After having the worst first meeting with the Crown Prince, she discovered a way to avoid this marriage. That is, the crown prince’s miracle power—the tears of blessing. Unfortunately, no matter what she did, he didn’t shed a single tear… 울어주세요, 황태자님 After having the worst first meeting with the Crown Prince, she discovered a way to avoid this marriage. That is, the crown prince’s miracle power—the tears of blessing. Unfortunately, no matter what she did, he didn’t shed a single tear…
A recluse becoming Queen?! In a contest for the throne with scions of noble families, I’ll do everything in my power to avoid getting embroiled in it! In the Kingdom of Lindtor, renowned for being governed by a wise ruler, I, Francesca, am the King’s granddaughter ― a homebody who delights in chess and staying indoors. However, in the wake of my grandfather’s sudden demise, it’s revealed that he nominated me in his will as a Queen candidate. While I was stricken with panic, several young noblemen competing to become sovereign appeared before me: the radiant yet overbearing Stewart, the highly intelligent Cyan, and the captain of the knights, Irwine. “Please choose the King from amongst them!” I struggle hard against it, but my efforts are futile. Furthermore, 「I pledge my allegiance to you, my Queen.」 Is that supposed to be an oath, or a marriage proposal? I’ll get back my peaceful and tranquil days! What will result from this shut-in princess’ desperate resistance――?
“A useless thing like you has no value in our family. Take this money and leave immediately!” “Yes! Goodbye!” She became the incompetent villainess who commits wrongdoings in order to earn the love of her fiance, the male lead. Her reputation was already at rock bottom and the main characters, who can’t live without each other, are having an affair. “Getting kicked out and receiving money is good enough!” So after she was kicked out, she set up a stationery store in front of a school. She reminisces of snacks, beer candy, and even bubbles! Just you wait, kids! But… somehow her young customers are a little weird? “I’ll find you a handsome and modest man, and not someone who has an affair like my brother!” “Ha, then what about my brother, the crown prince?” “…the tower master is the best.” The great magic swordsman, the next crown prince, the villainous tower master, and finally, the hidden villain. The stationery store, which she thought would be peaceful, left her with no rest. Help me! I just wanted to live a normal life!
“A useless thing like you has no value in our family. Take this money and leave immediately!” “Yes! Goodbye!” She became the incompetent villainess who commits wrongdoings in order to earn the love of her fiance, the male lead. Her reputation was already at rock bottom and the main characters, who can’t live without each other, are having an affair. “Getting kicked out and receiving money is good enough!” So after she was kicked out, she set up a stationery store in front of a school. She reminisces of snacks, beer candy, and even bubbles! Just you wait, kids! But… somehow her young customers are a little weird? “I’ll find you a handsome and modest man, and not someone who has an affair like my brother!” “Ha, then what about my brother, the crown prince?” “…the tower master is the best.” The great magic swordsman, the next crown prince, the villainous tower master, and finally, the hidden villain. The stationery store, which she thought would be peaceful, left her with no rest. Help me! I just wanted to live a normal life! Associated Names PDCTTVSS 악녀의 문구점에 오지 마세요!
Read Manhwa Please Don’t Reply! Online For Free At Hari Manga Please Don’t Reply! Manga also known as “답장하지 마세요!”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by Aritang / Im Jooyi and illustrations by CUMIN. The content of the comic Please Don’t Reply!: What’s worse than someone who leaves you on read? How about someone who doesn’t know when to end the conversation? Mira Hexen is cursed to always be the last one to reply for a whole year or she will be turned to stone. But that’s a bit difficult when you’re the chief of a company that produces a massively successful messaging device. Mira’s latest VIP client is Euryx Deyra, an extremely friendly duke who feels the need to respond to every little thing she says. If only she could just tell him to shut up already…! The comic Please Don’t Reply! belongs to the Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Romance KunManga is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “Manhwa Website,” as well as related terms like Smut Manhwa, New Manhwa 2024, and Read Manga Engsub ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. Follow get to read NEW MANHWA updated: Under the Shade of Wild Roses The Boy Next Door Love Or Attraction
Hanna, a Chef of a famous restaurant in London was one of the bomb terror victims. When she woke up, she became Choi Songyi, the daughter of a minister war affairs of the Joseon Kingdom. The Crown Prince of the Joseon kingdom, Lee Pyo has a extraordinary talent. His sense of smell and taste are very sensitive, he never forgets the taste and aroma of the food he only eats once. 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In order to kill the dictator, the assassin cross-dressed into girl’s clothes in order to sneak into the palace. However he didn’t expect to be identified immediately that night. Straight after, not only the dictator did not kill him, instead he treated him as his sleeping pill and asked the assassin to sleep with him. After staying for a while, the assassin discovered that the conspiracy of the palace was deep and shallow at the same time, and the dictator didn’t seem that bad after all. While he even started to feel a little sympathetic to him…
“Why Did Someone Like You Have To Be Born In My Household?” You Shame Of The Closieux Family, You Disgrace, You Good-For-Nothing… All Those Were Words Pointed At Guinadella Clochel, The Young Girl Who, At Barely 11 Years Of Age, Was Abandoned By Her Family And Had Her Life Taken Away. Well, No… Rather, She Thought That Her Life Was Taken Away. “They’re Absolute Fiends. To Think That They Would Bully And Try To Kill A Weak Child Just Because She Has No Talent…” — Said The Ancestor Of The Legendary Great Mages Of Old While Possessing The Body Of The Dying Girl?! This Is A Story About A Great Mage Regaining Their Powers To Bring Judgment To A Rotten Family, And A Young Girl Whose Emotional Wounds Are Healed With The Mage’s Help; About A Timeless Bond That Links Them As If Being Drawn To Each Other. A Kind-Hearted Girl’s Revenge Against Her Family Begins Now!
In The Middle Of A Sea Of Yellow Flowers In The Garden Is My Husband, Kardi. “You Told Me You Liked These Flowers Before.” A Sweet Man Who Remembers Words Spoken In The Past And Makes A Field Filled With Daffodils. Even If It Could Be Quite Selfish, I’m Happy Everyday Knowing That I Won’t Lose You. Even If I Die On Your Behalf. “I’ve Never Regretted Being Your Partner.” “Of The Thirty Years I’ve Lived, These 10 Years With You Have Been The Happiest.” People Would Call It A Tragedy, But The Most Peaceful Time Of My Life Was My Time Spent With You. “I Love You, Kardi.” Even If I Go Back In Time, What I Have To Do Is Decided. I’m Going To Meet Kardi Again.
Li Ran traversed to another world and became the Holy Son of a Demon Way Sect. The system has awakened, and the first task released is actually to fall in love? The Sect strictly forbids relationships between men and women. Li Ran took the risk of being expelled from the Sect and wrote a love letter to his junior sister, but it was sent to the master by mistake! Bàituō, Wǒ Zhēn Méi Xiǎng Hé Zhǎng Mén Tán Liàn’ài Ah I Don’t Want To Fall In Love With The Sect Master Please, I Really Don’t Want to Fall in Love With the Sect Headmaster 拜托,我真没想和掌门谈恋爱啊
집으로 돌려보내 주세요 The protagonist, who loves romance novels, possessed a character in the world of the novel as soon as she received a confession from her crush, Yejun. In the novel, she possessed a fallen aristocrat named Beatrice. Rather than having a sweet relationship, she was threatened with her life. Daniel, the suspicious fiance who tries to take her life every now and then, and Ellin, the cursed imperial knight that protects her from him. There were strange feelings surrounding the two. “I want to return home!” Will I be able to return safely without dying…?