, it seems that someone wants her alive. In her fourth life, Rayne vows to stop her scheming family from giving Emperor Jaynen the dark nightmares that drive him mad and lead to her death. But after three deaths, has Rayne learned enough to change her fate? Or will her feelings for Jaynen complicate her plans?
