Isekai - Page 60

Isekai manga revolves around characters who are transported to another world, often one filled with fantasy, magic, and epic adventures. The protagonist typically navigates the challenges of this new world, sometimes gaining special powers or becoming a hero.

1492 results

Lady Baby

Calliope has suffered through nature’s law and many accidents. Her family was murdered and an ongoing war ended her life, but she traveled back in time to when she was born?! While Calliope slowly grows, will she be able to figure out who killed her family and stop them in time?


Lady Healer With Zero Luck With Men. Her First Love, a Black Knight, Is Now Her Unchosen Fiancé

Lydia, the daughter of a count, reincarnated in an otome game, "Easy Love Simulation Reincarnation System." Life should have been easy… However, because she changed the god's scenario, she has no luck?! With two failed attempts at marriage, worried about finding a decent man to marry, a black knight, who misunderstood that she was looking for a "sacrifice" for drug experiments, came?!


Lady’s Tea Contains Poison

I possessed the novel with three people who were my counterparts. Among them, I became the prince’s fiancee and a villain youngae who ended her life with the guillotine ending. “I’m happy though. We are all female protagonists in novels, so we can spare our lives.” … Were all female protagonists? I rolled my eyes awkwardly and finally opened my mouth. “Ah… , I will soon be the guillotine.” * * * It caused inconvenience to everyone. I thought the best thing I could do for everyone was to break up… … . “We are breaking up.” “Belly, what have I done to you? If you have a reason, tell me.” You catch me asking for a breakup. “Belly. I have no intention of giving up on you.” “If you can escape, run away. Even if it were death, I would gladly follow you.” Apparently, the keyword of the novel was affectionate man. When did the keyword change to obsessive? Will I be able to see the ending safely? 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Lazy Dungeon Master

"Come on, kill all those bandits for me already!" "No thanks. I don't wanna do any work." My name is Keima Masuda, and my hobby is spending each day doing exactly nothing… but one fateful night, I was summoned to another world where I met a blonde young girl who I named Rokuko. It seemed that fortune had favored me and I would soon be living a wonderful life free of work. But even though I'm a guy who loves sleeping more than eating, Rokuko demanded that I help her. "Save my dungeon! By the way, since you're the Dungeon Master, you'll die too if the Dungeon Core is destroyed." The dungeon only had one room, and it was already surrounded by bandits. Seriously? It's a checkmate already. I've gotta break out of this impossible situation so I can stop working and just sleep!- (


Let's Buy The Land And Cultivate In Different World

As our humble corporatist Itonami Norio is suddenly summoned to another world, it would look as if he'll be sent to a battlefield-- he, however, holds no skill to speak of, and as he is deemed to be useless. He negotiates with The King and receives a plot of land -- an empty, deserted plot of land, with no inhabitant in sight. Norio holds something he couldn't bring himself to tell anyone: The Master of Supremacy, a gift which will grant him the most comfortable of lives in this world. Hereby begins the Norio's colorful story -- having a mermaid he fishes declare herself his wife, becoming neighbors with the Undead King, this is his busy but enjoyable life -- and now a dragon appears ?!


Let’s Hide My Younger Brother First

I’ve possessed a character in an R-rated BL manhwa. It’s in a world where people, whose craziness ranges from one to ten, appear. “Franz, can you take off your clothes for a moment?” “Sister? Wh-Why my clothes?” Their crazy serenade had already begun. Having been faced with the violence my younger brother had to endure, I made a vow. “Instead of Franz, I’ll have [Schuette] instead.” Those people are coming soon. The people who will exterminate my family, and when that’s not enough, they’ll devour my younger brother’s innocence. “And I’ll become a knight to succeed our family and carry on its legacy.” If he doesn’t go, I’ll die! That’s how I thoroughly hid my brother and decided attend all the official events myself. …But something’s wrong. “I do! I love Kayla Vesta!” “If Young Miss gets hurt, then I’ll…” “I don’t feel the need to wait any longer.” Didn’t you all like men? Why are you all suddenly obsessed with me? First, Let’s Hide My Younger Brother / First of All, Let’s Hide My Younger Brother / 우선 남동생부터 숨기자

3 days ago

Let’s Hide My Younger Brother First

I’ve possessed a character in an R-rated BL manhwa. It’s in a world where people, whose craziness ranges from one to ten, appear. “Franz, can you take off your clothes for a moment?” “Sister? Wh-Why my clothes?” Their crazy serenade had already begun. Having been faced with the violence my younger brother had to endure, I made a vow. “Instead of Franz, I’ll have [Schuette] instead.” Those people are coming soon. The people who will exterminate my family, and when that’s not enough, they’ll devour my younger brother’s innocence. “And I’ll become a knight to succeed our family and carry on its legacy.” If he doesn’t go, I’ll die! That’s how I thoroughly hid my brother and decided attend all the official events myself. …But something’s wrong. “I do! I love Kayla Vesta!” “If Young Miss gets hurt, then I’ll…” “I don’t feel the need to wait any longer.” Didn’t you all like men? Why are you all suddenly obsessed with me? First, Let’s Hide My Younger Brother / First of All, Let’s Hide My Younger Brother / 우선 남동생부터 숨기자


Let’s Live Together

After dying in an accident, an ordinary woman wakes up next to her favorite fictional character, the handsome Duke Roan von Bannester. Not only that, but she’s now Delisse, his villainous wife! In the novel, they divorce due to Delisse’s abuse, but the new Delisse is set on changing this. To try and thaw Roan’s infamously icy heart, she showers him with fangirlish affection. But while living together may be her dream come true, can Delisse successfully transition from fangirl to loving wife?


Let’s Live Together

After dying in an accident, an ordinary woman wakes up next to her favorite fictional character, the handsome Duke Roan von Bannester. Not only that, but she’s now Delisse, his villainous wife! In the novel, they divorce due to Delisse’s abuse, but the new Delisse is set on changing this. To try and thaw Roan’s infamously icy heart, she showers him with fangirlish affection. But while living together may be her dream come true, can Delisse successfully transition from fangirl to loving wife?


Level Up In The Mirror

You Are Reading The Comic Level Up In The Mirror Online Free On The Website S2Manga Description Of The Comic Level Up In The Mirror My Name Is Feng Yun. No Cultivation Resources, Penniless? It Doesn’t Matter, I Have A Mirror, As Long As It Shines, Whether You Are Human Or Beast, Whether You Are Dead Or Alive, All Things Are Projected Out. What Martial Arts Techniques, What Heavenly Treasures, What Weapons, Even Talent Qualifications Are All Projected For You! Ding! Dropped 《The Seven Stars Soaring Cloud Technique》! Ding! Dropped Canglan Battle Armor! Ding! Drop Advanced Gold Talent! Alternative Name Grinding Inside The Mirror; I Brush The Levels From The Mirror; Level Up In Mirror; Me From The Mirror Brushing The Rank Off; Wo Cong Jing Zi Li Shua Ji; Wǒ Cóng Jìng Zi Lǐ Shuā Jí; “I’ve Been Grinding Inside A Mirror”!; 我从镜子里刷级; 鏡の中で無限レベルアップ Welcome To Manhwatop So That Read Manga Engsub, Hot Manga, Manga Online… The New Manga Will Be Updated Hourly. Update Fastest, Most Full, Synthesized With High-Quality Images, With Full English Translation. All Manga Update Daily. You Can Read Manga Online Recommendation!!! Marriage Of Convenience I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life Han Dae Sung Returned From Hell
